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Posts posted by (PSN)Radek-98

  1. 7 hours ago, Marine027 said:

    It offers rewars in form of points you can buy sigils, skins, mods, etc. from. What kind of rewards should they get really, Conclave is and always was a small aprt fo the game, from the sound of it you want basicly rewards equal to the PvE stuff, so what really? Put catalysts in as random rewards? Credit packs? Endo?

    Well thats is just going for the extreme, we just simply want more rewards like resources and blueprints for the market weapons and such; not to mention more rewards that you could get with the syndicate. Granted, weekly missions rewards you with 10 copies of a rare resource, a stance, 100k credits and 50k Conclave syndicate points however, relying on these is not the way to go, especially for those that play Warframe for Conclave.

    PS- Conclave already rewards you endo sometimes at the end of the match.

  2. 12 hours ago, (Xbox One)DARK SALVATIONx said:

    10 is just not enough. i have many strategies. 5 more? is that so hard? in armored core verdict day we had 100 build slots.. 5....please?


    I agree, I'm one of those people that like to test a lot of weapons and 10 is simply not enough. They could add at least 5 more so that these kind of people could experiment with things more easily.

  3. 4 hours ago, Stormdragon said:

    Imo, terrify is a power which makes a lot of sense on both, preventing ability casts and dispelling already existing effects.

    I'll think on what other powers make sense for it.

    Maybe an augment on Warcry instead of the slow debuff, could be a dispell and prevent the enemy for using abilities with maybe less animation lock

  4. On Monday, March 27, 2017 at 5:33 PM, Nazrethim said:


    The problem I found with this is that if it were apply, these would be too powerful in consoles since in consoles it doesn't have the same frame-rate as a PC, is harder to aim due to controllers and in general, I tend to find a lot less movement than in PC (mostly I find aim gliders). Nikana and the Sword and whip are already too powerful in consoles. That is unless DE plans to separate the balance patches from PC to consoles in which it would be weird.

    These are already too dominant in consoles.

  5. 44 minutes ago, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:

    pretty sure the daikyu an 1 shot anything from just 15 meters away in just 1 second and the mios can probably do the same in 2 seconds so i really dont see the point in complaining about an ability that can do the same but leaves the person using it vulnerable and that the ability requires energy to use which in a proper match is not the easiest to get and  spam

    "b-but you need to aim the daikyu"

    nope you certainly do not  

    There are plenty of flaws with this logic:

    First, Daikyu doesn't one shot if the person has more EHP than normal unless it were by a headshot. Daikyu takes time to charge up the shot so unless you had the shot at the ready, thats not going to happen. Even if you were to hit the person with the Daikyu, you take damage since Crush has little to no start-up.

    Second, one can start up Crush from a mile away and still hit through wall (not exactly sure but I think it does).

    Your suggestions are very conditional and the same can be applied with the Mios. Unless you started already the combo animation, you are not gonna survive.

  6. I know that you are trying to show off your love for Conclave but I think you could have said that in previous post as a comment instead of a topic. While I do agree that Conclave is fine, this is not the way to say it because people make take it as a little hostile. Conclave does not need changes and if it needs a parkour change then might as well make the change to PvE too since parkour plays a bigger role in PvP because it is more important in there. Powers and mostly fine as well as weapons. Apart for a few tweaks here and there, Conclave is right were it is for those who bother enough to stay.

  7. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:

    Well I can't wait to see you in a lobby and watch as that kd you have drops dramatically. Because I will show a live example.

    We have encountered 3 times in a lobby and so far, my k/d has remain the same and I play conclave everyday so I must be blind that I did not notice your grand reputation. Anyway I'm not gonna bother in this forum since your suggestion is not gonna work, snipers works as intended and if you have a problem with that then thats on you. Your credibility has died and nobody takes you seriously now, thats why almost everyone disagree with you. Instead of crying for neff and wasting your time, find a way to counter them; everything has a weakness and snipers are no different.

  8. Look, if your nerf were to be implemented, Snipers would't be in any form viable. Why should a pick a Sniper when I can pick automatics and semi automatics and perform the same regardless the distance? Now I want to know in what game does snipers have a damage reduction if the target get too close? They are already hard to aim at close distance to begin with. Snipers are fine the way they are.

  9. This topic again

    Next time, please provide more feedback in the desired topic in order to people to get a better grasp of what you are trying to inform them about.

    Now onto the topic

    In consoles, people tend to move less because its harder to aim with controllers so you will see more people abuse melee because of this. While I do agree that the Mios needs some kind of tweaking, I would propose nothing too extravagant so here are my ideas:

    1. Move the knockdown effect at the last hit of the combo so that people do not directly fall into a meat grinder. By doing this, people will not get instagibbed the moment they are in range and allow some time to react but it also allows the user to land the next attack more easily while the receiver is more vulnerable to the unrealible finisher.


