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Posts posted by Ydah

  1. hello! I hope my first fanfiction won't disappoint you guys.


    It was happening more and more often: a perfect replica of herself staring at her before disappearing whenever she looked away. it didn't matter when or where,

     as long as she wasn't fighting her copy would be there, same face, same clothes same size, it was only the piercing eyes that were different.

    She plunged herself into her work, as long as she was on the field she felt safe, the blood and carnage that usually made her doubt if her way was right now suddenly felt safe and comforting, but the comfort never lasted and she knew it was only a temporary escape,

    Knowing the story of Rell and how the donda  helped him focus she went out and stole it from the red veil, she had to return it later, it made it worse, the humming would not go out of her head,

    she used to spend platinum on clothes and outfits, selling a full prime frame just for some old orokin clothes, she used to ask ordis how she looked, 

    one day she stopped, it appeared when she was changing, from that day she never changed, same clothes every day.

    later she went missing, her orbiter disserted, 

    rumors of a demon fighting the sentients came from Lua, fighting anyone it came across, constantly crying, and wearing expensive looking clothes.

  2. we are modern ninjas in that we are masters of mind games.... the moment you hear : "tenno on the ship" what KIND of teeno scoom are they fighting? rhino loki ash mesa limbo... all diffrent and even 2 limbo's play differently: one stealthy sneaker with rift powers as a "if something goes terribly wrong" scenario

    and the other using his rift powers offensivly while dual wielding somas,


    while some tenno fight similair in the same frames, most fight completely diffrent!

    we are random, we are the unexpected, we are RNGesus given form,


    and nobody not the corrupted the infested grineer or corpus knows how to deal with every single tenno in existance, they can understand us,

    for underneath our frames is pure random,

  3. A let it snow parody


    A framy christmass


    Oh the weather outside is frightful
    But the latest patch is so delightful
    And since we've got no place to go
    Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!!


    Oh, it doesn't show signs of stopping
    And I've brought some heads for popping
    The alarms are turned way low
    Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!


    When we finally leave tonight
    How I'll hate going out in the storm!
    But if you hold my kubry really tight
    You'll be warm all the way home


    The carnage is slowly dying
    And my kubrow is still rolling in the snow
    But as long as you love me so
    Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It snow


    Oh, it doesn't show signs of stopping

    And I've brought some heads for popping
    The alarms are turned way low
    Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

    When we finally say goodnight
    How I'll hate going out in the storm!
    But with my kubry il be warm till home,


    Christmas Carols - Let It Snow Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

  4. my own theory to what the tenno are is quite simple: random


    the sentients turned everything the orokin had against them so the oroking made the tenno,

    but they made sure the tenno where as confusing as possible:


    they gave the tenno the name of ninja a stealthy murderer who avoids direct conflict....

    and then gave them machine guns and lasorz.


    some tenno are downright destructive while others are indeed stealthy buggers,

    never wondered why there are a lot of possible usses with frame and power combos? so you cant predict then


    why are there so many manipulation frames? manipulation is harder to see coming.


    if you are told there are 4 tenno in your bedroom right now and you would have to deal with them how would you?

    you dont know if its a loki or a rhino, a nyx or a valkyr,


    so the orokin used (delibertly) conflicting info in the codecs and intel for bonus confusion and made sure that tenno have a wide arsenal of weapons to keep their opponment geussing, and in the end the tenno turned on their masters because  they are "customized" for unpredictability and nobody saw that coming,


    so in short: tenno are chaos, tenno are destruction, tenno are rngesus,


  5. DE mentiont at one point that the point of warframe was to A) heal a psychic wound (not the current topic)

    and B) to make the players feel "awesome one man army space warrior samorai soldier space ninjas"

    while at lower level i certainly feel like the above in higher end misions i feel more like a 4 man group of madmen hopping to kill everything in the room before they die.


    i wanted to put this thread in feedback but i would rather have a broader general discussion about what you ppl think.


    is feeling OP and awesome worth sacrefising any and all challenge? or am i looking at it the wrong way and should we be like real ninjas hiding in the shadows? is it mayby that the challenge is in micromanaging your kubrow ship mods and weapons and that the fights are there for those awesome moments (seeing boar prime clear a entire room of corpus elites in one clip)?

