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Posts posted by Sarattas

  1. Sortie probable drop rates:

    Rifle Riven Mod - 8.62%

    Pistol Riven Mod 9.66%

    Shotgun Riven Mod 1.62%

    If you've got only 1 riven mod it's RNG unfortunately. Check out this thread:


  2. Valkyr is just fine. With her 4th ability you can be immune to any damage for ~30 seconds, is it bad? Don't think so. With rage mod you can be up to full energy in seconds. Just to use Hysteria again.

    I do sorties with my valkyr with warcry build. It's pretty fun and strong, didn't have much problems today. Rage + Lifestrike allows you to survive group of 5-10 enemies at lvl 100. If there are more enemies, use Hysteria. You can't keep ulti all the time, but you can use it when it's needed and disable it when you don't need it anymore.

    I really hope they won't change valkyr back, it's ok as it is in my opinion.

  3. I checked TXAA right after patch with sharpening and I have to agree with OP. It was looking so much worse then SMAA that I thought its a bug. I just reverted my settings back to SMAA for now. Also I didn't check TXAA in mission during intense movement, but it is just looking too blurry for me when I'm in Orbiter - like I would play on half of my screen resolution :(

  4. When I was back after a break I thought there is some kind of bug because of that hopping. Running was looking so much better. I wish they could just remove wall running limitations but leave the animation as it was earlier. Would love to see wall running back.

  5. 2 minutes ago, zehne said:


    Basically, I'm just going to assume that there is some sort of lag/packet loss and some resolution errors that occurred for you. When it was resolved you were teleported back to your last known 'good' location. 


    Yeah, but I was playing about 6-8 minutes without any problems/lags. I mean, we just started second point when I was teleported first time. The second time I was teleported to the same place as before was just after third point, so at least 6 minutes later.

    1 minute ago, crazyN00b said:

    I haven't done much testing, but this random teleport on finisher does happen when I have reaper prime with the candy cane skin and happens rather often. Haven't tried without the skin or with any of the other scythes so can't say if those are related to the problem, but it doesn't happen with other weapons.

    I'm playing with Fragor Prime without any skins, so it's not the same issue i guess. I don't know if I was teleported during finisher animation actually, was just my wild guess about this problem :P

  6. 7 minutes ago, PhantomCrosz said:

    today's sortie is infested so grineer commander wouldn't be the cause, do they always happen when playing with others ? it might be a connection issue

    Yup, it was infested mission. My connection was stable, ping was low all the time. No lags or disconnects, so I doubt it's connection issue. It's pretty rare, It doesn't happen all the time and in all missions (fortunately).


    7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)OptimalEffect said:

    i have the same problem (Xbox One) it's rare but it happens.

    Oh, so it's not only me actually. Will report it as a bug later, just wanted to know if someone else have similar problem.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    Did you run into a Grineer Commander?

    Were you playing with a bored Loki using Switch Teleport?

    Was it the bug where holding a movement key while doing a melee finisher with a two-handed weapon makes you fall through the world?

    None of those, it was infested mission. We didn't have Loki (ember, rhino and inaros if I remember correctly). And no, I didn't fall through the world, I was just teleported without any effect/animation. My position just changed instantly.

  8. Hi, I have strange problem lately. In some missions my warframe teleports to random location. Seems to me that it's not completely random, it's probably one of the positions i already was before. Fortunately it happens rarely.

    For example in todays sortie 3 (mobile defense) i was teleported back during defending second point. It was pretty close, just like 15 yd away. Later during defense I was teleported again to same position. Finally a few yards before extraction I attacked random mob and I was again teleported to the same position, half of the map away.

    I'm guessing it has something to do with finishing attack animations, but I can't seem to find exact problem, it's just my guess. It started few days/weeks ago, I didn't notice this problem earlier (before December). I would like to know, am I the only one, or is it a common issue? Tried to search for that on forums, but found nothing.

  9. When relics are going to be vaulted they are not removed from inventory nor existing ones have their rewards removed. It wasn't intended. Information about staying in mission is standard message during each update. Looks like there was some kind of bug, try with support, who knows, maybe they will be able to fix it somehow. They couldn't give you any warning because they didn't want to remove anything.

    Just curious, did you get any item you needed from those relics? And did you check if you don't have those items in your inventory?

  10. Are you sure you didn't get any rewards? I had similar situation few days ago but then I realized i've got my rewards even though summary screen wasn't there.

    If you have screenshots/video with those rewards you can try to submit support ticket. Otherwise I don't think you can do anything.

  11. 21 minutes ago, ashrah said:

    that is true...but   there a lot forum defenders who will say its not true but it is 100% true noone have time to war   for dayes 1 item

    It's not about being true or not. What you are saying here is basically "I'm right, they are wrong because emm.. I'm right and what i'm saying is true".

    In my opinion warframe is reaally far from P2W. You may have bad luck sometimes but it has nothing to do with P2W.

    RNG is one thing but let's talk about how you are going to farm items. If you want certain item from relic, you should do some extermination/capture radiant runs instead of 1.5h survival with 8 radiant relics. It would be faster and way more efficient as it would increase your chances 4 times.

    Sorties - i'm gonna agree with OP, would like to see some changes here (still not pay to win though).


    As someone said already, there is no way to remove rng from Warframe.

  12. You don't like doing Lua puzzle, someone else don't like killing mobs, someone else don't like Second dream quest or The War Within. Should we have the option to skip entire game because someone don't like it? I don't think so. Because someone paid for it? Nope. Because someone is "veteran", whatever it means? Nope.

    I would understand your point if completing Sedna junction would need 50 puzzles. But 3? It's not a chore, it takes 1 hour (even including watching youtube guide about puzzles). Probably even less. Doing exterminate mission is not a "cheating", it's just fastest way to get Lua mods. You need another few minutes to kill Vay Hek and you will kill Sentients during Lua exterminates. Guys, let's just play the game instead of skipping whole content for one new quest.

    Even if it's for some reason hard for you to complete junction, you don't have to do it right now. You can do one extermination mission on Lua per day. You will have access to War Within in one week.

  13. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)VexionZ II said:

    "i know this ain't a bug or glitch guys its a cap"

    It IS a bug. If DE would introduce any cap then you would get message that you hit the cap and it would be always the same time. What you described is just random bug at very long survival missions. Just report it and they will fix it some day (or not). Obviously, this bug isn't intended.

  14. How can you be so angry at someone just because you didn't know the "tactics" for boss?

    If you really spent 45 minutes fighting Jackal then it was wasted time for sure, but it was YOUR choice and YOUR fault. To be honest after 5 minutes of fight you should already know what you have to do to kill that boss, its really obvious tactic.

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