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Posts posted by Fizzbanger

  1. Yea I get that, what I'm saying is that my standing has hit a wall with Solaris IN BETWEEN ranks even though according to my profile I still have like 15K available for the day.

    Hence my question, is there a max limit you can grind per syndicate that is independent of your daily limit or is this a bug?

  2. So I have 18K syndicate cap, but do syndicates themselves also have a max limit you can do for them?

    For example, I'm running bounties for Solaris United but with 15K cap still remaining (according to my profile) I have apparently maxed out Solaris cap.

    Is this a bug?  Or am I missing something?

    Please Halp!

  3. So I've decided to get back into Warframe in preparation for the release of Fortuna and after finally patching (which took 24 hours due to launcher failing to patch and finally somehow fixing itself, even though I logged a ticket no one responded to) I've gotten out onto the plains and have been chasing down revenant parts.

    Now is it just me or are there more glitches than ever with bounties?

    For example, in a few hours of game play I've had:

    - Cache mission where no caches and no timer starts making it impossible to finish or fail.

    - Drone escort mission where drone is stuck in trees and will not be budged making it impossible to finish.

    - Base clear/defense mission where the last enemies to clear out have run so far out of mission zone that in order to kill them to finish the mission you are forced to leave the mission zone for so long that the mission fails.

    Honestly, I don't remember it ever been this bad.  What is up?

  4. So thought I'd get back into Warframe today but on opening the launcher it downloaded stuff and then got stuck with the following error:

    Update failed!
    Some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers.
    The update will be restarted shortly..


    This happened to me once before and I was able to get around it from an idea on the forums, by changing the language settings, letting it download and then changing back to English.  This has not worked now.

    So I've come here to see if there are any other suggestions of how to fix this. 

    Basically cannot play the game as it cannot patch itself.

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