  6. last week both me and my buddies from my clan where out farming for vey heck keys after getting around 6 keys we got 

    3 chassis's and 3 systems at wich point i had to leave.

    when i came back i noticed somebody in our clan who had a spare key cooking at the time and they got their helmets while i was walking the dogs.


    so as a cheer up gift i got a boar prime set and a sicarus prime set from my clan leader (nicest guy i know in WF)

    so me with my 12 orokin cells made the boar prime and started farming LT, lech krill. after around 6 hours or 20 runs i had an amazing profit of 1 orokin cell.


    i attempted a nightmare mission to help me forget my terrible luck and as a reward i got the one nightmare mod i already have, 500 credits and 250 bonus credits and 0 resources.


    so my clan leader (have i mentiont hes a nice guy?) promised me that he will help me get bo prime all he needed was the handle and he can give me the rest so we did a t4 ext and we got.... nothing just credits and nothing more.


    is it just MY bad luck or do you gys have the same issus?


  7. ^This.


    People keep saying DE doesn't listen. Can they not READ? Or do they not BOTHER?


    We are here to help make the game better. We are an INTEGRAL part of the process, but that requires that we BE part of the process. If something is wrong, by all means, complain. PLEASE. (We won't always agree on WHAT is wrong and that is a good thing)


    NONE of us see the whole picture. NONE of us see every facet of this game at all times. But ALL OF US together have a view of what is right with the game and what is wrong with it.


    Anyone who says that DE doesn't listen hasn't been reading the forums. Anyone who says they don't care about the game hasn't watched any of the livestreams OR read any of the forums. And anyone who says DE lies about stuff is just trolling.


    Do they tell us everything? No.


    Do they LIE WITH MALICIOUS intent? No.


    Do they make mistakes? OH HELL YES. But... and here is the kicker... When we tell DE about the mistakes, THEY FIX THEM. Maybe not as fast as we might wish. Maybe not the WAY we might wish, but they FIX them. Good luck getting Bungie, Blizzard, EA or Ubisoft to act like that. Riotgames? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



    feedback is oke but naging about the latist addition demanding that they are given special rights since they are beta testers stuff like that is just my problem with poeple.

  8. DE have stated multiple times that Dark Sector was the product of publisher interference from their original concept.  As soon as the F2P game model became viable, DE jumped at the chance to make the game they wanted to in the first place.



    That is the point of this game. To live the dream of Dark Sector, and not the one they were forced to mutilate.


    yet alot of fans keep going WE WANT HIS WE WANT THAT WE WAANAA HAVE HTAT i prefer it more if we keep reporting bugs and leet DE create what they want to create. otherwise it was first publisher interferince with their idea and then even worse FAN INTERFERENCE!

  9. the game that DE wanted to be warframe? 


    if not http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/closing-digital-extreme-s-psychic-wound/1100-4555/ <- READ THIS


    i personaly think warframe is basicly a massive middle finger to the pulisher wich would explain the love both the community and the game itself gets from the DE.


    they do need warframe to be profitable yes thats why platinum and the market are in there but money is just their secondary objective or tertuarie(??) objective. the primary objective would be to prove that the game they wanted to be made CAN be made AND be populair. to prove my point:


    “It is the same people whose dreams have been crushed are back, and they got something to prove. So the intensity of effort and how personal the project is for them is unlike anything we've done.”


    this is just just my theory i would love to get some conformation but i doubt any [de]person to care



  10. Well the thing is the frames can already be bought in the store. If you could just trade for the parts (bp) nobody would ever think of buying the frame in the store (even if most don't). That would pretty much make them obsolete in the store.

    not exactly i mean you do have to work (or use platinum) in order to trade right? or am i just so dumb?

  11. there is a massive problem with trading: nobody wants to buy anything that isnt the most rare or the latest prime THING,

    and nobody wants to trade the moment i say "WTT: 3 arcane HELMETS FOR MAXED INTESIFY" the awenser i get is "Depends I Got Both How Much Plat Are You Willing To Give?" that is a real responce i once got MULTIPLE TIMES IN A ROW BY DIFFRENT PPL.


    the next big problem i got is you cant trade normal frame parts imagine this scenario i battled trough vay heck 8 times and i got a chassis and 7 systems now i see somebody who got 1 helmet and in need of some systems, sorry hydroid isnt prime (yet) so tough luck now go out and grind procastinators on ceres for another week, (unrelated but does somebody have some spare bacon for the triangulator?) 


    i understand you cant trade whole weapon bp's but i dont care since they are easy to get but parts for frames that needed to be farmed should be tradable.

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