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Posts posted by Sarathiel

  1. As with update 14 i noticed that textures on warframes are slighty better and sharper.


    The game itself is definitely next-gen because of Nvidia PhysX but i'd like to see an option for models quality.


    I would like to have stuff smoother.


    Some parts in game have visible big edges, as do warframes also.

  2. Now each warframe has its gender. What if everybody enters spaceship as selected starting game (man or woman) in civil clothes. And walks around spaceship without warframe. Warframe is just an armor, not a player, it needs no gender. It is logical when warframes' gender depends on man or woman who wears it. 




    This idea is terrible, if you want to play as typical human, go play EVE online.


    I love the way Warframes are, it lets me think of them as some kind of monsters or robots, not humans.


    I definitely would want more to play as robot/some kind of monster than a normal human being

  3. I have a suggestion for DE to add more options in Dojo rooms.


    For example, there should be an option to destroy some parts in rooms to recover given resources.


    As there should be some fixes made to the game.


    I try to remove Orokin Lab room to move it in another place and it keeps saying "Room cannot be destroyed while there are active projects being built inside it" or "component could not be cancelled".


    The fix should really need to be done!

  4. I want to destroy my Orokin Lab in Dojo but i can't.


    It says "Room cannot be destroyed while there are active projects being built inside it"


    I wanted to change locations of all the rooms in Dojo but with this one still active, i can't do anything.


    Also i gave formas to these Specters and now i would like to destroy these researches but can't do it too tho.


    Another important thing is, i can't cancel construction of Specter Regiment cause it says "component could not be cancelled."

  5. I think all now is wrong with Warframe.


    I really loved this game, i was playing since early beta - and now...


    Well, i feel dissapointed. Such a promising game, now is destroying by it's own makers.


    All is wrong, the gameplay, the hud, the combat (some weapons are just too weak and some are too strong!) i'm complaining about melee too. Why the DE can't make melee weapons more effective?


    Everyone is playing with these best weapons, everyone have the same.

    That is a little boring - in example: 4 players are preparing to raid and everyone is taking Soma or Penta or anything similliar.


    Do any of you wouldnt want to play any weapon you want to? I think that any weapon should be good, not ultra good or poorly bad just average and some should be better than average.


    Why can't this game be, like it was before those all damn updates (damage 2.0, etc.).


    I'm not happy from playing now, and if i won't see anything that have changed yet, i want my money back for sure.


    If i did any mistake in words, then sorry i'm not native.


    I want a response from DE.


    Thank you,


  6. So, all weapons should be too good for early game, and too bad for end game?


    Hell no.


    Braton, Lato, Skana are starter weapons. They are here to let you get stronger ones.


    It's called progression, you know?

    All weapons should be good so far.


    Maybe you misunderstood my post, you know?

  7. Hi.

    I've started this topic because i think that all weapons (also warframes) should have similiar stats!


    I'd love to play more meele weapons, but these are too weak for higher lvls.

    Same with the all old weapons like braton, paris, lato, aklato, etc.


    They're are useless now 0ntJCX9.gif

  8. I know I have been saying this everywhere but I SWEAR have a perfect thread for your ninja wishes https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/119650-is-this-a-true-ninja-game-after-all-new-constructive-feedback-on-vaulting-which-currently-sucks/


    it is filled with feedback and suggestions on mobility of these "space ninjas" Please take a look and support it if you think this game is loosing it's roots, I think badly implemented parkour is the reason for it.

    Much appreciated!

  9. When i started play Warframe for the first time about ten months ago, i was very impressed.

    I started as Excalibur and i felt it's own climate, a lot more than now.


    Now Warframe isn't the same as it was, it just lost "this" something.

    Kinda like other mmo shooters, too modern (for example: new music).


    The game is about ninjas in space (!), but personally i dont feel it anymore.

    It should stay in it's unique style as it was before "this" - like more japanese samurai/ninja or something.


    I still like a lot to play Warframe but well, it could be better and not so modern.


    Also i truly want other Tenno players to agree with me, maybe then DE will think about this suggestion/idea.



  10. I noticed something with getting exp is wrong.

    Before the update survival on Mercury was tougher, and giving more experience points, when I'm heading to high lvls, still it's not even comparisional.

    Now from 20 minutes run i have about 3-5k exp, before the update i had above 15-20k exp.


    DE, can you fix this, please.


    By the way, my title is Gold Disciple, why then I still have Initiate (?).

  11. we could have this team competitive pvp like you suggested, i like it, kill most enemies the fastest, but it could get a bit unfair if people have nova cause she is like an op nuke


    Maybe to make team sport feature fair-play system could choses players by rank of warframes as of their weapons, not randomly. (?)


    We don't need an e-sport, we need space ninja e-olympics. 


    I like that

  12. (Original thread: Raptr - "Could Warframe take place in e-sports?" posted by me)


    "I really love the co-op gameplay, but why people couldn't "race" in killing enemies?

    In MOBA, it looks like every team is fighting each other - but in co-op they're making highscores from killing enemies."


    This is my personal suggest for improving Warframe, I also think this feature could be a great challenge for players and even a "small revolution" of e-sports.


    What do you think about it?

  13. Thank you for nice replies and help.

    You could reset your account and get your plat back, but you lose everything (except primes I believe) and have to start over.


    I tried with it on another account, it's not worth time and also platinum when you have to "sacrifice" everything you've achieved.

  14. Hello,

    I've started playing this amazing game along with my girlfriend about half a year by now.

    Both we didn't knew how to spend our starter platinums, so i bought "rush" weapon in section foundry.


    Now i really regret this, because i don't have paypal either money to buy some platinum.


    I was trying with all giveaways on some sites like raptr or giantbomb but still does NOT worked out.


    In my country, dollars or euros are really pricey, I can't afford with buying even for 9.99$.


    Is there any other way to get platinum (besides fake cheating)?



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