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Posts posted by Sentao

  1. as i post this, i'm excited to see what other costumes people put up.


    here's my attempt at the mag... it took at least 2 weeks(probably 3).




    I hope to improve this over time for my local convention.

    forgot to hold a sign to show this is my legit costume and stuff

  2. Godmur, while I take your criticism... and see your point.
    Do recall not everyone's submissions will be accepted and made available to buy.
    Also know that I'm not an expert on this and literally just started doing this like yesterday.

    I already know my stuff won't be accepted, this just seemed like a fun thing to attempt.

    if you want more epic stuff, go check the workshop vote yes on what you see as "Epic", vote no on the stuff that doesn't give the epic vibe.


  3. I edit the mask file
    use progs photoshop or paint.net anything works
    and googled how to create a pattern


    once you have a pattern you intend to use, you really just have to  figure your colour scheme, and EXPERIMENT for at least 1/2 an hour or less depending on how satisfied you feel.

    best of luck fellow tenno.

  4. When you get to have almost full control of the appearance, you wanna almost do everything...

    assuming you can do stuff

    I don't know too much on creating so i just learned to make patterns and put various colours together.


    give me feedback.(styling, aesthetic, etc.)

    and even though I'm hella nooby at this, I encourage you all to try this. You might create a dream design you'd want in this game.

    I just feel like sharing more of what i attempted.
    I seriously hope more USER-Generated content gets started soon.


    2nd EDIT:
    just to inform people. I'm hella nooby at this still. so this WIP is probably

    felt like making a crazy Tenno who's kinda more blood-thirsty yet enjoy symbolism and the scripts of the tenno.

    (thoughts on this at the moment: needs more blood or something that gives it that worn and torn type of feel)

    any constructive criticism is appreciated.

  5. When i read this contest, I was in my car.
    and i forever will know the tune to


    12 days of Tenno Xmas.

    based on :


    On the first day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    A potato in my foundry


    On the second day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the third day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the fourth day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Four Titan Extractors

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the fifth day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Five Void~~ Keys

    Four Titan Extractors

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the sixth day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Six Lokis a Sneaking

    Five Void~~ Keys

    Four Titan Extractors

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the seventh day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Seven Saryns Molting

    Six Lokis a Sneaking

    Five Void~~ Keys

    Four Titan Extractors

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the eighth day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Eight Rhinos a Stomping

    Seven Saryns Molting

    Six Lokis a Sneaking

    Five Void~~ Keys

    Four Titan Extractors

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the ninth day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Nine Mesas Shooting

    Eight Rhinos a Stomping

    Seven Saryns Molting

    Six Lokis a Sneaking

    Five Void~~ Keys

    Four Titan Extractors

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the tenth day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Ten Infested Jumping

    Nine Mesas Shooting

    Eight Rhinos a Stomping

    Seven Saryns Molting

    Six Lokis a Sneaking

    Five Void~~ Keys

    Four Titan Extractors

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the eleventh day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    Eleven Grineers Dancing

    Ten Infested Jumping

    Nine Mesas Shooting

    Eight Rhinos a Stomping

    Seven Saryns Molting

    Six Lokis a Sneaking

    Five Void~~ Keys

    Four Titan Extractors

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry


    On the twelfth day of  Christmas

    My Lotus sent to me:

    12 Lisets Flying

    Eleven Grineers Dancing

    Ten Infested Jumping

    Nine Mesas Shooting

    Eight Rhinos a Stomping

    Seven Saryns Molting

    Six Lokis a Sneaking

    Five Void~~ Keys

    Four Titan Extractors

    Three Phase Specters

    Two Nano Spores

    and A potato in my foundry



    ---- seriously.... put a potato in our foundries ;)

  6. Over the past 2 weeks, i've been using the dueling room in the dojo to spar with my clan members and friends.


    for some reason on varying occasions, we sometimes can't use abilities or use melee attacks.


    and another thing is that sometimes the Text like "Round Starting" is delayed by like alot. sometimes i finish the duel and then it tells us the round started.


    i recorded one of my duels with my clan members to see if there were issues.




    as for my abilities... i'll have to check if i equipped them or not...


    but using my melee is the big issue here.

  7. As for the weapons, I don't agree with them having a prime version of themselves

    They are powerful enough, I don't see a need for it.


    But what I do agree with is the existance of an Orokin Lab and that Orokin Drone as a sentinel.

    Orokin Labs would be useful once the Devs or whoever finally decide its time for the Lore.


    You can find out information about the Tenno and their history and at the same time possibly unlock weapons/other items by either finding the blueprints/materials in the Void/Derelicts


    well that's my opinion.

  8. I think most people don't have much to add sometimes b/c things people seem to post kinda have it all there sometimes, or they just don't know what give as feedback to your post.


