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Posts posted by DenialBroh

  1. Just pwned destroyer yesterday with a daedalus stormbow, never gets old huh

    the ideia sure look fun, but wouldn't coding the enemy to get inside of floor would cause him to fall of the map (?)

    or it could be a giant snaker-like creature that would move freely thru an open area

    either way, sounds like a good ideia.

  2. On 2017-6-7 at 3:52 AM, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    So basically you'd like a no police/law day equivalent? 

    Yeap, sick af

    Edit: Actually, in the state i'm living, some months ago the police stopped working to ''redeem rights'', so the crime was exceptionally high for the time being (until the army came in), however, comparing *No police <---> Defectful bot* is pretty dumb.

  3. Just now, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    What I got from it is :

    Please change the color of the current "Red Text" , that is used to notice you that your weapon stats has decreased upon changing a mod, to something brighter.

    Personally, never had that problem I either have very good eyesight or this guy has lowered brightness on his TV screen.

    Oh, well. Changing the color would cause confusion on the players, since red was always used to sing a ''downgrade'' and green a upgrade.

    Maybe instead of them changing the colors they could let US chose the colors then? It would solve his problems and everybody would be happy with it.

  4. Hmm, nice ideas, all of them would make our lifes easier indeed however...

    9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)GryffsDeadCorps said:

    1/ Please change any text from Blood Red. This is a real problem for me as I can't actually read what the text says. I was a television producer/director for 30 years and you would never see us using dark or blood red for text as it resolves very poorly. This is an ongoing problem in looking at stats on a warframe or weapon where there is a lower number. 

    I don't know what did you mean by that.

  5. Making other chat windows seems a great idea. The current UI have a lot of space for these, i don't know why this couldn't come true since the current recruiting chat is full of relic shares and clan spamming.

    17 hours ago, Wolfsfang202 said:

    i personally got used to it, more recently though i have just put items up for buying/selling on warframe market and let people come to me

    This kinda adds to the problem, you could say the trading in-game is so messy and confusing that people resort on other ways to get to sell or buy something.

  6. 3 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    We already have 'Region' for general chat, 'Recruiting' for clans and invite-only squads, and 'Trading' for trading.

    I don't see how much more organised a chat feature could be.

    If you're asking for more convenient trading, well that's a different question.

    you does have a point, all i am saying is that the chat itself could use other windows and a better UI to make things less painful.

  7. 4 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    So I did just that, and saw lots of WTB/WTS/WTT posts pretty much as I'd expect from a trade chat.

    Nothing that shouldn't be there, and certainly no 'gold spam' like in your gif.

    Exactly, thats the problem, lots of WTB/WTS/WTT scathered everywhere, how is that organized? 

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