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Posts posted by (PSN)MonkeyBlaze-15

  1. Heyo, I'm an Ash main and I just happened to notice an inconsistency when I was in the Plains of Eidolon. 

    Its not much of a problem, but when I was in a group when I was in the plains of Eidolon, Ash's Fatal Teleport would deal no damage. It would still perform the animation but, no numbers would appear and the target's healthbar wouldn't budge. I double checked my mods and everything is where it should be. I then just happen to play Solo and Ash's Fatal Teleport works Solo in the Plains, it just doesn't seem to work in a group in the Plains. This isn't a big problem but as it is I can't eliminate enemies using Fatal Teleport (Because the damage doesn't seem to be registering). Please fix this bug. Fatal Teleport seems to work outside of the Plains (when in group or solo). This bug only seems to occur in a group in the Plains. 

  2. After completing the hardest bounty I'll stay inside the Plains of Eidolon to continue doing missions in an attempt to farm Breath of the Eidolon and Cetus Wisp x2 while earning standing, but about 50-60% of the time entering the area for these extra missions will NOT activate the mission, the only mission unaffected by this seems to be hacking the drone escort mission. This is making farm Breath of the Eidolon extremely difficult, I'm fine with the drop rates and enemy levels, but when this glitch happens it seems to affect every other mission after this and I'm forced to leave and do the hardest bounty again (Which I don't earn standing a second time for).

  3. Yeah, switching weapons isnt fixing this, normally switching weapons will end the fishing process, but this is a glitch. I'm putting the spear away, so I'll have my weapons, and it wont let me use my Warframe's powers, it just happened a 2nd time and I think i know what causes this glitch.

    I am a solo player and sometimes after helping a clan or alliance member I forget to switch my privacy to solo, but I'll be doing the hardest tier for the bounties and if I get a lower Mastery player in, I'll just stay in the group to help them do the bounties, but after we complete the last part of the bounty I'll leave the squad. I do this because I dont want to leave The Plains (Return to Cetus) and as a solo player I'd rather not worry about the other players so I 'Leave Squad'.

    Leaving the squad and getting a Host Migration is a lovely function on the Plains (So I Can Continue exploring alone), but now this glitch has happened twice after doing this, I know having my spear out doesnt let me use my powers and I'm fine with that, but I after I put the spear away it still would not let me use my powers and since I could See The Spear On My Back I think it means the game is still Registering Me As Fishing. If this isn't happening on Xbox then this may only be a PS4 glitch but this has now happened to me twice. I have been playing this game since it came to Ps4, I'm not a new player and am absolutely certain that this is a glitch, I don't know if there are any other circumstances that are causing this glitch, but I know I'll be in a group, both times I wasn't host and was Host Migrated, and then this glitch happened where After Putting my Spear Away Caused This Glitch.

  4. My gear wheel was replaced by my fishing spears wheel, this also caused a glitch where I couldn't use any of my abilities with the exception of switching to my Operator. It also was showing my Fishing spear on my back like it was holstered, which I honestly did not care about, but my fishing spears wheel was stuck which made it impossible for me to use any of my warframe powers AND made it so I couldn't use my gear wheel (and my Focus Cutter). 

  5. When looking at the Greaves at the quill standing it only shows a close-up of the Operator's head (Or atleast starts on their face but I didnt even see it zoom out to see what the operator's face would look like with the rest of the outfit), and you can't see any part of the greaves to see what they look like. I dont think anyone on Ps4 is that far and if they told me they were I wouldn't believe them since its only day 2, but hopefully nobody needs to do a coin flip and just hope they like the greaves they get. If it's the greaves shouln't it start with showing the legs? The zooming out to show what those leggings look like with everything else they have so far might also receive positive feedback.

  6. Ophelia, Uranus (Survival) Host Migration lead to whole team being respawned underwater. Luckily I was the only one who got stuck, I've seen Plains of Eidolon gameplay and I can say confidently that my Archwing had my Flux Rifle, Aklex Prime, and Galatine Prime, and since this happened before the update, I believe its possible that this glitch can happen after the Plains of Eidolon update. ITried all possible exits and tried the unstuck command and could not get out of the water. I would send Screenshots but have no idea how to do so from a Ps4, if somebody were to contact me through psn messages I could send my screenshots from there.

  7. I have an energy refund and regen build for my ash prime, which alows me to basically use my abilities in a never ending chain, consisting of Streamline, Fatal Teleport, Energy Siphon and the Zenurick passive for energy regen. Because of this I can keep using my powers and have all of my energy replenished rather quickly, I don't believe this is why my ash gets stuck, but using smoke bombs, fatal teleports and Bladestorms to take out enemies (or avoid them) creates a bug where my Ash gets stuck, I can't tell if its because one of my allies is killing the enemy as I'm in the middle of assassinating them or not, and any pull effects dont work on me either, Every time this happens I type /unstuck and this also does not fix the problem, I'm not able to target enemies or use my abilities, the only way for it to fix is for me to die and use one of my revives, I dont know if anybody else has this problem but this just happened in a sortie and I was lucky to have a group that could defend the operative while I was stuck, if I didnt have a good group This would have failed, I was wondering if DE could add a /revive command so I could just fix the problem faster without having to wait for enemies to kill me until my allies stop reviving me, this command would make things faster for these situations, and would also help for those who lose their companions and would like to revive, thank you for your time in this matter.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Arrectius said:

    The suggestion is good and i would love it to see it implemented, but the way you write and express yourself leaves a lot to be desired from you, and also diminshes the seriousness in the topic.

