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Posts posted by (PSN)Ghostplayer9111

  1. 23 hours ago, (PS4)EyeGodZA said:

    Yeah, I must confess that I noobed out a bit and didn't read that notification properly. My bad.

    However, is there another messaging solution, or ar PS4 players stuck with the controller?

    i use ps4 and ass far is i know the controller is the only form of sending messages unless you decide to make a chat party or if you directly chat to the other guy/girl then the psn app can be useful it wont log you out (if i remember)

  2. tradeing can be a bit boring but i do my stuff during mission prep like when im grinding for stuff and the rest of the team is trying to figure out what there going to roll with sometimes just visit the relays and try to see what they want or need show a few things you got also if you have a prime set your much more likely to sell it and normally for a fair amount of plat.

    you can normaly tell whats the price for an item buy looking in the trading chat just wait for a wile and watch and if something gets unvaulted farm it get a bunch of parts try for sets though and save them for a wile say a month or so because the price goes up on items that eather came out the vault or just went in.



  3. use aura mods on your warframe it helps you and your team but more importantly it incresses your available mod capacity it helps if the mod matches the polarity  (Vazarin PolNaramon PolMadurai PolZenurik Pol)

    for your melee use a stance mod thay give you new moves read more at http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Stance .  you can get stance mods and aura mods on missions and alerts just so you know alerts give you better aura and its easyest  to farm for stance mods on a survival or defense.

    more about mods here http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mods

    and auras here http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Aura

    hope it helps

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