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Posts posted by PhillipK

  1. Well, currently i want to do this more.. "bigger".

    I want to use even more values like defense, elemental resist, and so on. The biggest aim is a little program which caluclate the optimal modding for enemys / bosses and the slots i should change / use a potatoe or not and so on.

    Due to the fact that the most values are based on the base damage and also rounded down, there may be some big differences between e.g. Boltor full modded DPS and Latron full modded DPS - thats why i need the formulas :D


    Could you explain what  "RoF" mean? I guess its rate of fire huh? :)


    Anyways, lets do you formula for the Braton:

    Damage = 20

    RoF = 11.3

    Critchance = 0.05

    CritDamage = 1.3


    so the MagDPS is

    = 20 *  11.3 + 20 * 0.05 * (1.3 -1)

    = 226,3


    Again, another value and not the one frome the spreadsheet :D

    (damn, iam not sure if i should use the rate-of-fire for the crits, too.iam too tired atm <.<)


    But anyways, both, ur's and mine, look very similiar. So, how the heck does the autor of the spreadsheet calculated the values? :(




    Oh, and please, i dont need someone who tell me his own optinion like "boltor rocks all! --- use kunai!!" - i want to understand it. I want math proofed values instead of suggestions and opinions :)

  2. Currently iam trying to make a little open-office-spreadsheet to do some dps calculations. After that, i want to write my found data into a program.


    But iam stuck: I need to find out the correct dps formula. I tryed some math while using this list:



    but i cant get the correct DPS values.


    I thought of something like that:


    Base_DMG * Fire_Rate + Use_crits * ( Base_DMG * Fire_Rate * Crit_Multiplier * Crit_Chance)

    But it dont give me the correct values, as said in the table.


    If use_crits is 0, the critical damage is not included. Otherwise, it will calc the Crit damage - dps and scale it down by the chance.

    Seems to be valid, but the values are not identical with the table :(


    Has anyone a correct formula for me? Or is the spreadsheet above just crap and iam on the right way?





    Oh and i tried this for the Braton.

    Base_DMG = 20

    Fire_Rate = 11.3

    Crit_Multiplier = 1.3 (130% critical damage)

    Crit_Chance = 0.05 (5% chance for a critical hit)


    which gives me the following values:

    WITH crits:  240,69 dps

    WITHOUT crits: 226 dps


    None of them are identical with the list, which says: 231.65 dps without reload.

    Did is miss something ?

  3. Whats the problem with the op ness?


    It is a hard work to level your weapon to 30 over and over again. Also, its possible for everyone, cuz you can get forma like potatoes.

    And now the clue: If you polarize your weapon wisely, you just optimize it. You tweak it the way you want it. There is nothing bad on this, cuz everyone could do it :P

    It would be "op shiet" if just paying members could use forma. But they will buy a potatoe instead, which makes the forma stuff really unneeded cuz you dont have enough mod-space in a weapon to fill it with every mod you want, even if you have enough mod capa. (20 mod capa? weapon fully loaded with mods? right polas ? okay, still 30 unused points!) - dont be angry if you cant use a forma right now. some day you can :3

  4. I can say the same: The Orokin Tileset looks great.

    Well, its a bit "too" king like. Huge halls, large stairways, plants everywhere - cool, of course, but it needs some more tunnels and stuff. The things that the grineer have for example, tubes to crouch in.

    But anyways, its a great expierience.

  5. Hello!


    I just reset my account, to restart with the 8days-knowledge i have, but it isnt possible to continue in progress.

    The Caloris mission is named as "elion" ingame (so, i click on caloris, the countdown says "caloris starts in 5...4..3..2..1.." and ingame under escape, the mission is "elion").

    The level is NOT POSSIBLE due to an bug.


    Everytime i kill all ~45 guys that are possible, there is this one guy behind a orange door that cant be passed.

    I tried it 7 times in a row, as a host even as a client.


    Now i need someone who helps me with Tolstoj - if someone starts this and i join + beat it, iam possible to continue my progress from this mission :(


    so please, add me ingame if possible. Meanwhile i will try to find someone in the region-chat....


    greetings from germany :)

  6. Huhu ihrse :)

    Im englischem forum wurde ich eben erstmal auf das deutsche forum hier hingewiesen.. grummel, peinlich wars.


    Nun habe ich grade einige zeit damit verbracht, hier ein wenig zu stöbern, aber finde keinen clan, bei dem ich mich so recht bewerben mag. Grund? Easy. Die meisten klingen mir zu süchtig ;)


    Ich suche weder onlinezwang, noch Teamspeak / Skype zwang.