    My apologies, I have been having trouble sleeping and just threw my thoughts out. I'll be sure to try harder using proper grammar and such on the forums. My apologies for "leaving much to be desired".

    And I will try to remember to edit my suggestions when I am actually awake, hopefully tomorrow.

  9. I also had an idea for defense missions where, in the case of someone leaving (or everyone else) at the last moment of the timer between rounds, you could add a "second chance" extraction to save those who simply want to do a mission for leveling or recourses (like void traces), this would (hopefully) stop those trolls who again, wait til the last possible moment to switch to extract and leave someone to fend for themselves because these people couldnt be honest about wanting to leave in the first place, personally I no longer have problems with this scenario but when I had weapons and warframes (that didn't particularly fit my playstyle) I did have this problem, although I am a pretty patient person IRL, having to do a simple defense mission ( or interception when I wanted to mix it up) more than twice (or four) because you were unlucky enough to get multiple groups like that in a row, and ended up missing out on the bonus experience because you failed the mission, does test the limits of my patience, I also know that people who do that have pushed quite a number of players away from the game because they were sick of dealing with this problem, and although some would find it annoying if after every "second chance" someone left at the last possible moment, it would be far less annoying than everyone leaving and not even getting a "second chance"


    Or you could add a ship that has the ability "emergency extraction" and it only works on these missions, and only if you are the last one in the mission, you dont have to make this give you the bonus experience (although I'm sure the players would like that) but hopefully atleast being able to keep the recourses (such as void traces) would be sufficient and i personally know that i would like this ship in interception missions (just make it so you have to conplete atleast one full round ( so nobody can run in, kill the enemies, get the void traces, and then just leave)

  10. Yes, I had this just happen to me, on a void fissure, and their timing for the extraction was at the exact moment when we were getting the rewards, and since we extracted the mission results appeared and blocked our ability to choose a reward from the relics, Thankfully i didnt miss out on anything I needed/wanted, I've also thought of a solution where there are individual extractions on survival, this way myself (and others who suffer from early extraction teams) can keep going on by themselves if they would wish to do so, finding a group that would want to keep going sometimes takes spending 20 minutes on the recruiting channel just to get others who are simply farming void traces or the part you want, and on a mission that you could easily spend 40-50 minutes (it was a lith) and always getting a team that wants to leave at 5-10 minutes is often a waste of time, if individual extractions were also a thing, then if your team leaves you, you can then simply leave the mission (which would also save the rest of us from those who get made the host who the abandon the mission because everyone else wants to keep going and forcing us to reload the game in the process of joining the new host)

  11. And i dont do that, the only time i even log onto my primary account is a last second ducat farm for baroo, or if somebody in my clan needs some help, the rest of the time i'm playing with a good friend without me being OP, or im playing solo, and with only one ps4 i cant be on both at once on warframe

    and i dont trust anyone of my friends enough to give my password out

  12. As long as you dont abuse having two accounts, why wouldnt they be fine with having two accounts? All it is is hitting the "new game" button without deleting your saved data, i know what weapons and warframes I like, and they are all rather easy to get simce i dont plan on ever getting primed, vandal, or wraith weapons on that account, with the exception of the Karak wraith, i love its design, but getting weapons or mods that are too strong would defeat the whole purpose of having a weaker account, and it would be an endless cycle, i just want an account where its actually hard to fight enemies above level 20, the game is just way too easy with my primary account, unless they add a hard mode for all planets, or add an end-game planet where the enemies start off level 80+, theres no challenge for my primary account

  13. Heyo, I know you may get this a lot (sort of) but I have two accounts (I'm a Smurf because I love the game), I've been farming for the Stalker for the Broken-war since its come out, and I have yet to get it, but in my first Dhadow Stalker encounter it dropped, but on the wrong Profile, I dont know if its aloud, but I would really like to get the impact Heavy Sword everyone says is better than my Galatine, I dont plan on getting the War on my second profile, I dont want any of the stronger weapons or mods on it, and certainly have no use for two broken-wars on it, I was wondering if there was a place I could message and see If you guys could allow me to send it from my secondary account to my Primary account? Or if you could delete the bp from one and drop it in the other? I could even message you with my Second account to prove that I'm not stealing from a new player, but if not then I'm willing to continue the farm, Thank you for Reading this, sorry it was so long

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