    2. Change the combo to a double input then the pause input like the Nikana or the S&S ones. This too allows a person more time to react and will be harder to someone abuse this combo.


  10. 1 hour ago, Pythadragon said:

    If you want player vs bot mode as practice there's PvE. Rathuum and Index even use Conclave maps.

    Well it was an idea to get players to try out Conclave. I already play Conclave but it would be great that new Conclave players could start out with something without getting steamrolled easily. Rathuum and Index concepts may be the same but I don't see enemies bullet jumping and wallhatching while shooting at you.

    Not to mention that you can still cheese you way out of it since mods still performs the same.

  11. Just now, Nazrethim said:

    Bots use randomized loadout.

    -Bots use Projectile non-hitscan guns on Easy and Normal, so players can train to dodge.

    -Normal and Advanced feature melee bots ocassionally, complete with Stance combos, the purpose is to show how dangerous a dedicated melee player can be and how to counter.

    An excellent idea that I left out.


    2 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    I have some ideas if you don't mind me sharing them on this thread, I would make a new one but since the title is more about helping new players seems apropiate :3

    Feel free to do, I'm all ears to new good ideas as you stated in your comment.

  12. I would propose a better way to get people get started/motivated to try out Conclave. Movement should remain the same so no, no stamina nor removing bullet jump. Heres my idea:

    Players vs bots- Players may have proposed this but I'm gonna make it a little different than those PvE people. As the name suggests, it would players vs bots however heres the difference:

    1. I would make 3 difficulty options: Easy, normal and advance.

    -Easy would consist pretty much like I see some begginers react; charging into fray without movement other than walking and sometimes jumping while shooting; nothing too extravagant.

    -Normal would consist of being a little smarter; they would aim at you while utilizing some cover areas, doing bulletjumps and retreating when neccessary.

    -Advance would consist of something that would propose a challenge to normal/advance players; they would utilize all forms of parkour, retreat and shoot at you when spotted, whoever, the shooting will be while they aimglide/wallhatch because I don't want them to be like a proffesional conclaver but rather serve as an example of what a player could do.

    2. The rewards can be a lesser version of the real PvP, I do not know the exact value of the affinity and credits that the real Conclave gives with each kill but it would be 30%/40%/50% respectively of the normal value depending of the difficulty while also giving 200/250/300 endo sometimes.

    3. They could also give the end of mission mods.

    4. While I'm saying that they could give a lesser reward of the original Conclave, it would NOT reward any syndicate standing; the rewards would be an incentive to play/practice it, not farm it.

    Overall, I think this would help new players to feel more welcome and come more prepared when trying out the real deal.

    I'm open to suggestions and feel free to leave your opinions. 

    I know that the current AI of the game its not pretty smart but I think if DE would dedicate to it, it could improve in order to match these difficulty levels.

  13. 1 hour ago, Nerumii said:

    However adding it to Free-For-All / 1vAll is stupid and there are a lot of reasons for it


    1 hour ago, Nerumii said:

    Warframe PvP has a lot of potential. An incredible amount of potential. But it's not even used to 10%

    These are the only parts agree with you in your...essay, on the other hand:

    1. Most gun are already balanced, in fact I think its the most balanced part in PvP.

    Soma Prime has an inferior TTK compared to most Spray weapons but its because it has high magazine size. It is a weapon favored to most first timers or not very experienced people in Conclave because its fairly easy to use but certainly not broken. Of course if you use little to no mobility, everything is gonna kill you in a split second.

    2. Sniper's Lie in Wait mod is not dropped in RNG, you can aquire it once you reach Typhoon via Tenshin's syndicate in the relays. The reason is stated above.

    3. Bows are more rewarding that maybe even Snipers; they are potentials 1 hitters especially the Daikyu with Spring-Loaded Broadhead and doesn't require mandatory aim like snipers in order to deal full damage but they are not hitscan weapon.

    4. Hikou and Kunais deal heavy damage but its because they have travel time, making hitting fast moving targets a chore and they are less favorable to good conclave players. Again you may see them more frequent because of first timers.

    5. Telos Boltace spin attack effects deals laughable damage unless you hit a player dead center and even then its not very rewarding. It can use as a potencial finisher though.

    6. Melee damage is already powerful to most weapons considering channeling. If melee needs anything, it would be a way that they can defend more against a airborne target.


  14. Trade chat:

    WTS Galatine set, must be MR 13 and have the Eros Oro Ornament

    Recruit chat:

    "Hosting Meso F2 must have radiant and the Eros ornament.".


