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Posts posted by Cezza

  1. After the recent changes to interception affinity sharing, I tried playing an Archwing interception mission, only to find that the affinity range there was also reduced (to around 200m). Currently it is way too low for archwing interception considering points are a minimum of ~600m apart meaning that if everyone is contesting points, no experience will be shared.

    Please change/adjust the range, as the limitation on affinity has made it much harder to gain experience for gear in archwing missions, and because encouraging squads to stay clumped together in a gamemode that excels in its mobility, is not a fun game mechanic.

  2. I have to say that the new magnatize is nice there is no disputing that, but polarise has been nerfed so heavily that its ineffective against high level enemies unless they are in massive groups. in a test against 8 Lv80 crewmen in the simulacrum, 2 died and the remainder had full HP and half shields and now that the ability functions like nova's antimatter, recasting removes the first cast.

    Another issue i have with the rework is that, now that you have to build duration to increase polarises range, it is much more difficult to build strength and efficiency without sacrificing your range(Duration) creating a similar situation to what Ember has, where if you dont have enough of each stat, your build wont be effective.

  3. If these mirage changes go though as is, her blind will be useless as there are very few tilesets that would actually accomodate a "line-of-sight" blind. Maybe have 2 overlapping blinds, one that is LOS which has the current blind range or higher, and a second that has reduced (half) range and operates like the current prism. Prisms damage is irrelevent when there are already so many other high damage aoe abilities that arn't LOS in the game so i dont understand how trading a blind for a buff to an ability no one uses for damage is a good change.

    And if you want to buff sleight of hand, currently mirage's most useless ability, maybe have it affect more than containers and corpus doors, so it can be used in different tilesets.

    Also, if you are going to add an energy cost to excal's slide blind, atleast buff it to the point where it is half as effective as the ability.

  4. So I've been farming for the dual decurion parts, bought the BP from the market after I realised that the dual Decurion existed (after the barrel dropped on my first jupiter archwing run). Yesterday, I farmed 2 receivers, today I went back to get my second barrel. 


    Sure enough, in my second game on the jupiter archwing mission, a barrel drops, so I go to the foundry and I still have only 1 barrel, but now I have 3 receivers?


    Im not sure if I already had an extra receiver and just didnt notice but I did have a barrel before today. Not sure if this is a bug where i've been given a reward from the wrong mission even though it said I got a barrel, or if it is my own incompitence. Either way, im really baffled by this and thought it may be worth a look.

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