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Posts posted by Skyrazer

  1. The day Raid died and Survival became a thing....

    Oh, and that one time I spent my entire Saturday farming for a Frost Prime master BP and spent about 100 T3 exterminations with no results.

    Also last Wednesday since I can't log into the game anymore as of 15.2... and no the server updates haven't helped ._. 

  2. I´m Limbo with only unranked Phage, joining public DS defence.


    Host migration instantly, after joining back, I´m alone at wave 6.


    Gets to wave 7, Stalker spawns...

    Sweet mother of Celestia, Neb... o_O

    What'd you do to tick it off that much!?


    Anywho, on topic... 

    If the RNG isn't trying to make my life a living hell it's bad teammates, scrublords, disconnecting and tactical use of death squads on my objectives.... Oh, and that one time it spawned a 72 level Cpt. Vor and then Stalker spawned at lvl~80, so yeah.. it was a fun mission.

  3. And that is why I only Ask around Alliance / Clan chat. Region chat and Recruiting are cancer ._.

    Might just be me though but I despise people who use these kinds of messages. They don't feel like they're taking things seriously enough if they can't be bothered to make a proper sentence.  


    Also Why would you even bother asking for Mastery Rank? That basically means nothing, unless its bellow 3 or something. It's not a valid measure of player skill, and I've seen tons of high mastery level players (mr14+) get their back sides handed to them by AI. And quite a few lower MRs doing just fine. 

  4. Melee Frame? Hmm... EVERYBODY WINS! :D

    I'm a certified maniac (graceful one at least), so the only thing that makes a difference during melee is the weapon.

    Sure, squishy frames are trickier to keep alive and some have melee benefits, but it's not that difficult once you figure out how to work around weaknesses and use the rest to your advantage. One thing that bothers me is how easy it is to burn through stamina, especially during blocking.

  5. Interesting build :D


    But yeah, I prefer her to take the damage, it just feels like something she should do. Plus Rage is just funny when I imagine how hardcore she must look like to the enemies taking bullets and only getting stronger. That's some super Saiyan stuff right there.


    But the way you fit the mods on is really nice, I might build this into her B config and try it out. No harm in experimenting. I'd switch out the Siphon for Projection though, since you have a Intensify boosted Ener Vamp. Easy to top-up back to full power.


    But I don't use any arcane helmets in my builds, so what does this one do? <--- too lazy to check wiki.



    Arcane Aura gives a 25% Power duration, with a reduction to health. The reduction is pretty low considering from 740 health it goes down to around 703. You could combat that with Vigor it should go up to about 810 or somewhere along those lines. 

  6. Glad to see there's still some of us around. 

    My general philosophy with frame building is "simple, balanced and effective". One thing I really dislike is people who neglect certain powers from a frame and build their frames to overpower one while diminishing all the rest. So here's my main Trinity build, it's nothing special but it works : 


    Head - Arcane Aura helmet

    Aura - Energy Siphon


    -Well of Life

    -Energy Vampire










    It's more built for increased survivabilty, energy restoration and smart use of Blessing over brute spam. Gives both blessing and link a good 30 something seconds of duration, and still doesn't prevent me from saving teammates if necessary.

  7. 1.Made game to easy with people being invinsible and only having to worry about the trin infin blessing.

    2.Just imagine pre-nerf blessing in dark sector conflicts.

    3.To many people using trin.

    4.Made tank frames unneeded.

    I don't even know where to begin with you... 

    1. So being only partly invincible with Rhino along with CC immunity (which blessing does no provide) and direct damage is not making the game easier? Old Blessing had it's pros and cons, but the state in which it currently, or should I say recently, was was a reasonably balanced state.

    2. Dark Sector balance is a joke as it is, and the pre-nerf (today's) blessing did nothing in the long term since you were limited to a "cooldown" in between casts.

    3. Too many people using Trinity? That's a very interesting statement. I'm sure as all heck interested to see where you get matchmaked, because in my 1200+ hours about 0.5% of all players I've met in Pub or private games have been Trinities. As a Trinity player, as much as it pains me to say, she's horridly underplayed and unappreciated.     

    4. I do believe the old Blessing had issues, but those were resolved with the old nerf, and the recent one was uncalled for and a literal cheap shot to the minority out there who still play her, and an overall slap to the face to the entire community.



    Yeah, it was directly targeted at unranked Blessing builds. If this is what DE wants to stick with, then their stance is that they flat out don't want Blessing to be spammable, with or without the damage reduction buff (which is unfortunate).



    Yep, have to agree. The spamming builds were getting annoying. However the nerf was a bit too aggressive to resolve a simple spamming issue. A fixed (20-40 seconds) duration on Blessing would have been a better course.

  8. 1. Most of my Pug/Pub matches end up with the usual "mute syndrome" where nothing is said for the entire game and everyone rushes through the objectives, even on lengthy game modes like Survival. Majority of people I get matchmaked with are either nukers, rhinos or rushers, with the rare Support and Collector, but that just makes finding a good squad once in a while all the more satisfying.


    2. Nope, I think you nailed them spot on. ;D


    3. I'd be a mix of Support, Veteran and Bro. I like chatting during a game but there isn't much you can do when there's a wall of silence on the other end. 

  9. Eeeyup, I'm pretty sure progress is being made on Focus, even if its coming along slowly. My money's on DE being unable to figure out perks that wouldn't make mods obsolete or cause power creep. 

    From what I gathered they'll be adding more practical skills/perks rather than stat boosting ones (for Warframes at last), stuff like an extra life for your sentinel or passive health regeneration. 

    As for the whole "one time ultimate mode" this is still DE we're talking about so it might just show up under some form or another, but last they mentioned it was being scrapped... 

  10. most of that is true, but only thing is the last part, don't trust the wiki all the time

    Oh, don't worry, I'm not getting this from the WIki. There are much more reliable sources.

  11. Look, a lot of topics about the Latron Wraith (this one included) seem to be having the same problem. You think Wraith is a Grineer modified weapon, when in fact the Wraith variants are modified Red Veil equipment. The biggest giveaway for that was the art style, red and black, which doesn't really fit in up with the Grineer's normal color pallet (Greens, Gray, Yellow, and the Exiums colors). Furthermore Wraith weapons are both Tenno and Grineer, and the Grineer aren't know very well for adapting foreign technology (Seer pistol excluded since Vor's special). The Wraith Syandana received at the end of the Wings of Liberty event was also a Wraith, and the Grineer don't really strike me as a very fashionable kind. All of this leads me to believe the Wraith items are Red Veil in origin and we've been receiving them from the Red Veil in the first place, and any received via Grineer events could have just been confiscated Red Veil equipment. Alright? Have we cleared all that up? No?


    Fine if all that's still not enough for you the Latron Wraith skin is listed as "upgrades/skins/RedVeil/LatronRedVeil". I think my case is closed. 

  12. Oh dear..

    Well, my usual playlist is.. what? 10 hours(?) worth of Rock, Orchestral, Jazz, Fan music, Symphonic metal operas and everything in-between.

    Most of it's Instrumental though, not sure why but I can't fully appreciate the lyrics when I'm playing anything or drawing.

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