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Posts posted by dbzocchi

  1. I had a highish level account about 5-6 years ago, I had invested tones of time and money into the account, i had a ton of rare items, then out of nowhere poof, account banned.

    I recently came across some Warframe content and thought id like to get back into it, I don't want to reinvest all that time and money, when I checked the prices it would cost me anywhere from £90/$140 - £130/$200 depending on the bundles, which is not something i am willing to pay (again). I am willing to pay something just not those numbers.

    Is there a promo code i can use as i find it very unfair that i can't use my account what so ever to earn an in game discount code, where as anyone else can get up to 75% off and i am forced to rebuy at full price, also if i remember correctly, when this happened i got in touch with the support team when this happened and they basically told me to pay up or p*ss off, i was just wondering if anything had changed in the years since i last played. 

  2. I found it on warframe.com, its -880 for the riven I traded, for F*** sake, I got to either wait months or pay £32.99, to play because of their F*** up or because some $&*^ sold me dodgy plat. If they get back to me quick enough, depending on their reply ill be willing to buy the rare mod sundry pack with a 75% discount thing, otherwise its byebye warframe, ill just buy destiny 2 or wait for anthem to come out. I'm annoyed as I'm an avid player/supporter of this game, spent a lot of time & money and have turned a lot of people on to this game, for what to be told to pay up or F*** off because of someone else 

  3. Hi, I've been playing warframe for a couple of years, logged around 900 hrs and I buy/use/trade platinum, I have only had 2 plat for the last couple of weeks, I haven't bought anything, just been doing PoE stuff and the event, I logged in a few hours ago everything was fine, then ive just gone to log in and got this




    I would prefer not to loose all my time and money I put into this, any advice would be great thankyou

  4. lets say I had a child - Avg 4K per mission (pushing it) and 20 mins per mission, 12k per hour x 3 = 36K focus for 3 hours

    lets say I work 9 - 5 and sleep 8 hours a night,

    ill go to sleep at 11, get up at 7, set off at 8, get home at 6

    spend 3 hours farming focus and finish by 9 - my kid went to bed at 8

    follow this routine until hes 9

    my child would be fatherless until he was 9 because of this focus system - :thumbup:thanks D.E

  5. This isn't perfect but you get the idea, as I cant seem to find a clear indicator of the time or even if its day or night, so I thought something like this would be nice and simple.




    DAY 1/4


    DAY 1/2




    NIGHT 1/4


    NIGHT 3/4


  6. Hi, when I I'm out farming for cores I kill the thing (forgot what its called) it turns to energy, I turn into OP kill the energy, it drops a core, if I collect the core in OP mode the core disappears like I've collected it but it doesn't count, I go to mission progress its not there, if I kill the energy then turn back to normal then collect the core everything is fine and normal, but if I'm too close to the energy when I kill it the core get collected in OP mode

  7. after just having watched the Oberon Prime trailer, I was wanting to watch more, and with there being so many story lines/quests you could easily do a series of movie/animated movies or a series.

    I was just wondering if there was anything on the books for this sort of thing

  8. I received 2 ayatan treasures in the past 2 days both times when I have finished I have not received it, it was the one with 2 curvy arms on the sides.

    1) from bazaar, solo, got the treasure and finished - no treasure

    2) got invited to a bazaar, team of 4, got there first and got treasure first, finished - no treasure

    anyone else having this problem and can I get these back ?

  9. 4 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    Also, the 2nd and 3rd suggestions make no sense.  If there are only 2 charges in the gun when you start firing interrupting the reload, how are you shooting 5 times, much less 20 more times?

    the gun carries on reloading while firing so the count will be 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > Stop firing > 3 > 4 > 5.... 15 as the count per reload will always be clip size

    or another example 2 > fire > 2 > fire > 2 > stop > 3 > 4 > fire > 4 > fire > 4 > Stop firing > 5 > 6 > 7.... 16 then either hold trigger to 0 or wait reload to 20

  10. Reloading Methods:

    Any weapon except Cycron, ill use the sonicor.

    Stated Reload Speed: 3.0

    Full Clip Size: 15

    Method: Fire > Empty Clip/press X > Stated Reload time > Can fire with Full Clip (15 Bullets)

    total reload time 3.0s > 15 bullets



    Stated Reload Speed: 2.5

    Full Clip Size: 20

    Method: Fire > Empty Clip/Use Ammo > Stated Reload time > Begin Reload/Fire with 1 clip size and restart process > waiting additional time 1.5+s > Can fire with full clip 20

    total reload time 5.0s > 2 bullets

    total reload time 4.0s > 20 bullets


    The FULL reload time should of the cycron should be made to the end of the FULL reload process

    total reload time 2.5s > 20 bullets


    the best option would be

    Current: wait for reload time >  Clip then starts to reload ( bullet count reaches 2) > User fires 1 bullet while reloading > clip stops reloading > bullet count 1 > user has to start reloading again or use 1 bullet

    Should be: wait for reload time >  Clip then starts to reload ( bullet count reaches 2) > User fires 1 bullet while reloading > clip continues reloading > bullet count only reaches 19 > user can continue firing or reload

    Should be (2): wait for reload time >  Clip then starts to reload ( bullet count reaches 2) > User fires 5 bullet while reloading > clip continues reloading > bullet count only reaches 15 > user can continue firing or reload

    Should be (3): wait for reload time >  Clip then starts to reload ( bullet count reaches 2) > User fires 20 bullet while reloading > clip continues reloading > bullet count only reaches 0 > user reloads

    total reload time between 2.5s to start firing/4.0s full reloaded > (Reload count - usage during reload process)bullets or waits for full clip

    Either way the user only waits the stated reload time, with the second method your not screwed if you decide to start firing and your left with 1 bullet after waiting for the gun to reload, if this makes the weapon "over powered" reduce damaged if user fires while charging




  11. 3 minutes ago, Naftal said:

    Spoiled Strike is really bad.

    The +100% damage on top of Primed Pressure Point means your damage is increased by only about 38%. It also reduces your attack speed by 20% which means that the total dps increase of the mod is only about 10%. This is a wasted mod slot.

    wow... your right, just swapped it for shocking touch, now a much higher dps

  12. 4 minutes ago, Master-Nachash said:

    Here's mine (all mods are maxed):

    Stance - Gemini Cross.
    Mod #1 - Primed Fury.
    Mod #2 - Primed Pressure Point.
    Mod #3 - Shocking Touch.
    Mod #4 - Fever Strike.
    Mod #5 - Focus Energy.
    Mod #6 - Viruent Scourge.
    Mod #7 - Voltaic Strike.
    Mod #8 - Seismic Wave.

    Does really really really well against lvl 100 mobs. 66% status corrosive status chance + over 1k damage. Has a decent crit chance considering the multistrike combos from Gemini Cross even though you only really have a 15% crit chance. I tend to use it with my Limbo + Adarza Kavat. Cataclysm + stasis + extra crit chance from Kavat charm absolutely devastates everything.

    that's the build I was going for to start with but didn't think it would hold up, I didn't think about using a kavat to boost other stats

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