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Posts posted by simonfenix071

  1. On 2019-08-30 at 4:21 AM, Ajuwen said:

    got 1 drop in 5 waves.

    Wierd I got no drops from 8 waves sedna disruption, UI doesnt update for missions (the GOTL mission just stuck at 8 remaining and i finished it with no rewards) , 

    Same issue perhaps? I just thought it was lag,

  2. Why can't Iron Wake operate as an alternate relay ? Kinda like Maroo's but also with Trading include some Grineer Black market stuff, less exclusive and more like selling resources for plat or standing rewards . Not to mention the worth if they use it for Bounties by both Steel Meridian and the Red Veil .Finally you can be a Hit Squad for your syndicate attacking strategic members of opposing syndicates for standing

  3. On 12/5/2016 at 2:01 PM, Zhoyzu said:

    can you supply a video or a picture. maybe a list of things that lead to the malfunction. Also maybe you could contact support with the information and supply them with afore-mentioned list of things.

    also there is a proper sub-forum for this.


    As your post stands now the bug will likely never be fixed as there no information to work off of.

    Will do Thanks..

  4. Requesting a small fix.. When I played an archwing alert (Not sure which vs some level 20-30 grineer) to get the Ember Backdraft helm. I suddenly ended up Losing my Archwing (Itzal) for the rest of the level. It was kinda Hilarious walking around in space as an Excalibur armed with Arch weapons. And yes I could radial blind on archwing enemies.

    I suspect its a result of the new addition of space to land transitions in the kuva fortress.

    Please rectify this 


    PS. War within is just    AMAZING

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