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Posts posted by Pinkkifantti

  1. Well some line of code isn't working as intended on many missions, this thread reminded me of my limbo theorem quest, where playing alone enemies stopped spawning after couple of drills. Then i got my friend in the same mission and enemies didn't have any hard time to spawn where they should.

  2. 22 minutes ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

    Yeah couldn't make heads or tails of what he was talking about. But it's still not a viable option because those wanting to stay longer are not at fault.

    This is mainly about something comes up and you need to leave but are unable to.

    Ok, english isn't my main language, if i articulate in someway that you didn't understand it.

    Let's make it more understandable:

    You're in a mission, suddenly boom you have to go. First you ask your team nicely could you all leave, if you don't get answer or people acts rude towards you, you can always walk straight to the end where you see the title "1/4 players etc", push 4 (your operator button) key, get your operator out and the exit counter will begin.


    And that's why i refer it as ability, because the game doesn't allow single player to exit alone and sometimes there is just people with bully mentality "you wanna go, HA NEVER" and you see em sitting somewhere unreachable, you have this as your backup, you can make the whole squad exit with it.


    It shouldn't be "fixed" so long, till there is actually system what gives you ability to extract alone from all missions.

  3. Well to be honest, mesa didn't bring me down. Limbo didn't bring me down, nothing in this game felt so useless before, than grinding these S#&$ty E1's.

    I have been online grinding these S#&$s +20hours now, always done radshare and do you know what i see in the end?



    If this starts to feel like waste of time even more, i'll just quit playing.

  4. So you wanna run hieracon, one drill and out x2000? There is difference in easy credit gain, secura lectra makes you work as team, while the other method just makes you run single mission numerous times alone, so that is fun? seriously, if you like some HC grind, there is plenty of asian super grinds. 

    I have never enjoyed making credits in this game so much, so it voices out the problem on this system, making credits sucks overall, so this is the only way to actually have fun on it. There is barokiteer every second week, all the stuff costs S#&$ tons of credits, also all the mods etc. So you wanna make all that behind the grind wall? gotcha.

     IMO secura lectra should be on other syndicate too, so people wouldn't be sitting on top of it now, when it actually got useful.

  5. Just now, GhostlightX said:

    When someone cries they have nothing to do, and they are then given a crap and frustrating thing to do, it solves nothing.

    And I was loving the game till they added Kuva farming and Rivens. These have become endgame, and I can't stand doing the former.

    And did you just say that a PvE game can't have challenge? lol

    Hey, you can't never have same kind of competition against some S#&$ty AI compared to real competition. And as you can see from the rivenmods, they weren't able to implement the real challenge on it, they just made it so that you need to get certain build and just stand there, so hc.

    Personally i just see this as time killer, compare it to the minesweeper. Maybe someday, but not in current form.

    You should be glad tho, these devs haven't #*($%%@ up the game like r5 did with firefall...

  6. There is old saying, nothing lasts forever. If you don't find anything anymore from the game and lack of fun, buy new game and move on with your life.

    I don't get you people, first you push and push to get everything, then you cry in the end that you don't have nothing to do, you just @(*()$ completed the game, vola.

    This isn't second life, you want challenge? play cs go, arma 3 or any other competitive game. This game is mainly for pve

  7. On 4.12.2016 at 10:53 AM, ZavarkaGovna said:

    Just have a laugh and reroll. What's the problem?

    It would be a lot more boring if you would always got something good.

    4 riven mods open, all S#&$. Reroll, even more S#&$.

    "It would be boring", you haven't even opened em don't ya?

  8. 1 minute ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    They do if they want my money, darling. And believe it or not, most business are in business for just that reason, i.e., obtaining as much money as possible.

    So when they get 100 new players, 1 guy who didn't get what he wants will make em go bankcrupty, gothca. Sweet dreams are made out of these ;D

  9. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    Expecting something, anything, in return for what they have taken from us and what we have invested in the game is not being overly entitled, especially if they still expect us to give them money.

    And just to clarify I am usually a peacock not a whale.

    You already play their FREE game, they don't owe you jack S#&$.

  10. 16 hours ago, JudgeXion said:

    And here we have a rare example of a person who wants Riven mods to be harder to get then the Rng sortie level we already deal with. 

    I want them to be more accessible considering how many weapons we have. 

    It's just the people who have spent S#&$ tons of money on this game and they wanna feel better than rest of us, when they have op builds.

  11. I feel ya, i have the defence alone and without using energy.

    Then i have this "kill 92 enemies with finisher without failing mission", maybe i'll get these open. One day.

    At least my 3rd riven mod is possible to do, but first try failed with excalibur. This whole rivenmod update is S#&$ imo, all these challenges are annoyance, not fun at all.

  12. Just now, Shockwave- said:

    Chilling globe frost on Infested. Simulor, or other AOE weapon. 5 waves should be doable.

    ignis + over one hour trying that with frost yesterday made me enough happy. ALWAYS no matter what, some little creeper gets there and blows up near it doing like 1dmg and done. I hate this challenge so much.

  13. 2 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    I did the Defense without any hits to object with my husband. It was his challenge. I used Vauban and his Bastille to keep mobs away from the capsule and on wave 5 started spawning the Mutalist Moas so i focused on killing them quickly so they didnt have time to shoot at the pod.

    My second Riven mod came with the challenge: Complete an Interception Mission lvl 30+ on Solo wile using a Hobbed Dragon Key. I did it pretty easily. :3

    I know some challenges are harder than others, least i expect is for the mod`s status to be proportional to the challenge`s difficulty.

    complete +30lvl defence without object getting any hit ALONE

  14. I played the war within. Got the mod.

    First challenge is to complete +30lvl defence without object getting any hit alone... I tried my best...


    Second from the sortie: complete +30lvl defence without object getting any hit without using any energy consumables...

    Are these challenges middle finger to us or what?

    I saw guy with "kill 4 people while sliding" and then there is these.

    I'm seriously questioning will i spent more time with this game. (active forumers, i don't care about your opinion, i just wanted the devs know the frustration what these are causing)

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