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Posts posted by Gaeren_Draconis

  1. Honestly I tend to feel the same, in that I have no intention to participating in anything Railjack related at this time, as it simply doesn't interest me.


    That being said, I won't say I feel it should be completely removed from Nightwave challenges, as I'm sure there are those who actually enjoy them.


    I "would" like it however, if there weren't so MANY Railjack related challenges mixed in with the other Nightwave ones. I have 4 weekly challenges

    sitting out there now that are Railjack related and since I have no interest in dealing with Railjack, those will just have to sit there wasting challenge

    space the rest of the week till new ones re-populate the challenges Sunday evening.


    (just my thought/opinion, meant in no way to say anyone else should feel the same)


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  2. 3 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

    You have to be at certain angle and on proper direction to it. It is a nuisance but doable.

    You must have missed the proper angle (it is way too small).

    Incorrect. You don't have to be at some ridiculously specific, exact angle to trigger it, just facing the general correct direction where you can read the message on the prompt and be close enough to trigger it.

    The activation prompt you interact with that pops up makes a sound when its in active range and able to be triggered (Kinda a low volume 'boop' sound...not sure how to describe it lol) This wasn't my first time activating these things, been doing it for a long time.

    In point of fact, the very next time I ran that mission (the next day after starting this thread) the drone was in the exact same spot, and I approached it just like I always have (including the time before) after simply circling it till I saw the pop-up prompt to activate it, along with the sound it makes when its in range, and hit x (my default action key) and it worked fine.....the only difference from the previous time being I ran into a heated battle on the time it bugged out, with waves of Grineer and a Tusk Thumper I had to clear before I could get a chance to try to trigger it.

    By the time I had cleared things out enough to approach it and try to trigger it without constantly being bombarded and knocked off my feet, I found it to not react to my action key when it gave every indication it was reacting to my presence near it with the activation trigger pop-up and sound it made like normal....just no reaction to my action key like it should (from ANY angle lol)

  3. I just tried to do another run of Plague Star and encountered my 1st bug with it. Unlike others have reported, I've not seen the issue of the drone getting "stuck" on the way to its destination (it sometimes stops but I just assumed that's just it verifying I'm still with it as, when I double back to it, it takes off again)

    The issue I ran into is, after finding the drone in stage 3, I couldn't interact with it (my "use" key did nothing) I tried crouching down to get closer to it, approaching it from every angle, switching to desktop then back into the game, changing my 'use' key, jumping up and down and even shooting it (because....I just felt like it at the time...) but, even though the interactive pop-up over it with a 'x' and the message to escort the drone was there, it simply did nothing whenever I tried to interact with it to send it off for that stage.

    After wasting 4x Eidolon Phylaxis and dealing with that damn Tusk Thumper that seems to follow me on every damn Plague Star mission I've ran, you can understand my....frustration, to put it mildly, when I finally gave up and had to abort mission after all the wasted time, specters and phylaxis.

    It was laying on the ground at the bottom of a semi-deep ravine between rocks near the lowest point there, if that matters.

  4. 7 minutes ago, ludo3009 said:

    Do you fish at hotspots ?

    Depends on what I'm after. In this case, I don't normally need to fish a hotspot to catch Traloks (they are not rare) so tried the places I usually catch them (among others) with no issues but with absolutely nothing spawning on this attempt.

    For example, normally for Tralok I leave the gates and turn right and go all the way to the coast, then hop over to the rock formation out in the water and fish from the low spot on the far side (meaning I can fish in peace without drop-ships dropping Grineer on top of me constantly or the usual nightlife spawning and shooting me either lol) but in this case, no fish of any kind spawned there for me there, nor other places I tried along the coast /shrug

  5. I'm having the same issue. I needed Tralok eyes to make Murkray bait for the rare fish Nightwave objective, but when I went to the ocean on PoE and equipped my fishing spear, regardless of which spear, or what spot along the shore or off shore on some rocks, NO fish EVER spawns. Just to clarify, it's not a matter of me just not seeing fish, I don't even get the spawning splash sounds you usually get when having a fishing spear equipped (usually more noticeable when holding the spear at the ready) This has been going on for too long already based on this and at least one other thread.

  6. I've noticed that I no longer see the pop-up window listing the optional mission challenge at the start of mission

    like I used to. (Style Kills, Stealth kills, X kills with melee/rifle/pistol, etc)


    I can still see it if I hit the Esc key however. At first I thought it was by design from a recent update, but when

    playing from my laptop, that gets the same updates, it still shows like normal at the start of a mission.


    Is there some setting I'm over-looking that would enable this again. Yes, its not a big deal and has no effect on

    game-play....its just something I'm curious about and it started to bug me that I couldn't find what should be a

    simple fix on my own lol Anyone have any idea on how to enable it again?



  7. Same thing happened to me after a patch was pushed through earlier today while I was doing the mission to assassinate Lech Krill and Vor. I got Vor down to like 23 health and then....nothing...he stopped moving from the spot he was on or attacking me (with gun at distance, or melee up close) but would just keep turning to face me and taunting me without doing anything else, while my attacks seemed to go right through him like he wasn't even there. I was able to kill Krill fine though......ended up having to abandon the mission.

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