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Posts posted by Chemoryx

  1. 17 hours ago, Faulcun said:

    If your one general is in charge of kicking inactive members, and the other general is in charge of events..... your kicking general isnt making events and your events general isnt kicking people are they? But they both have the same admin abilities dont they? If they are doing their jobs, and they arent already abusing admin permissions, then adding one more means nothing to them.

    The ranking system is based through Discord rather than the in game permissions, so each person has the specific permissions that pertains to them. There's simply no benefit to giving someone extra permissions that they don't need, and that isn't something based on trust or distrust. 

    Like I said, I don't see the purpose in people who aren't warlords having it, and you don't see my point. We'll just have to see what DE decides to do, if they even implement something like this to begin with.

  2. 5 hours ago, Faulcun said:

    No, if you have a General that cant handle that responsibility, then they shouldnt be a General in the first place. You have two choices at that point. Either train them, and get them on the same page as you, or demote them until they have proven they can handle that responsibility of that rank. Again, what you are describing is a simple leadership issue. 

    Besides, its hardly a feature that will break clans. Its also insane that a clan with any number of people up to 1000 has no internal system to make announcements to all 1000 people aside from the MOTD and spamming messages in clan chat.

    In our clan, we dont just hand out promotions. Ranks are only given when somebody has already proven worthy of the responsibility in the first place. Perhaps thats why we've survived for 16 years.

    Except it's not a matter of them "not being able to handle it," it's a matter of me not wanting them to have it. If I have one General who needs the permission because they handle keeping members updated with Operations and designing custom made events, but another General handles inactive kicking, why would both of them need the permission to send out the MOTD? I don't exactly need my inactive kicking General to send out a detailed message on every member kicked for idling.

    I see no reason in giving people more permissions than they need to properly do their duties in running a clan. If I have a General who simply doesn't need that permission, I see no reason to give it to them, even though I trust them to not abuse anything. You seem to be making the assumption that I "give out promotions," which isn't the case either. I may not have been running game guilds for 16 years, but I've had various leadership tasks in real life as well as with running my mountain clan for a while now. 

    I never thought it was a "clan breaking feature" either. I fully support the motion, actually, and I've talked in the past about the uselessness that is MOTD- it absolutely sucks that clans have no real features to them. The only thing keeping clans together in this game is the effort put into it by warlords such as you and I.

  3. 5 hours ago, Faulcun said:

    But what you are describing is literally a leadership issue across all levels. I agree that it shouldnt be a default permission for low ranks, but if you have proper leadership structure, it shouldnt be an issue for a couple different ranks to have the ability. In the end, it can always be adjusted per the permissions anyways.

    Ultimately you are worried about what other people do with their clans.... clans that we have no say on how are run, or the people who run them, and therefore is not our problem. If leadership is doing dumb things.... well then people will leave and eventually find their way into a good clan like ours.

    What DE should do is give us the tools we need to succeed. Should we dig our own graves in the process, well then thats our own fault, and we have to take responsibility for that. The good clans will thrive, and the ones run by children will continue to be solo clans.

    I'm more so stating that I can't see any benefit in it being a permission turned on and off, mainly because the in game permissions suck. You can't give the permissions per person, only per rank, so what happens if you want one General to have it but not the other? At that point, may as well not have the permissions able to be given out.

    I can't help but worry about other clans because if too many people abuse it, then the people actually getting good use out of it may lose the benefit of having to begin with. 

    Sounds good though. It'll definitely help for keeping clans updated, especially the larger ones, and if someone has any issues with inbox messages, there's a nice big "leave clan" button. Besides, if someone doesn't want to get notices for important clan things, they're probably not someone wanted in the clan.

  4. 2 hours ago, TennoHack said:

    -Insert your post here-

    Except I am the warlord of my clan, and I do think it can be easily abused by other warlords. That being said, you present a valid argument.

    I would allow it so that only myself can send out inbox messages to clan members, and only send them when they're important. I can agree with the fact that if a warlord is sending too many messages or nonsense, simply leave the clan. 

    I'm more so worried that too many people will abuse the system, and the people who do will outnumber the people who don't. If you implement a system that's in theory a good idea, but most people use it to send trolling nonsense, what's the point? If it's something that a fair majority of warlords will take seriously, I have no issue with it being implemented without a time restriction, as long as it was only locked to warlords and wasn't a permission you could turn on and off for others. I can't see the point nor benefit in it being a permission you can turn on for people who aren't warlords, and it can go very, very wrong if someone of that rank sends out information that is false or spam.

  5. Definitely a great idea. However, since it can also be very easily abused, a counter to that would be locking it to "once per two weeks" or something of the sort, just a quick notice to send to clan members since the MOTD, well, sucks. 

    It would be very useful for communication purposes, such as telling clan members to get their butts working in Operations and alliances about any changes, especially when it involves dark sectors when those are a thing again.

