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Everything posted by Clookie

  1. Bumping this ol' decrepit post because it is still a relevant issue to this day!
  2. The bug has been added to the known issues thread: This means that unless the fix requires code alteration, the devs should roll out a hotfix during the course of next week.
  3. Prior to the latest hotfix (34.0.5), Voruna's attacks with Ulfrun's Descent active, only temporarily broke Shroud of Dynar's invisibility before putting her back into her invisible state without triggering the melee buffs. Now, leaping onto a target will cause the invisibility to break and trigger the Shroud of Dynar's melee buff with Voruna still in her Ulfrun's descent, forcing her to cast her invisibility every time she'd leap onto a new target to take advantage of the ability synergy with her 4th. Behavior prior to the hotfix: Behavior after the hotfix:
  4. I was carrying over my wisp appearance to its prime variant when i noticed that, while attempting to alter the purified blossom ephemera appearance, the secondary energy color box was missing. Picking a color value changes the appearance of the entire cosmetic rather than allowing me to change the appearance of the ephemera's inner and outer colors individually: Missing secondary color option: I posted this bug report in the UI sub-forum because the appearance of the ephemera gets correctly carried over by importing the warframe looks through the "Link Look in chat" function however, the energy color box in the appearance screen still remains one:
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