    As for extra sports rooms, i feel that would be important b/c of the varying rank tests that we end up having. Like I've already done the obstacle course like at least like 100 times already and am at point where I need something new.


    A new obstacle course would be nice b/c maybe this time you can have like

    Races between clan members or people you've invited over to your dojo.

    At least with that option, competitiveness kinda refreshes its use.


    or put the obstacle course on like NINJA WARRIOR levels



    As modifieable obstacle courses or death trap testing grounds.

    ^just read that as I was typing this and yeah that'd be useful b/c if we had like a Obstacle course creator/editor.


    we can create it anyway we would want to.


    the Devs if they felt this idea could be implemented, they would only have to just look for feed back on various pieces which can be placed in.


    but hopefully in the future, people look at posts and give feed back more often.

  9. Drewjn you mean like...... asian pavilions

    which i assume you mean along the lines

    of this ----> new-asian-home-7.jpg










    once i read your idea, i was like.. "damn that sounds hella cool"


    and it would work for stuff in places like the Equinox Garden and the Autumn Garden.

    because that'd be pretty cool.


    and that waterfall idea. I'd probably enjoy that as much as the fountains.


    but yeah Drewjn if you got ideas, start posting them in forums and I think the Devs or some Community managers read this stuff.


    sorry in advance for things not being all in the first post, but since it ain't so big with replies.


    waterfall examples.






    AND WE could hang them against the wall and stuff(considering the sizes of the newer Clan Hall Styles.)

  10. "6. I rly want to see some sort of training room...."


    I agree on this one, I've seen many posts in this forum that have asked for stuff like this.


    I'd probably use this training room to test out abilities and using weapons. I don't wanna always have to field test something I just claimed from the foundry.


    Just read that thing about the big screen. they need the signs/text in the room options panel to be bigger.


    but i think that big screen thing can kinda be resolved via using the message of the day (MOTD).

  11. Sorry in advance if there's a place to kinda place in ideas or suggestions concerning the dojo.

    But once i found this part of the forums, all the ideas just started coming



    So I'm sure we've all seen the update on extra space in our clan halls.


    but not that many new decorations. I have been thinking of stuff to recommend to be added into the decoration selection.


    So here's some thoughts i had



    (Japanese Pagodas)




    (Chinese Pagodas)

    I say that b/c lets face it, we using a lot of asian stuff. so why not use more.


    they could put a base on this as seen in the pictures.

    and if if doesn't fit the warframe then

    just add


    the lotus symbol



    and just play with the colours and stuff. I'm not an expert on themes and stuff, but i'm sure some people who's made all the stuff for the dojo so far are.




    2) Actual Statues of Warframes


    I just kinda wondered where those were from the start of the Dojo.

    We had Grineer Statues, but no statues of our warframes... seemed odd when i looked at it.


    so yeah from the Excalibur to Oberon, have them as statues. haha


    3) Excalibur Statue from the Vault




    well this one came from the numerous vault runs I did last week and I thought "that'd be soooo cool to have in the dojo"


    i mean it looked really neat. and who knows maybe you could make it something to unlock or get when entering the vault?


    4) Weapon Racks based on weapons owned.


    ehhhh this is one of my more..... not-so-thought-through ideas but still sounded nice.


    whether this would work or not. idk


    so this would be basically a rack of weapons (really general... like a Bo, Skana, and Galatine are there even if you didn't build it)




    and say in the dueling room, you can go there to change weapons.




    so yeah these are my ideas, and hopefully in the next patch or whenever. something gets added ^_^






    == Steel Lanterns ==


    these lanterns shouldn't just be stone. Variation in the material would help its look.

    == More foliage ==


    Cherry Blossom Trees maybe




    EDIT 2:


    Cost of materials for (based on ghost clan values)



    1000 Credits

    750 alloy plate

    500 ferrite

    250 polymer bundle

    2-3 Gallium


    Weapons Rack:

    750 Credits

    300 Ferrite

    150 Rubedo

    100 Plastids

    1 Gallium


    Excalibur Statue from the Orokin Vault:

    5000 Credits

    1000 Alloy Plate

    1000 Ferrite

    500 Polymer Bundle

    500 Circuits

    2 Orokin Cell

    5 Morphics


    Tenno Statues:

    7500 Credits

    500 Ferrite

    200 Rubedo

    150 Polymer Bundle

    2 Gallium




    Cherry Blossom Trees:

    1000 Credits

    500 Nano Spores

    200 Polymer Bundles

    100 Plastids

    1 Neurodes


    Steel Lanterns:

    750 Credits

    400 Salvage

    200 Circuits

    1 Morphics





    Excalibur Vault (perspective from inside the actual vault)







    so i've been seeing people talk about a shooting range and stuff and then i thought...


    we have bows and arrows... why not have an archery range as well?





    or like a target contest thing?






    and please give feedback on what you think of these ideas I got. Thanks in advance!

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