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Posts posted by outoforeos

  1. Same happened to me except all I did was change my weapon. It made a duplicate slot that went over my maximum slots. I currently have 35/34 slots used and I'm a bit afraid to delete the duplicate. bVYQ17G.jpg

  2. So Grendel is definitely my new favorite frame. I've formad him a few times and have been using him on most missions. I also just really love his aesthetic, but he still really needs some improvements. 

    • As many others have said the energy drain increase is ridiculous. It either needs to be taken away or dialed back a bunch. What's the point of the armor buff if you can only have it for a few seconds?
    • Nourish's buffs are underwhelming and definitely need to be redone. But the biggest thing is that it's impossible to tell the difference between the different buffs you can select. He should get a side panel like Ivara's quiver. Also the healing should get buffed more. 
    • I never use his regurgitate since it's doesn't really do much. It's damage values should scale a little better and have a larger AOE. 
    • His roly poly should scale better, but I feel like removing the energy drain increase would solve this issue allowing us to make a much bigger ball. 
    • As a minor complaint why does he do toxin? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to do corrosive? 
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