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(XBOX)Paladin Kenobi

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Paladin Kenobi

  1. 15 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    Exactly. A standalone Prime Bow could be a compromise, but Daikyu Prime is the best candidate.

    i feel like majority of people would be hype for a prime silenced smg over just a bow. You rarely see ppl use bows lol plus she already has a bow

  2. I have a riven with crit chance/damage/negative impact. With prime gambit + riven i have a 101% crit chance, the only way you can get a 100 cc with the knell your riven cc stat has to be 213% no less, not even 212.9 lol this gun is really good only with a good riven.

  3. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Skiller115 said:

    My hope is that people don't automatically call her garbage and useless after she's released like all the other frames released in the past 12 months because she can't carpet nuke a room full of level 100+ Graneer instantly while while being invincible!

    the last couple frames we gotten have been just mediocre at best, i think its time for them to put in the work and make her really good, i want a new frame that im always going to use not just playing with her for about a week then thrown in closet with ember wukong. Im on xbox and i rarely ever see baruuk, revenant and khoras

  4. So im guessing theres not going be any black friday or cyber monday sales going on this year? the past year was cosmetics, formas and catalysts sales and few years before it was a plat sale. I personally want a plat sale, doing cosmetic sales isnt much of a deal at all since plat is still full price 

  5. 13 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    Nitain comes up four times a day, that's pretty regular.   Items needing nitain do not come up often.   Collect as you go so when it does come up you are ready for it.   Unless of course you have everything else in the game done, just you just have to be patient.   Though, if you have everything in the game pretty sure have enough time to gather nitain while playing.

    a warframe should only require 1 nitain extract just like orokin cells

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