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Posts posted by Vulpei

  1. This is feedback on Grendel only since I don't have Masseter.


    All of his abilities work fine except for Nourish.  It's takes too much effort to keep his buffs running.  A change I would personally like to see is have the toggle between mobs swallowed for Nourish removed and instead it's just a single button press having the buffs applied depending on mobs currently swallowed.  (Example:  If you have just a ranged unit eaten, you just get nourished energy.  If you have a ranged, melee, and heavy unit swallowed, you get all 3 buffs).  I'd also settle for just having the base duration increased. While I think regurgitate is fine as is, I would also like to see an alt fire of it where holding down the button would fire all currently swallowed enemies, similar to a shotgun.


    The only other problem I notice is every Syandana clips through him and looks awful because he's so thick.

  2. Here's my issues with Atlas:

    -Range doesn't actually extend the lock-on of Landslide, it will always be 15m

    -Tectonics is a weird skill imo.  It serves as a semi-decent defense tool with the augment (you really shouldn't need an augment to make an ability have a use), but the offense part of it is entirely useless. Honestly i'd rather have it removed for a more offense oriented skill but that's just me

    -Petrify costs way too much energy for something that is necessary for his passive if you don't use Path of Statues

    -Rumblers are cool, but not too useful overall

    -He decided bacon was an acceptable fashion choice


    Honestly though, i'd settle for them making Path of Statues have a 2m AoE petrify on punch.  Or you know, at the very least a visual of where the trail actually is.

  3. Since the patch, i've been using Vauban on kuva siphons and having issues with energy and after doing some testing I figured out why.  With streamline equipped Vortex should be using 70 energy total, but it actually has the opposite effect making vortex cost 130 energy instead.  I can still activate it if I had for example 80 energy, but it would take all 80.  After testing it, I realized it only happens after you have entered operator form once during a mission.


    Edit:  Actually doubles energy cost for abilities.  If an ability costs 70 energy, it will end up using 140 instead.  Further testing also proved it's not actually the mods that are the issue, even with no mods equipped it will still double energy cost.  Also apparently only effects Vauban.

  4. 22 hours ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

    Well, good for you. There's a ton of other people who don't play without vacuum at all. You wouldn't mind proper UV either.

    Guys, if you're speaking against UV, ask yourself first if you would actually mind having it? Cause it really wouldn't hurt you at all.

    It seems like some people are arguing for argument's sake. It's fine, but at least have a reason behind it.

    Alright, what would make people choose sentinels over pets if every companion was given a 10m vacuum?  Pets have better survivability, better damage, and better support skills.  The only thing sentinels have over companions right now is the fact that they have a larger vacuum.  This change would literally just flip the tables on the issue everyone pretends exists.  Both have perks and both have downsides, just as it should be. 

  5. Can't say I agree with the first point.  They're dirt cheap to make and they craft 5 at a time, razorback ciphers were completely different as they took a ridiculous amount of polymer bundles to craft.  Can't comment on the second one as i've personally not felt a difference.

  6. 4 minutes ago, racooperii said:

    Killing one or two enemies I don't think anyone has a problem with, the problem is using the Operator to grind out the Focus itself, you can maybe get 1-2 kills with the base beam(God forbid you run into a Healing Ancient or Eximus though) then back to the Warframe before you're blown away like tissue paper.

    Not to mention they're clunky in a way that make playing them for even brief moments an exercise in frustration to most people.

    It's a nice idea, would be fine as An alternative way to build up Some extra focus here and there but not the mainstay of building it. 

    If someone is actively grinding focus, there's no reason they shouldn't have at least the first tier amp yet.  And if using the operator frustrates people, I have to question why they're even grinding focus in the first place since 90% of the trees affect only them.  The other 10% doesn't take a lot of focus to get use out of.  I do agree that it certainly isn't the fix that focus needs though, but I doubt that fix will ever come since we still have convergence orbs even though people hate them so much.

  7. 2 minutes ago, CoreXCZ said:

    Yeah, Operator is so weak that killing with it in high level missions will be pretty hard, unless DE prepares something special.

    I don't have a problem killing around level ~30 enemies with my operator and he doesn't have any survival passives from the nodes, and since the starchart is where you're going to be doing focus farming anyways I don't see the problem

  8. Have kills made my the operator/amp give 100% (It could even be 50% or something like that, it just has to be significant)  of the affinity to the currently active focus school as focus points.  It makes sense logically to have them earn it and it would also give them an actual purpose outside of teralyst hunting.  Farming the same two maps over and over for focus gets old really quickly, this would partially remedy that.

  9. Not sure if you know, but you posted this in the bug reports by accident. :P


    Also it might seem ok right now but when single nodes start requiring 500k+ to max, you'll find out really quick why people are practically forced to focus farm to get anywhere.

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