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Posts posted by MentalMayhem


    Finally I'd like to say that so far the event I enjoyed most was the defense one as it required teamwork and offered a challenge. Having something like this again in future with an overhead community goal as well may be the way to go for future events.

    I agree with you on that %100! It was a challenge and I've never seen my clan more dedicated to teamwork than during that event.

  2. I dont know man, part of me agrees(the teenage part that wants to see dat booty jiggle!) but part thinks that the tenno, male or female, are trained warriors and probably would not bother with walking in such a way. I dont think they are really meant to be sexy as they are meant to be badass, somethign I respect DE for.  I think it would be good, if easy enough to implement, to have one female warframe pull of the sexy walk just to have some sort of unqiness from the others in that regard.  They are adding animations in update 9 so who knows?


    I'm kind of torn on this as well.


    As a female player I sort of want my female warframe to be more feminine in her movements. Yet at the same time she is supposed to be an &#! kicking ninja.


    Sex appeal in a warrior type character is Hollywood's area. I know a lot of games have plenty of it too in order to draw in the "boys", but there are a lot of female gamers now too. Not saying we don't want our characters to reflect us in some way too. I don't know. It's tricky. I guess I'd want her to be sexy while being a bad &#!, but also don't want too much focus on that. First and foremost, can she get the job done?

  3. Congratulations to everyone that made it to the leaderboards!


    To everyone that participated, good job in trying and I hope you had a good time!


    To everyone bitter about not winning...


    It's just a game and it's here to have fun. That is all gaming is. An outlet for stress, to have fun and to challenge yourself. And whatever other reason people play.


    I'll say what I always say, if you are getting mad or rage quitting or whatever then it's not fun anymore and what's the point then?

    It's to have FUN!


    The name calling and arguing is ridiculous. This one has a life or doesn't have a life...enough, please.


    I only get to play a few hours a day and I make the most of it. I don't enjoy coming into the forums just to hear people bashing each other. I know I am not the only one. Some people have valid points even when they don't go about it in the most influential way. Maybe those concerns should be sent directly to DE instead of stirring up trouble here? Just a thought.


    EVERYONE did a great job!! 

  4. Pull -

    I mainly used it to pull allies, but now can't. I understand what a previous poster was saying about pulling the enemy away from them also. That only works if they are within rage and aren't shooting at them.

    My problem is with hostages. They have a bad habit of getting stuck in the oddest places. I would use Pull to get them out. Now I've had one die and failed a mission because I was unable to get them from where they were stuck.

    Any way to fix their (hostage) stupidity or make it so Mag can still use Pull on them? Please?

  5. So many hours... for nothing :/

    Did you at least have fun playing? If so then it wasn't for nothing. You got a FREE weapon.

    I never expected our 3 person clan to win, but I enjoyed doing something different in the game regardless.

    I liked the challenge of at least trying to win and killing Grineer and blowing up the drones. Good times. :-)

  6. I, as a member of yet another 3 person clan, would just quickly like to throw our situation in here. Which would there be that we have no problem whatsoever with the current prices. We are taking it slow and celebrating every single percent on our first corridor. It is a pretty cool thing in my opinion, being forced to really work for something in a game. Makes the reward all the sweeter.


    Not to start any arguments with anyone here though. I understand that most people want to actually see some results within this life or the next. Just sharing my clan's viewpoint on all of this.

    We finally finished our first connector and are feeling pretty proud.

    Also started the reactor room a couple days ago too.

    Only at 38%, but not too shabby for only 3 of us.

  7. In all fairness, while clans of about a dozen people do exists, arguments for clans consisting of 3 members are hard to make. I am not saying you guys are invalid, but you will have to admit that you are a stark minority. Of course there will be some adaption to clan sizes, and yeah will get more agreeable terms, but expecting DE to address clan size below what the metrics show as the 90% of clans covered or so is making it difficult. :(


    Nevertheless, I do understand your plight. Wishing you best of luck and amendment to the resources soon.


    I totally understand where you are coming from as well.

    I've even wondered if small clans like us and Luckyfer's clan would do better to have a, for lack of a better word, "silent partnership" where we merged but continued the way we have been. Not sure how that would work as one or both would have to give up their current, barely-built dojo. Even that still defeats our goals. Not to mention all the hard earned resources we have poured into our dojo's would be lost. 


    Originally, we felt no need to publicly declare our clan until all of this came out and the thought of having our own space and being able to research and possibly duel became a very attractive idea. Now we just feel stuck and kind of disappointed that what we thought we might have is most likely unattainable at this point in time. 


    I'm sure no one expects special treatment, (well, there's always that one guy out there that will) but seems most just want to be able have fun with these new options. I know the DEVs know this too and are doing their best.


    Thanks for all the hard work that you do and have done! 

    We'll just keep our hopes up that a solution will soon be forthcoming and continue to do the best we can with what we've got! :)

  8. Our clan has only 3 members. We play every day when we can fit it in.

    We've all known each other (in person) and gamed together for 5+ years.

    If we were a T-shirt we would read, "Does not play well with others".

    That is mainly because we know each others' play style and work well together.

    I am not totally opposed to playing with strangers, but it's not my preference.

    I understand where you are coming from OP.

    We, unfortunately, are still struggling to build our first connector hall! :(

  9. I used to hate them as much as you (and also preferred Corpus to them) until I finally ranked my Banshee up to 30. Now that I'm trying to break in Ember it's a little more than annoying again. Also hate having my energy stripped by the Ancient Disruptors.

  10. In conclusion I just want to say that I’m very sorry that I broke the game for you and your friends; rest assured that we are working as fast as possible to get a fix out there.


    That's unimportant. I'm just very glad that you broke the game for cheaters and hackers =)

     I second that! Thank you all for the hard work and sacrifice! 

  11. Same issue here.

    Almost wish I had not reset account.

    Even got my head stuck in a wall when, out of boredom, I was jumping and climbing walls.

    Tried to commit suicide rather than abort mission, again, but had already blown up explosive barrels and last two left to exterminate were on the other side of that locked door.

    Extremely frustrating.

  12. It means that you need to bypass it. Simply go to the panel and press X, or if you have 1 or more teammates both of you need to press it at the same time.

     That doesn't work. There is no "X". Already tried earlier today. The option does not come up.

  13. Caloris, right? I'm having the same issue. I can see the waypoint moving on the other side of the door, but cannot go through. I've already had to abort the mission once today and now again just to get out. Unfortunately, I reset my account yesterday. Now I cannot do any other missions until I complete this one. I've been trying to find out if anyone knows how to finish it but so far it's just posts about having the problem and none about fixing it. Guess we have to wait until they work out the bug.

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