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Posts posted by (PSN)youngthecool

  1. 13 hours ago, iMalicious said:

    he said N series which is Excal, Volt, Ash and Nekros, hence "Series" only two in the series I did thumbs up was the Ash skin (Tsukuyomi) and Hades (Nekros), not the other 2 in the series which are izanagi (Excal) and raijin (Volt) have no interests in having yet more skins for them, especially Volt, they need to focus on bringing in other frames skins for a round.

    As much as I agree with you that we need to focus on bringing other frame's skins, it's going to be difficult. 

    It kinda boils down to the whole supply and demand concept.
    Majority of players play X,Y,Z frames only (A,B,C frames' player base are lower). Content creators make spend time and effort to make Tennogen items. Tennogen items sell for money. Content creators want to make money. Content creators aim towards the larger player base because it's a more lucrative audience. Content creators create Tennogen items. X,Y,Z frame users spend more money for Tennogen than A,B,C frame users (because there are more of them). Content creators make more money from X,Y,Z tennogens than A,B,C tennogens which motivates them to make more X,Y,Z tennogens. 

    Ofcourse there are exceptions but I think that this is how it generally works. Which is why you see more and more (and nicer and nicer) skins for the popular frames. Only on the off chance that an extremely nice/unique skin for an unpopular frame gets created does it make it through Tennogen.


  2. 23 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:


    Fight against the Corpus elite and wager your performance to earn new Mods and other rewards. You have 7 days to participate in The Index Preview – get ready!

    Game Mode Preview - Tenno, we are introducing a new Game Mode and need your input. We’re looking for the best fighters to participate in the debut of The Index. Take on a team of brutal Corpus Champions in The Index, masterminded by profit seeker Nef Anyo. Place your Wagers, and compete for Profit and Glory, and let the Credits rain down! New Mods are also available as drops from the Corpus Champions.
    Note that this is a Preview of The Index. Greater rewards, Clan Trophies and Leaderboards will come later when the full variant of The Index goes live. We welcome your constructive feedback so we can prepare a proper Operation on a polished version- enjoy!

    The Index preview will begin on November 17 at 2 p.m. ET until November 24 at 2 p.m. ET.

    So let me get this straight, The Index preview begins on November 17 till November 24. While the actual The Index (the one that comes with "greater rewards, clan trophies and leaderboards" comes at a later date?

    This is why there are some, like myself, who get confused. We were led to think that The Index preview will release with the update and that the actual The Index will release on November 17 to November 24. I mean, the title of the update itself is 'The Index Preview'. It might as well be changed to 'The Preview to The Index Preview'. 

    That said, I appreciate DE's efforts in rolling out this update for us, despite not actually having 'The Index Preview' in the update for whatever reasons. Keep up the work and hopefully we can get The War Within update not long after our PC bros get theirs!


  3. Just curious, why wasn't this thread updated on what the hotfixes are? Is it because there will be a new update soon so updating this thread is will become obsolete? Or is there a newer thread where they list what the hotfixes for consoles are that I'm missing out on?

  4. 22 hours ago, (PS4)SergeiTheBarb said:

    Did we get the new aura mods?

    Yes, we did get the new aura mods.

    13 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

    Any confirmation that the new Aura mods from The Silver Grove are tradeable? I'm sitting on 2 Shotgun Amps here and plan on trading one with another TSG Aura mod of the appropriate or similar value. (>'3')>

    Yes they are tradeable. Just traded and sold some Growing Power to others yesterday.

  5. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Crazy_Mr_J said:

    When i've see what Tennogen will released for us, i've been very disappointed. No offense Tennogen artists, you doing all great job, but i can't just imagined this items are more populars than, for example, Hailstorm Frost Skin, Hitsu San Nova or Lamia Nova. None of this Tennogen skins released on PS4 will be for populars Warframes like Frost or Nova, and none of this skins are complete skins (just 3 Syandanas and 2 Helmets if i've a good memory). That's  just a disappointing result for me to wait a long time for Tennogen for "that" :(


    3 hours ago, (PS4)vamp6x6x6x said:

    I am assuming that those were the most popular out of the ones they could cut from the "red tape". Honestly, I would have enjoyed being able to actually make my Frost Prime look good, but then again I didn't think we would even get TennoGen on consoles at all...

    P.S. -  Sorry to tell you that your memory is a bit off, but we are getting a Zephyr skin.

    Yeap, there are arguably more popular items on PC and I'd love to see the Hailstorm Frost Skin too. This is why I'd say that they used the term 'most popular' as a figure of expression. It's probably because these items were the ones that DE managed to settle the contract with or as what (PS4)vamp6x6x6x has said these were the ones "they could cut from the "red tape"". I've only just started playing on console this year (although I did try the alpha on PC) but I am grateful that we are at least getting some Tennogen items. We can only hope that DE would roll out more Tennogen items for us in a faster rotation in the future (although Rebecca did say that the Tennogen items weren't just Hotfix-able for us, that means we may only get them for major updates of the games only).

    Also, if legal procedures are completely settled, wouldn't it be awesome if we could vote for what would come out for our next Tennogen release (out of the pool of released Tennogen items on PC), kinda like what people do on steam and the steam workshop items? I think that would be great! 

  6. 4 hours ago, (PS4)bir5586 said:

    So DE just released some new skins, helms, and syandanas for the PC tenno today. Is it safe to say the way things work console tenno will be seeing this content like next year...

    The way DE is negotiating for Tennogen on consoles is still new and a bit iffy. Don't get your hopes up (yes, hoping that it will come out next year is still a bit far fetched). Why? Because they are going to release the 'more popular' Tennogen stuff first as opposed to chronological order. So unless the new Tennogen stuff booms in popularity, then they may actually never come on consoles at this rate.

    But then again, they might just be using the term 'more popular' as a form of expression. I am more inclined to believe that it they actually mean that only content from Tennogen-Creators who have accepted the contract for releasing their stuff on console will be released as seen by how some of the 5 Tennogen items being released comes from the same creators. So then it boils down to which content creator have accepted the contract. This is purely my speculation though. 

  7. 11 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    The Silver Grove update should go in for cert Wednesday and it should be release mid-/end of September to beginning of October.

    Considering how we got our SoTR update about a week after DE sent it for certification, I'm hoping to see TSG update in mid Sept (if TSG was really sent in for cert on wed). Being released on the last week of September or in October would seem pretty unlikely (if my memory of the release and cert sent day serves me right).

    Also, I'm hoping to see the endo changes and new augments on top of the TSG stuff too. Did Drew mention this somewhere in the stream?

  8. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)ZERO0LAMPO said:
    Hello there. I'm from Taiwan PS4 players. I would like to ask why the new Nekros PRIME has launched over three days rather Nekros PRIME package indeed has not yet appeared in the additional content ? Please deal with this problem as soon as possible . Thank you.

    Since you're from Taiwan, your PS Store probably falls in the PS Asia region. Based on that assumption I think that your PS Store would probably have Nekros Prime at 2AM on Tuesday, 30th August 2016. [DE] Megan made a post in the forums here. 2PM ET on the 29th of August would be 2AM on the 30th for you in Taiwan.  PS Asia usually have things slightly later than the other regions and I'm not sure why. But I hope I have at least clarified why there was no Nekros Prime Access/Accessories in the PS Store for you

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