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Posts posted by Clookie

  1. Prior to the latest hotfix (34.0.5), Voruna's attacks with Ulfrun's Descent active, only temporarily broke Shroud of Dynar's invisibility before putting her back into her invisible state without triggering the melee buffs. Now, leaping onto a target will cause the invisibility to break and trigger the Shroud of Dynar's melee buff with Voruna still in her Ulfrun's descent, forcing her to cast her invisibility every time she'd leap onto a new target to take advantage of the ability synergy with her 4th.

    Behavior prior to the hotfix:


    Behavior after the hotfix:



    • Like 5
  2. I was carrying over my wisp appearance to its prime variant when i noticed that, while attempting to alter the purified blossom ephemera appearance, the secondary energy color box was missing. Picking a color value changes the appearance of the entire cosmetic rather than allowing me to change the appearance of the ephemera's inner and outer colors individually:



     Missing secondary color option:



    I posted this bug report in the UI sub-forum because the appearance of the ephemera gets correctly carried over by importing the warframe looks through the "Link Look in chat" function however, the energy color box in the appearance screen still remains one:




  3. As the title says i was running some Lephantis farm and I've discovered by case that, after completing the fight and while taking the elevator, the player is capable of getting outside the map by performing a bullet-jump through the ceiling as the elevator reaches the upper floor. The elevator has some overgrowth before the ceiling which makes the bug somewhat hard to replicate but if the player were to thread the needle through the two golden rings (which only took me ~6 attempts to replicate) it has a 100% success rate.

    In addition to that I've noticed that if the player were to fall back in the map bounds and get himself stuck in the cylindrical slot of the "cone-shaped" decoration placed on the ceiling of the upper corridor and used /unstuck he would get teleported back in the elevator shaft at ground level while the elevator platform would be at the upper level, leaving him pretty much soft-locked. I am uncertain whether or not the behavior of /unstuck was a rare occur but i thought I'd mention it.

    I include a imgur album with some screenshots, including the rough area of where the player must bullet-jump. https://imgur.com/a/npK9ZhS

  4. As the title suggests i've come across, two times now, a glitch where despite collecting 10/10 reactant the relic won't open (wont receive the corrupted buff nor you'll be notified by Lotus for opening it), after collecting the 10th unit of reactant corrupted enemies will stop dropping reactant making it impossible trying to "fix" the bug by collecting an additional one.

    Of course i don't need to say that i HAVE equipped a relic in the mission select screen and that at the end of the mission (as the screenshot down below shows) i didn't got to receive a reward from my relic nor i get to pick one from my teammates. What i can't tell is whether or not the relic in my possession gets consumed or not after the mission (theoretically it shouldn't but maybe the glitch has weird interactions with it, you never know) as both time it happened i was opening junk relics for void traces so i didn't paid attention to the number in my possession

    Before creating this post i've done a brief google search about the problem and it seemed that it had happened to other people before me but it never really got aknowledged.. therefore i'll make a brief list of all the threads about it i've found:

    And last but not least.. here's the biggest reddit post i've found about it, hopefully it'll hold good informations about it for the devs:

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