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Posts posted by Inventive_Exile

  1. The mission Lupal Pass in the Saturn Proxima has failed 3 times in a row because of one crewship either not spawning or bugging and not exploding after destroying the reactor. It's preventing me from doing any other missions in the area because I have to abort each time and I'm not getting any resources.

  2. 7 hours ago, OptimusJ said:

    Not to mention that is absurd to suspend every single interaction for something done in one single channel. Moreso without warning and explanation. Feels like DE is ashamed to admit what exactly they want to forbid in the chat. Besides, it's a MATURE game, I believe people are pretty capable of using the ignore list and filters to not be bothered, without others putting themselves in the tutoring position.

    You seem to have forgotten that DE resides in Canada where they make coerced speech law. Free speech doesn't exist when there are "hate speech" laws.

  3. 4 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

    It's out of DE's control. You should have bought your ticket sometime in the three months that it was for sale. 

    If you truly think this was out of DE's control, you don't understand how programming a game works. They chose to use the alternative company to sell the digital tickets. They chose to tie Baro to those tickets. This was anything but out of DE's control.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Thaylien said:

    Ahh, you're misunderstanding ^^

    The Tennocon Relay doesn't offer anything new. It's a once-a-year bonus for buying the digital access pack, you don't buy access to the Relay, it's part of the pack. And all it does is allow Baro Ki'Teer to sell an inventory of every item he's ever brought all at once.

    All of these items will be available again, nothing is gone, but they just won't be available from every time he arrives.

    So don't worry about having missed it, you don't have to buy the Digital Access to get the things that are available at the Tennocon Relay ^^

    Sorry but it's you who is misunderstanding what they said. Having to wait possibly several months to have a chance to buy most of this again is not consoling. Especially when most of us in this thread now have to see that he's there, and not even have the ability to pay to go buy from him. 

    Us: Please take my money DE!!!!
    DE: No thank you. Don't worry though, you can wait an indefinite amount of time to get the items you can't get today, or tomorrow, or the next day. Feel free to buy some platinum anyways!

    This entire thing is silly. Baro should have been available for everyone. At very least, we should still be able to purchase access. There's no realistic rationale for the way it's set up.

  5. Interesting. I've known about Baro coming for Tennocon for about 2 weeks, and have seen people saying there's a digital pass for Tennocon but assumed that was to watch it live online. NOTHING ANYWHERE said that they were linked. Now, with 10 hours until it starts, I can't even buy a digital pass to get access to Baro, despite having farmed for several hours to get the ducats and credits needed for gear, AND having the money to spend on it. I'm beyond pissed off right now. I've been playing this game since the first month of Beta. I've spend hundreds of dollars on this game. And I can't get a pass because I didn't know about this before the 3rd. There is no logic behind this.

    DE: "Sorry, we don't want it"


  6. Something definitely needs to be done because hitting focus cap without cheesing the stealth modifier mechanics takes way too much time and for most people just isn't feasible. With how much focus is required to fill a tree, missing out on a daily cap hurts quite a bit. I get that it's end-game and isn't intended to be done quickly, but making people feel forced to cheese mechanics can't possibly be the desired effect. As it stands, the only reasonable methods of farming that I have found are Saryn/Banshee power spam on Hydron and Banshee/Equinox stealth killing on high level exterminates. If I don't do one of those things, it's virtually impossible for me to hit cap and I generally play at least a couple hours a day. It should be much more passive. Why do cheaters have to ruin the game for everyone, and not just themselves? It seems to me that since you can't convert focus into any currency, the entire concept of the convergence orb, given there is a daily focus cap, is only hindering active players. I think that it should be a % of affinity gained for every kill, based on lenses you have on your gear. If the current iteration would yield too much, then lower it. And make it so the % is less on survival or something. The current iteration is terrible though and I really hope something is done soon because it's sucking the fun out of even trying.

  7. Title says it all. I was wondering if it would be possible to show an icon or symbol on the weapons/bps in the market and in the dojo research facilities, to allow us to quickly identify if we've leveled one of that item. I feel like it would be fairly easy to do and would make getting BPs for new weapons to level much easier.

    Also, I know this isn't the same thing but I guess I'll drop the idea here. Maybe something to let us know if we have the weapon/frame and/or have leveled the weapon/frame for void relic reward selection. I have a terrible memory so it would be a nice touch.

    = D ty for taking input and feedback. You guys *and girls* are awesome!!!

  8. First wanted to say that you guys have been the most responsive dev team I've ever seen and I've been playing video games for about 15 years. Great job!

    One thing I can think of that would make a huge difference in speed of setup in between missions to allow for people to spend more time playing and less navigating menu's. I don't think it would take a huge amount of work since it would only add a small portion of functionality to another menu. 

    My idea is to allow for the quick change of configuration on the currently equipped weapon. This would allow people to make all their configurations and then almost never need to navigate the arsenal menu unless they need to really make changes and not just change up config. I was also thinking that it'd be a good idea to display the damage types at least of the current config selection as well for obvious reasons. No other stats should be necessary unless you throw on the DPS numbers too for extra functionality but I can't imagine that would be necessary.

    I hope this is helpful and once again, you guys rock!

  9. The obvious problem that could occur here is that people could end up disliking one factions music and it would just be more reason to play against fewer factions. The infestation ruination made me never play infested anymore since I don't bother with ops anymore because I have everything I want from them. Are you going to ruin another faction now by giving it music I can't stand? Obviously I could just continue playing Pandora since there's no real music to speak of right now but I'd be much happier if you developed a system like Starbound's dynamic music system. I am not giving up on believing in you guys but with the lack of open discussion until now, I can't help but feel like there was no real musician on the staff before so I'm questioning who will be making this music? Is it going to be pure user-generated? Can we get some ideas on the type of music you're looking for or do you have no plans thus far?


    Also I will guess that the BRAKK will suffer because of it's over use by people in the not to far future, I give it a 98% chance the BRAKK will be NERFED to HELL in coming updates & will end up being as useful as 85% of the weapons in the game that are just plain rubbish.



    Keep in mind there are many of us who enjoy playing extremely high level content. Without weapons such as the Brakk and Synapse, that content would be almost impossible..

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