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(XBOX)Paladin Kenobi

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Paladin Kenobi

  1. This resource IMO was a terrible idea, mostly adds to the grind scheme. A resource that cant be obtained regularly and only through alerts is just dumb and unfair and especially when it comes to Vauban Prime where 20 of them are required, which needs to be  changed. What do you guys think. Oh yeah and apparently you can get them in caches but there really really rare and if you do somehow manage to get it, you just get one -_- LOL !

  2. Ok so i think these wait times for building things are very unnecessary and kills the game in a way IMO. A couple hours or maybe even a day isnt bad at all, but 3 damn days..... um no. you have to farm constantly to get the parts which we all know we get b.s half the time, after a week or so of getting all the parts you now need the right resources, we mostly have it from playing, now with the new lovely nitain extracts which only come in alerts and is un-farmable, yay:), you need 20 for vauban prime by the way -_-  and yeah after getting all the parts and all the resources you need and you finally can build your warframe that you farmed for and wanna play with it, boom! wait 3 days!!!!!  really, i could understand maybe 24 hours for a frame but 3 days thats just wrong.

  3. 8 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    You came in asking for people's opinion on a prime version of a DragonBall Z Character, which has nothing to do at all with the original post. That in effect is known on forums as "Hijacking a post." Its considered rude.


  4. 1 minute ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    No... and don't hijack someone else's post.

    As for the OP, there is no leveling system within dojos unless you mean the ranks. Ranks are however rightfully set manually by those given authority to do so, for security reasons. Last thing you would want is someone "ranking up" and then messing with your clan is possibly quite harmful ways. If you mean leveling up in some other way, you need to flesh out your idea more.

    .....What ?  '-'

  5. 11 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:


    Its not just about either of these things. In game design even for PVE, balance is key to maintaining a games appeal. I.e. if you have a pve game where you have a weapon that nukes a room and is constantly reusable, is that ok? Not in the long run. For most people it would be fun for sure for the first few times, but after a while the appear goes away. Having an assortment of weapons to choose from that are all interesting is what keeps a game's appeal going.  

    so why havent they nerfed infected ancients 1 shotting players out of no where with that ridiculous toxin damage or those blue grenade things drones drop and they touch my foot and i instantly die? 

  6. 1 minute ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

    Exactly!  Thank you!  It sometimes  gets annoying when players complain about how a weapon or a frame is too powerful.  They can have fun with their Mk1-Paris, Mk1-Kunai, and Skana.  I, on the other hand, will be playing with my shiny brand-new Tonkor Prime. 

    exactly.what are be unfair to the AI Bots or something???

  7. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)gggglllaaadddeea said:

    Of course the game will die one day. What I said was neither insulting now unhelpful. In fact if I was a player who thought the game was coming to an end I would have read my topic and said "hmm I'll try some of those things out, maybe they're alright." 


    Then you have those caught up in their own ways complaining about the game not getting enough updates.


    1. It's a free game.

    2. New updates and prime frames every 4-5 months.

    3. It's a free game.

    4. Ridiculous wait times

  8. 6 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

    nah I don't freak out over pixels.. warframe has lost it's heart (void 1.0) and the Defibrillator (TWW) wont be able to revive it to it's former glory.

    you know what they say when a person has a stroke right? that when they recover a part of their body died never to work properly again<< ( the state we are in now in the game)

    one thing i hope that the void will be great again one day... now that relic are here there basically useless besides argon crystals, farming parts in void was more fun than boring missions

  9. 1 minute ago, Iamnotanoob said:

    Each prime access lasts four months ,after that a new prime and it's prime access is released . The old prime frame will vault at its release. Nekros prime was 22 September so....next new prime and nova vault will happen near 22 January 2017.

    2017??? aw well thats to early lol

  10. 1 minute ago, Kenshin98 said:

    yes they will. imo, nova was so popular that she got primed while she wasn't old yet, so yes, I think she'll be worth a lot, and soma p too, since you know op af 

    i wonder if she will be like rhino, worth a good amount or more like mag were she will always be cheap lols

  11. my only problems are the unnecessary amounts of farming, waiting and plat walls. spend a week getting parts which you can get bs'ed from ridiculous drop tables, when you finally get them it requires more farming with resources and nitain which can only be obtained through alerts and when you finally have all that you have to wait 3 days... -_-

  12. 4 minutes ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:


    30 slots would cost 15x12 plat.

    10 primary+10 seconday+10melee would cost 5x12+ 5x12+ 5x12

    It's exactly the same amount. Bothing changes.

    they start off free and more costs extra

  13. 51 minutes ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

    I'm honestly against this notion for some Augmented mods, as it directly/indirectly affects their damage output / choke-holding enemies too significantly which would contradict the whole point of the Exilus Slot.

    I specifically used the word some, as I do think it doesn't have to be a universal rule since there are plenty of candidates that could possibility fit in this category.

    its PvE, who cares about how OP we are, its not that serious lol. Im all for a Tonkor Prime !   :)

  14. 40 minutes ago, Vuli said:

    It's necessary if you want to keep everything...which I do. It cost the same either way, I don't understand why you want to impose limitations where there is currently none.

    all weapons in one category is a restriction, all guns in one takes up space faster than each having there own. prim, sec and melee start with there own 10 slots

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