    Zwar wird es sicher momente geben, wo ich gerne zum headset greife, doch hat meine Freundin und mein leben vorrang. Heißt, ich will nicht 24/7 vorm pc und mit headset auf dem kopf hier sitzen, nur in einem clan sein zu dürfen.



    Zu mir:

    Ich bin ein 22 jähriger deutscher, lustiger geselle aber leider oft unausgeschlafen.

    Unter der woche habe ich meist abends keine zeit, oder erst ab 22uhr etwa. Am wochenende ist alles möglich - komplette abwesenheit oder auch mal dauersuchten, ist schwer vorherzusagen.

    Aber generell: Es gibt ja noch was anderes wie spielen ;)


    Ich habe vor 8? Tagen oder was mit Warframe angefangen. Gestartet ganz brav mit einem Exca und erstmal gelernt.

    Mittlerweile habe ich schon soviele fehler gemacht, das ich auch direkt den reset in betracht ziehe. Damit warte ich allerdings noch auf meinen besten freund, welchen ich ebenfalls mit Warframes infiziert habe (und welchen ich auch mit in einen clan einbringen möchte). Dh wir werden die tage beide nochmal resetten und das teure platinum mit bedacht verteilen ;)

    Was ich genau spielen werde, kann ich noch nicht sagen.

    Bisher versuche ich noch verzweifelt die Trinity mal anzutesten vorm reset, aber wer weiß ;) Von den skills her klingt sie passend für mich.

    Exca fand ich auch klasse, obgleich ich den noch sehr "noobish" gespielt habe und des wohl von anfang an anders machen würde. Alternativ werde ich MAG austesten und mir einen zweiten warframe (vorzugsweise wieder volt oder evtl vauban, wenn er entbuggt wurde) kaufen.


    Najo, vielleicht meldet sich ja jemand, der einen "wannabegamer mit reallife" aufnehmen möchte, ich würde mich freuen :)

  7. Well, i just can say somthing about volt and Excalibur, but this is a good compare:


    I started with Excalibur and his mighty 1'S skill. It wipes rooms quickly for 25 to 50 energy (well, if you need to use it twice, cuz you aimed wrong, then it cost 50..)

    Its some kind of "oh S#&amp;&#036;!" button thats aviable all the time due to the costs.


    After i maxed my excalibur, i bought volt.

    Volts description says, that he is fireing bolts of light and it possible to deal really high damage. So i started with him and maxed Shock.

    And what do i get?

    A skill which is really useless. 2 Shots of my weapon with lightning mod will actually do more damage. Shock is just cool for the animation - feeling like a jedi, not like a High-damage-bolt-fire-guy :)


    Actually i would like to see some kind of change there.

    I dont like the idea of lowering costs, but maybe shock could be a more needfull CC when reworking the functonality.


    I thought of something like lower the damage, increase the bounce range and add a X% chance of stunning.

    The stun could be scale with enemycount in range. If the bolt will jump 5 times, the stun chance is lower then when the bolt will just jumps 2 times.

    Meaning something of starting with 100% and reducing the stunchance for every possible enemy by 8%. This would be a helpfull skill like frost's freeze, which actually even freeze bosses with an 100% guarantee.


    In short: its not really fair that an starter Warframe is so much more powerfull then my plat-bought-warframe:P

    The 1's of every warframe should be "balanced" and do the same job. Small support, maybe with damage, maybe with effect (stun, knockback, silence, poision, freeze, knockdown...), but they should all be "valuable in use"

  8. Yeah sure. But ive found a f**king huge ammount bps in no time.

    Like 4/5 bossfights = helmet or chassis bp.


    Today i killed 20 bosses without ANY bp O_O this is no rng, this is sadistic.

    Well, i read something that happens while crafting some warframe part, but i cant remember. maybe you cant recieve another drop or something :&

    Thats why i asked :(

  9. Hey guys.

    I have a little question. I tried to build several Warframes just to check them out before resetting my account.

    Well, i started playing 1 week ago and bought some plat for a "beginner boost" - a warframe, slots and potatoes :) But i dont like my WF, so i try to build something else to check it out first.


    First, like ~ 3 days ago (before the vauban patch), i found always X Helmet blueprint and X Chassis blueprint, but i've never found some X system blueprints.

    The last 3 days i was farming some materials to build the ember helmet and ember chassis and then i started to farm the systems, but i still dont get anymore blueprints.

    Even if i try to farm Trinityparts.. i find nothing. Ash? Of course not.

    It looks like the bosses dont drop bps anymore :/ Thats very bad.


    Can someone help me? Do i miss something? (maybe a bug? i was building some the chassis + helmet of ember while trying to farm the systems bp)

    Do i need the Blueprint for the warframe now before farming the parts-blueprints? This is the only reasonal thing i can imagine :(


    Hope you can clarify this.


    Greetings from Germany :)



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