    Going to also drop my two cents here about changes that clans and alliances desperately need: 


  6. On 8/8/2017 at 11:16 PM, Oranji said:

    We have members that weren't able to ascend and missed out on that sweet 45,000 endo. More so - 55,000 at Rank 10.

    Actually, no, you wont be getting 55k at rank 10. 

    The reason you got 45k at rank 9 was because it was a total of all of the past ranks that you couldn't get it from individually. You get 5k endo per rank (per person.) 5k times 9 ranks means 45k endo. 

  7. Another big thing is making it so that there's some sort of ranking system within alliances. You don't know how much of a hassle it's been, having it set so that you can only pick moderators by "selecting a clan and its moderators can moderate alliance chat." No thank you. I want to be able to set it to individuals. 

    Not to mention only having it so Warlords can invite other clans to alliances. Some regular clan members have offered to be both moderators and clan recruiters, and it's frustrating to not be able to give them that because they're not a warlord, or because i dont want the permission on for every chat moderator in a clan.

  8. I love these ideas!

    My personal favorite are the Cephalon replacing the Oracle Room, and a meeting room for members of alliance- or perhaps allow the founding Warlord of the alliance to turn off whether or not alliance members can join their dojo at the push of a button. Either that, or a separate alliance dojo that holds a lot for alliances to do that can't be found in a clan dojo.

    I covered a lot of points about clans and a little bit on alliance in this forum post, if you're interested in any ideas from it: 


  9. On 5/22/2017 at 2:47 PM, MissDandi said:

    I mean having logs of all activity in a clan for warlord eyes only I think would be great. And maybe even have an alliance head being able to see the growth and decline of members in clans apart of their alliance. Knowing how everyone is doing and being able to give feedback or knowing if a clan in an alliance is mostly inactive.

    Late reply, but I quite like this idea! As an alliance leader, I can confirm that it's hard work to ensure clans in the alliance are active.

  10. On 7/10/2017 at 4:42 AM, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

    Today is the first day my Dojo is functional.

    The Dojo of my SOLO clan.

    I went from a Moon clan that had inactivity problems and had to work my back a lot to help (force) clanmates to be in the top 10 of the Pacifism OP.

    The clan cut 400 members and became Mountain, but it was yet too big for me, plus drama between friends.

    So I helped build a clan that had to remain a Ghost one, but became a Shadow one soon, and I was the 2nd in rank...but, who knows, maybe I had high expectations, some episodes rubbed me the wrong way and I left to go alone, I kept in good terms with my former clan mates and we still play as I am in the Clan, but...maybe I'm just the kind of guy that for amount of reasons is able to deal with things better alone, avoid drama, avoid being someway in charge of things and just be able to take things easier.

    I know I'm not alone in this, when I opened a thread to ask for help here in the forums, I had loads of experienced people willing to help me, very friendly.

    So...solo clan doesn't equate to antisocial bear, it's just a choice that shouldn't deserve to be punished.

    We're Ronins.

    Ronin were a thing in the culture Warframe took inspiration from, and DE should acknowledge us and respect our decisions.

    So yeah, between the sizes of clans, we need the Solo/Ronin clan too.

    Fair, but I think DE's goal is to not have solo clans anymore. Granted, my stance on solo clans is fairly neutral- I'm not for or against them. I understand the appeal in having research but not wanting to be part of a community, but I also believe that being in a clan filled with active players is lots of fun.

    I personally just believe that DE could find a much better way to give clans more of a meaning.

  11. On 7/20/2017 at 9:35 PM, Undermann said:

    well its nice too see ppl think over somethimg like this i have a ghost clan and we where 2 at the start of the event one joined to late and still got ignis whaith bp

    thats 20% of our clan and we still got it even if its just me alone then

    sadly we didnt got in the leaderbord

    but if you say u got to much inactive player its your job to motivate them not DE or kick them and search active ones

    you say 290 of 300 well its probaply over 70% of active player

    Mountain Clans must earn: 37,800 Points. changed to 7,560 Points.

    i and my mate got 1024 even if the active one in your clan just make 500 u get it

    and if not well then you didnt even have 20 active player and the event if iam not mistaken was 1 week long

    and if you have only 10 player your clan size is wrong just downgrade

    sorry if it sounds insulting or degrading its not my native laguage

    Um, I think you misunderstood my forum post.


    "Take the whole issue with Ignis Wraith, for example. My clan didn't get it, and realistically, there's no reason we shouldn't have gotten it. We had somewhere between 190-210 members at the start of the event. We didn't have enough inactives to kick people and downgrade before the event started, and didn't have enough members to keep up with the mountain clans that had 300. Our clan isn't about grabbing as many members as we can- we interview each and every member that comes in to see if they're a proper fit. We weren't going to break that system to grab more members before Pacifism Defect."

    I bolded the more important parts. We had too few inactives to downgrade, and we didn't have enough members to compete with the other clans at the same tier. The forum post is describing how this happened purely because of the issue with clan tiers, not because of too many inactives or a "wrong clan size."

    I understand that English isn't your native language, but you took my forum post's meaning and somehow got the opposite conclusion.

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