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Posts posted by badants1

  1. On 2/2/2018 at 10:20 AM, Suicidal_Bunny said:

    No, not yet. But they would not "show it off" if it wasn't close to finished. From the looks of it all they did is removed you from being a part of your clone party and made it cost more energy if you want to join in. That's just a strait up nerf imho. I wish they would change it to something like a clone bomb that you can throw at a group of enemies and they would auto target everything in range. Instead of running around aiming and not shooting for some reason and then having to wait even more for the damage kick in. It's like what if mesa had to aim around and "tag" all the enemies when she was in her ulti mode and only would shoot upon exiting it, and it would cost you 15 energy per target.... sounds kinda dumb. If they don't want ash to be press 4 to win, make it an ability that can clear targeted area. Or have ash summon 4 clones that run around as an A.I. and teleport to do damage on their own around you. Warframe is a fast game, it just does not make sense needing to look around at enemies and not shoot/kill them right then and there, because that would just remove all the marks and make the skill pointless altogether. Also, say you running around marking enemies, suddenly you realize your smoke screen about to wear off but you spent all your energy marking enemies and not even doing any damage yet. You can press 4 again and hope to god you have enough clones to kill the enemies before they kill you or start shooting marked enemies to get energy back? In that case why didn't you just shoot them dead in the first place and just saved your energy for smoke screens? I don't know what DE was thinking when they made these changed, because to me it sounds like no one at DE actually plays ash and they are just changing him because at first he was op and now they realized no one is playing him because his kit is just broken. >.>

    Can you go post this on the mega thread that DE Daneile posted please 

  2. I'm not on about the range of everything in range I'm on about just like how the marki marking is it only allows so many its only like wof banshee nidus Octavia I could go into a few others but all frames roughly have a way of just killing everything and not letting the team have any fun with it but ashs marking system really is a bad option for ash, having it more like the marking but without needing to mark if you know what I mean, it really does take all the fun out having to stop what your doing to go into mark mode 

  3. I was currently taking the mastery rank 7 test and was down to one enemy and the game crashed i could not do anything the controlls became un responsive but the timer was still going down, and because of this fault it caused me to fail the test and i can no longer do it for 24 hours, I fell cheated out of this rank for a error and i dont belive i should have to wait 24 hours to have to re do the test.

    please get back to me with any information you can.

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