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Posts posted by (PSN)PS_robertgk2017

  1. Title, running a giveaway, for Wukong Prime access (incl. accessories) + Nyx Prime Vault Access + Rhino Prime Vault Access,  can't win more than 1, ends next friday at 10 am EST.

    Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell the grineer, tell the lotus.....,  hek even tell Orids, we got free primes on the table!!!

    Video with instructions here, 


  2. Thanks to the great people at DE, I am running another giveaway over on my YouTube channel.


    This video explains it, but for those TL:DR (Or is it TL:DW?) folks the things i'm giving away are here:

    1x Frost Prime Vault Pack
    1x Ember Prime Vault Pack
    3x 75 Plat for PC
    3x 75 Plat for PS4
    3x 75 Plat for XB1
    3x 75 Plat for SWI

    I explain in the video how to enter.

  3. 4 hours ago, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

    So...  Your words are specific, not sure if confusion but just to clarify: 

    Mag Prime

    Mag prime glyphd

    Boar prime

    Dakra prime

    Prime distiller and blueprint

    Yamako syndana

    400 plat


    Nova prime

    Nova prime glyphs

    Soma prime

    Vasto prime

    Edo prime armor set

    Velorum prime sigil

    400 plat


    Not both or singularly the accessories. 


    Yes thats correct, a choice of ONE of either the Mag or Nova prime vault packs.  NOT the mega pack and NOT the accessories packs.

  4. So im running a giveaway for a prime vault pack, either mag or nova.  Not the mega pack or the accessories, please don't hate.  As well as i threw in some multi platform Platinum codes because free plat is always good right?  No plat for the switch i couldn't get any, but if prime vault pack is for any platform.

    Anyway video with the details is here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFA-e-nvoPQ


  5. So, I figure to get some word spreading ima post a link to it here.   My YT channel aint that big, so when DE gives me partner stuff to giveaway i make a post here to get the word around.  


    Link to video: 




    Contents are as follows:


    3x Nintendo Switch Starter Packs

    - 50,000 Credits

    - 3-Day Affinity Booster

    - Orokin Reactor

    - Orokin Catalyst

    - Forma


    5x 75 Platinum Codes for PC

    2x 75 Platinum Codes for PS4

    2x 75 Platinum Codes for XB1


    To enter the giveaway for any of these items join our Discord server, go to the #Giveaways tab, and click on the reaction icon for each of the 4 giveaway messages that applies to you.

    Giveaway Deadline is 11/30/2018 at about 2:30 pm EST.

  6. We need this.  I kinda want an in game list in the alliance UI.

    1 for the list of clans themselves from which you can click on each clan and see a list of its members and their last login date as well as who the warlord is.

    2. for the list of all the people in the alliance independent of their clan, though for convenience sake id say list the persons clan to the side.

  7. I'm PS4, clans name is GK Gaming.  



    I've built the moon barracks, which means ive built all barracks



    and rebuilt it several times, in an attempt to upgrade from mountain to moon tier.  But, it wont actually upgrade.  I was told in game to make sure i had no active timers such as room construction. research timers, colors etc.  And i checked that so idk what else to do but talk here on the forums.  and before half of you spam the comments with, go check support, stop... just stop.... your not helping anything....  and yes i do know theres nothing you can do for me here on the forums, im still going to post here anyway.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

    doubtfull since it has strong riven disposition and if i recall stronger it is = the more likely it is that u get it

    no the riven disposition dictates how strong the riven stats are not how likely you are to get a riven mod for that weapon.

  9. 1 hour ago, hazerddex said:

    its 3,5 of pc th reason updates are bigger for you is because there a bunch of hotfixes they come with that they iorned out while it was on pc so for you TWW will be 50 gb or 25 gb

    Hotfixes dont add any space to the filesize of updates, but console updates were always 15 gigs + because sony/microsoft required them to submit redundant data every cert and then force us to re-download that data  bloating the filesize exponentially



    3 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

    the only reason some of the console updates were that big is that Sony/Microsoft needed DE to send them all the content they've ever submitted for a sort of re-approval in their studios.

    3.5GB isn't really that much data, but that's just there as an estimate for people to know. Just in case their ISP gives them any trouble for going over their data limit. : P
    And so we know just how much time we're going to be downloadin' (for those with less than fortunate connection speeds.)

    Yea but having to re-download all that data like 10 times, man people with terrible internet see an update is available = torture

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