    "Tenno, why don't you have the Eros ornament? I will stop supporting you until you have the Eros Ornament Tenno"


    "Ordis is hap-angry at you because you don't have the Eros ornament Operator"

    If it impacted PvE in that way then I could wholeheartly agree with you but fortunaly it does not. You play it because you WANT the decoration, you are not forced to GET the decoration.

  15. Again with topics like these when a Conclave related event is in motion.

    Toxicity=comes from non-PvP players because they can't be gods in Conclave.

    "Broken hitboxes"=non-PvP players claiming this because they get killed fairly easily and as the majority claims, they don't bother with PvP to actually prove this. Either they are experiencing latency/lag or spreading nonsense.

    Forced to play it=petty rewards that doesn't impact PvE in any way.

    I'm a collectionist MR 23 and don't have anything else to do=consider playing something else until more content arrives or endure it. I did not enjoy playing 20 times Tower IV defense spamming fast Molecular Prime in order to get an Akstiletto blueprint or Vauban Chassis.

    This is the problem of PvE players- I'm playing something I don't enjoy so I feel the need to spread nonsense on the forums. I serously detest Spy missions and avoid them but when one shows up in the sorties, I either avoid the sortie for that day or play it with my brothers, not come into the forums and beg for DE to remove them; why can't you do the same?

    PvP is way too fast- its as fast as PvE or maybe even a little slower. PvE parkour is only used to get to one extreme of the stage to the other in seconds, in PvP, parkour plays a more important role so consider learning how to use it more effectively or don't, just don't complain.

  16. 9 hours ago, Temragon said:

    Since I just started paying any attention to conclave with this event, I notice pvp has some really cool augments. I don't want to come in and "MINE MINE MINE" everything, but pve copies or pve-usability of some of these would be really cool. Mesa's waltz, Atlas' rumbled, etc. They seem like they would work fairly well without much modification.

    Oh I do agree, some of these would be fun gimmicks to PvE like sword alone, explosive demise, the stances, etc. But some of them would need to receive some modifications in order to be actually useful in PvE because Atlas' augment mode would need more than 500 health to actually be useful.

    DE please make this happen.

  17. On Wednesday, February 08, 2017 at 2:45 AM, (PS4)Ali_AmmarKh said:

    👏 if 👏 you 👏 dont 👏 like 👏 conclave 👏 dont 👏 play 👏 it 👏

    "Bu-but the catalysts and reactors"

    "We are forced to play this event because of the rewards"

    I'm really tired of dealing with this "argument".

  18. 1 hour ago, Mattoropael said:

    DE isn't so busy trying to shove it down our throats times and times again

    No one is shoving things to your throaths, you play it bacause you feel the need to obtain those items that doesn't impact PvE in any way. Orokin catalysts and reactors costs a mere 20 platinums that you can easily obtain by selling any set or mod in the trade chat.

  19. I don't know why PvE fans just bring the excuse of "forcing" them to do PvP. They are not because the rewards doesn't impact PvE in any way. Orokin catalysts/reactors costs 20 platinums in which you can easily get by selling prime sets or mods. 

  20. I don't get why PvE fans want to change PvP so badly. Movement speed and shooting is what draws most PvP'ers to this game mode, it is what draws me, the fast paced shooting that its in this game. I don't want this another boring first person shooter that usually the one that sees the other one first is the one that wins the encounter and pretty much less another Overwatch. I don't like Overwatch because is so team dependent heavy and I like to hold my own in any situation. You are already at a disavantage when outnumbered so there you have that. The only thing that Conclave needs is more stuff added to it, nothing more.

  21. 2 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    maybe you need to get more pvp mods?

    PvP mods doesn't give a direct advantage over players, they are mostly to suit the playstyle of the players. There are only a few that gives a direct buff to weapons such as Lie in Wait with sniper and Spring Loaded Broadhead with the Daikyu in which they are mandatory if you want to use those weapons effectively.

    1 hour ago, ShocK.- said:

    i thought about that! but i dont know which are good

    What I stated above, the mods in PvP are not mandatory, get the ones that suits your needs. If you prefer tanking more shoot then get the ones that increases your shield/health but reduces your mobility and vice-versa.

  22. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:

    ok great.

    if that were the case everyone would have a kd close to mine however they dont. the fact you justify at how good he is because he hjas 100k kills and then go on to say that kd ratio means nothing is contradictory and tbh laughable

    Because I based this of my personal experience against him and the k/d ratio just seems to add it up. Not everyone performs as good at the start and most of them fight all kinds of players, to newbies, to casual, to veterans, its why their k/d vary and not be as high as you because they don't run away when seeing another good player and farm newbies or low skilled players.

    Heck no even Phase, Pytha or Witchy have that k/d. Why? Because they fight all kind of players and I serously doubt you are better than them.

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