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Posts posted by Nistafranger

  1. So, as said in the title, i bought the galvanized shot, i can see it in my mods inventory when equipping it on my Marelok Vaykor...

    Except for a few things :

    -It doesn't show in the mods sections

    -I can't upgrade the mod at all since i can't see it

    -Equipping this mod in particular only and going to the "equipped mods" section from the arsenal, makes me simply go to the all mods sections.


    It's like the game knows i have the mod, but is not showing it somehow.

    Joined a video with it :


    It's a bit boring since i don't really wanna farm this mod again. But on top of that, it would be even worse if it happened to other mods too.


    Cheers !

  2. Yeah i know i know , DE said that was nearly impossible .. but with ps4 conference talking about cross-platform and all , is there a little chance ?

    i read somewhere that it's because the studio can't keep up with updates , i know about this problem . but what if the studio got more people or more profit , do you think it could be possible ?

  3. il y a 3 minutes, Wyrmius_Prime a dit :

    PvP is dead. Lunaro is dead. The only future touches that might come to those is their removal from the game.

    i don't think so . There is a whole community behind those modes .
    and if there is a community behind , so the gamemode is not dead . And a lot of people play the game only for pvp or lunaro ( trust me )

    • Like 4
  4. il y a 4 minutes, Heidelgard a dit :

    If you enter a mission with only a melee weapon (without having equipped primary and secondary guns), you can normally block attacks with the right mouse click.

    But sadly you cannot toggle block anymore for some reason, and that pains me much.

    This current melee system is still very messed up, so until it gets fixed, I think that for now if you really like melee and want to enjoy it, it's best to enter a mission with only the melee weapon. 

    yeah you're right 😉 

  5. il y a 2 minutes, Xzorn a dit :

    To more easily do block combos you'll have to perform the first attack without block and hold it during the animation. You can then just hold it while attacking to repeat the combo. Why on earth aiming brings back  your guns. I have no idea. There's a lot of counter-intuitive things in this melee revision like if you toggle back the old-school left click melee and perform a melee execute attack it will auto-equip your gun after the finisher. Makes no damn sense.

    i agree with that , they need to implemant this feature

  6. HI !

    for many years , i was playing warframe , today i do the same . this games has been so freaking good that i've played on it a lot . The staff is super : funny devs , lives and devstreams .

    new content and some major updates , the games is evolving every day .

    just one word : thanks from france !



    and now the question : from i've started to play warframe , i've been always wondering if the studios was able to visit . or just taking a fast look in it x)

  7. Hello ! there was 2 minutes , i've decided to do some captura into the war within scene . i'v wanted to try the archwing launcher and it worth !
    i don't really wanna you patch this but it's interesting to know , so i'v decided to report it . here is some captura i've do with my archwing , tell me what you think !

    Bonjour ! il y'a 2 minutes j'ai décidé de faire quelques captura dans la scene de :"the war within" . j'ai voulu essayé le lanceur d'archwing par curiosité et ça a marché !
    je n'ai pas vraiment envie que vous patchez ce bug mais c'est intéressant a savoir donc j'ai décidé de le report . voici quelques captura que j'ai faites avec mon archwingRPQdRWd.jpgen voici une...

    et en voici une autre !Zt7PUUF.jpg


    PS: collisions are respected , i can't go evrywhere i want .
    ps: les collisions sont respectées , je ne peut pas aller ou je veux .

  8. bonjour !

    j'aimerais vous faire part d'un joueur qui est venu dans mon escouade et qui m'a dit de la quitter. moi j'ai répondu non évidemment et il a commencé a m'insulter avec des F*** off , il m'as traité de noob que j'avais un équipement de naze un niveau de naze et même qu'il m'as dit de désinstaller warframe tellement j'étais mauvais ! j'ai pris une screen la voila :son pseudo c : Edit Yaerion: pseudo retiré. Pour signaler ce type de joueur sur le support: Envoyer une demande>Rapport de Joueur et de Hack> Catégorie "Harcèlement". En fin de formulaire, utiliser "Joindre un Fichier>Ajouter un Fichier" pour coller la/les capture/s d'écran.

    ducoup comme j'aimerais pas que cela arrive a d'autre j'aimerais qu'il soit puni ou un truc du genre svp ou bien un avertissement car la franchement il est venu est m'a dit de m'en aller et les insultes j'aimerais pas que cela arrive a d'autre .

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