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Posts posted by NathanielD

  1. 1 hour ago, Walkampf said:

    This is just flavour text.

    Frost is also credited for "lethal attacks"

    When was the last time you saw a pure ability-damage-setup for frost?

    Or Volt. His flavour text even outright describes him as an alternative to gunplay.

    Also, Embers flavour text was never changed since she was initially introduced, was it?

    However, if you look at Embers abilities, basically everything resolves around the idea of damage.

    And even considering that text, damage is still 1st place, with CC being an afterthought.

    ALL of her abilities sets enemies on fire (which staggers/puts them on the ground) or straight stuns them and none of that was removed/changed with this rework.

    How is CC an afterthought?


    And if you think that 1, 2 or even 5k of Heat damage suddenly makes a warframe a "damage dealer" you need to run her through high level content more.

    Also most if not all of the best damage dealing frames in the game that are the current meta have some form of survivability abilities/aspect.


    Ember had one and it was WoF range + Firequake. Now she has nothing and last night testing her out in the sortie I could barely keep myself alive, much less all my teammates on the survival, a type of sortie mission which I used to have fun and success using her on even if ospreys were already immune to WoF before, now it's just utter garbage.


    These changes means nothing at all for those that abused her abilities to either ruin the fun of lowbies, wreck fissures or afk farm. It did however made a mediocre-at-best, Sortie warframe, into a complete no-no.


    Well I got the message DE, thanks for relegating Ember to pretty much 5% of the game's content for me, guess it's time to move on to Mirage or Limbo.

  2. 18 minutes ago, KijiMuna said:

    I'm sorry, what planet do YOU live on? Here on Earth, things not shooting you because they're on their backs is VERY useful.


    If hitting 100% only reduced the damage to 10%, (hell I'd take 1% in the form of a slow fire-proc.) I'd be fine with a total damage nerf, but that's not what they chose. DE chose to try to make Ember a Damage Frame, and Damage Frames put me to sleep.

    The damage "buff" they added is inconsequential. The drain they added is not that bad, with my 637 energy pool I can still pretty much run it for the entirety of a mission. The one thing I have a problem with is the range, because that's the defensive value of WoF and pretty much it's only value.


    I wouldn't even mind the halved range that much if they turned WoF status chance to 100% and made the augment into a strong defensive bonus mod. But no they decided to halve the only thing worth using it for and double everything else that is useless even at it's doubled state.


    I liked the fact that I didn't have to refresh it every 15 seconds, that's why I main an Ember and not a Nekros. But as it currently is I don't even have to recast it, even with the increased drain. So basically their reasoning behind this change or at the very least the method used is unsound both for what they want to achieve and what the players want (ember players or not)


    Also, I personally haven't ran into fissures getting broken in a year and even then I wasn't killing the mobs before they turned, so could it be that a problem that already exists with any type of frame is being blamed on the usual suspect.

  3. 1 hour ago, Yonm said:

    WoF was not useful. You clearly only want it so you can cheese low level missions without any effort again.

    Yes it was with Fire Quake augment meant that anything that was hit by WoF would not be shooting at you and the targets that you are meleeing are on the ground thus ground finisher damage on them. So earth mission afk users just made them (DE) render my survivability in Sortie missions from passable to null, thanks DE!

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