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Posts posted by CipherXV

  1. 1 minute ago, CaptainShortbus said:

    You completely contradicted yourself there. On the scale of development of the game, Ember Prime was very early as well, and paying $140 for a Prime Access bundle was a big deal.

    Good to know you feel that way.


    Mate let it go. It's just a bunch of shiny virtual items for a game that you will replace 10 years from now for another game. I hope Warframe lives for many years to come. Honestly, though I will not base my life around it and neither should you. We gave our money had fun with our shiny things and trust me when you are 80 I doubt you will be telling your grandkids "Come here kiddo, let me show you my Misa. I bought years before your daddy/mommy, and you were born because of the exclusivity that made me look awesome above someone who came a month late to the game".  It doesn't matter

  2. ....

    2 hours ago, (PS4)BigVinZ007 said:

    I'm hoping the new damage system will bring (gun)skill and challenge back to the forefront.

    Simplify enemy levels. Keep them between 10 to 50. (being the equivalent of 10-100 today)

    None of our weapons one hit kill enemies except for bows/snipers and shotguns. Exceptions be stuff like Opticor. For example a Soma Prime is not gonna ridiculously one shot a level 10 grineer for 10,000 damage. Its gonna take an average 3 shots. 

    Neither will enemy factions one hit finish us. Thinking back of hour long void survival, Corpus Tech grenades and Bombard homing missiles could use a subtle indicator and Nullifier snipers leave us with 10% HP so we could retreat.

    I would keep the same mods just make the numbers less. Like 20% multi shot instead of 120% for pistols. Haven't done the math so don't quote me on this but it would make everything less of a headache for the developers and players who invested in it. Plus give 2 extra utility slots for weapons. 

    With a scaled back system like this they would also have to double check the warframe abilities because Ash blade storming through a crowd all day long and never using a weapon wouldn't fit in it. I feel with Zenurik, energy pads and efficiency mods they really shot themselves in the foot by allowing the player base to spam abilities and removing challenge. They are powerful and should be but not this frequent. Also we need at least 1 augment mod slot. 

    Would love to hear what you wanna see in Damage 3.0


    ...... But my Mesa....


    I like one-shotting enemies. In fact, it is one of the main reasons I love this game so much, mass damage gives me the instant gratification I so seek in life while also letting me appreciate the delayed gratification on working my way to shiny items and leveling them.

  3. 1 minute ago, CaptainShortbus said:

    If I knew they weren't actually going to be exclusive, I probably wouldn't have spent the extra money, to be completely honest. I have been here long before prime vault.

    Requiring money != Exclusive.

    Because they were sold under the guise of not being available again (exclusive). Read my reply above, requiring money doesn't mean it's exclusive. I understand they need to make money, and I'm not 100% bashing Prime Vault because I understand that. I'm bashing the fact that they have to resort to re-selling old items that were sold under the guise of being exclusive, simply because they don't feel like creating new items.

    I understand where both of you are coming from, but if you had spent this much money on packs to get these items, and saw them return under a program that wasn't even theorized when you bought them, I imagine you would be upset too.


    Well, now you know not to buy Prime Access since this has been such a damaging experience to you. There are 1,000 online games that works the way you want. Perhaps they deserve your services more.

  4. 38 minutes ago, CaptainShortbus said:

    The problem here is that they should not be re-releasing the accessories that they explicitly said were exclusive. I have no problem with them re-releasing prime access items if they weren't sold under the false pretense of not being available in the future. The same logic here can be applied to Excalibur Prime:

    I came too late for Excalibur Prime, so therefore shouldn't I be given a shot? 

    Honestly this sense of Elitism really isn't necessary. It is just a shiny virtual item, it doesnt define who you are. The only reason I have respect for founders like Excalibur Prime and the other stuff that came along with it. That is because they were there in the beginning and believed in the game enough to invest when they needed it most. The game is now financially stable and anything released in Prime Access should be available for new players. Nobody should be behind a exclusive only wall just because they never heard of Warframe and came late to the game. Anyone willing to give their hard cold money to support the game is okay in my book.


    (Just want to say to reitterate Founders are the only group that deserve their exclusivity when it comes to the game)

  5. I would like missions where we complete a task as a warframe. Then at one point in the mission we go to our Tenno form and complete a puzzle room of sorts using our tenno and collect a reward or mod. It gives us a oppurtunity to interact in groups during a mission with our Tennos in a safe environment without bullets flying and wouldnt seem out of place. Like a mission and tileset that has us stopping Grineer or Corpus from finiding an Orokin Vault by exterminating them and then transition us to using our Tennos and have us open thw Vauly and solve a puzzle room with our Tennos and searching for the Orokin Treasure in the vault.

  6. This is actually a good one

    MR 22 guy goes into a sortie with me and 2 others. He comes in as a Oberon for the first mission which was a mobile defense, we breeze through it easily and he does a decent job healing and CCing. Tells us he is going to the bathroom real quick and leaving his little brother to do Sortie 2. Out of nowhere we hear a small kids voice come out and saying "hi". We all politely say hi back and we all go dead silent... we are all thinking the same thing, Kid still has Oberon on and I mean he sounds like he is 9 or 10. The first word out of one of the guys mouth in our squad was "Hey buddy, you wanna change your frame?" 

    Kid like a boss replies, "No, I am really good with Oberon"

    I quickly ask, "real quick how old are you?"

    He replies "8"

    We all go to panic mode and suggest he use Rhino or someone tanky because the next level is survival. Kid is refusing and we are trying to be as kind as possible. All of a sudden he clicks to start the mission and for some reason we all accept. The next 15 minutes is legendary as this 8 year old is healing us and rocking it, nobody is dying because this kid is just handling things. Mission ends and his damage dealt and kills are pretty amazing for an Oberon.

    His borther comes back on and we all start remarking that we want the kid to stay and him to go. Throughout sortie 3 everytime someone goes down we remark "wouldn't have happened if (8 year old kids name) was playing" Guy was a bit embarressed. Kind of a fun story of a MR22 little brother rocking the game better than his older brother.

  7. 4 hours ago, aoguro said:

    please, can we/i be refunded also the cash is taken when i change ayatan into endo ?

    this is hillarious, first i have to run for and then i have to pay a ton for getting endo out of it, sorry, DE, no acceptance here, even less understanding

    where is the logic in that ?

    can you explain or are you willing to explain and can you run a script for refunding us in that case too ?


    ps: the humorous way, if somebody try to gangrape me the economical way i have a attorney, the law in general or the local police ... (seriously)

    You took a simple issue and fix and raised it up a notch to many mate.

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