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Posts posted by hawttdawgg

  1. As mush as I love all of these selections, it seems the TennoGen diversity is lacking. It is great to see Ivara get some skins, but why does Volt need more? Volt has plenty of love in terms of skins and especially helmets. Some frames seem lacking in potentially amazing cosmetics such as:

    • Inaros
    • Nezha
    • Equinox (granted, content is difficult for this)
    • Nidus
    • Titania

    And, perhaps, opening up submissions for armor sets.

    The regular cycle for TennoGen is amazing, and opens up a new world of cosmetics that benefit artists, developers, and the community, but it really would be nice to encourage more rounded content, and put effort into fleshing out some of the less decorated frames.

  2. When I think LMG or heavy weapons like that, I think Soma, Gorgons, etc like everyone else. Besides the changes above, Id like to see something on a little different of a note.

    I would like to see extremely heavy weapons that fire more slowly, yet with long range accuracy. Think of an automatic Opticor, or a hitscan Grattler (non archwing obviously). When I picture this weapon, I dont really see it being held like a standard assault rifle, but a grip like the plasma turret from halo. Like this. The Grattler is very.. situational in archwing, but only because of range. If a weapon like this was added to on foot combat, explosive rounds or not, with hitscan projectiles, it could be a monster. Of course it would be offset by long reloads and possibly lower ammo capacity. 

  3. Remember the forgotten weapons that became overshadowed by new powercreeps

    -RIP Ogris, killed by Tonkor

    -RIP Supra, Gorgon family, Karak (wraith is still pretty viable), most other assault rifles, killed by Soma P

    -RIP Skana, Cronus, Pangolin, Jaw Sword, Plasma Sword, etc, killed by Broken War

    -RIP Fragor and Magistar, killed by War and Jat Kittag

    -RIP snipers almost across the board, killed by Lex P

    -RIP bows (Rakta Cernos is almost not a bow with its speed), killed by Dread with Argon Scope and Bladed Rounds

    -RIP Kunai and Despair, killed by Spira, counting hikou in a slightly different category due to concealed explosive build

    The list goes on, and im aware that some of the things I mentioned above are still perfectly viable in some situations, but in general they're beaten.

    Most weapons above would be nice if they were brought up to speed a little, not all obviously. Early on weapons like the skana will forever be mediocre, but thats kinda their place. Also melee weapons depend on stances more than stats sometimes, due to stances having multipliers and some just feeling better than others based on personal taste.

  4. Most explosive weaponry fills a specific niche in the Tenno arsenal.

    The Penta fills a defensive and chokepointing role, Kulstar fills an area destruction role, Angstrum is similar to the Kulstar with slightly different mechanics, Torid has sustained denial, etc. Each one does its job well, even though Torid is more of the edge of what might be considered explosive.

    Even the Hikou and Hikou Prime can be made extremely explosive. Try out high fire rate mods with max multishot and then concealed explosives, huge radius and definite self damage

    Tonkor, however, fills all of them. It has damage covered to an insane scale, easily 1 shotting level 80+ heavy gunners and even bombards with armor in the void. It has defense covered, not to the precision detonation of the Penta or sustained clouds of Torid, but just spamming will result in anything not directly impacting an enemy becoming a grounded time bomb. Blast radius is covered to say the least. It even has an arguably faster fire rate in application than the Penta or related weapons since its fire and forget, no need to care about detonating that shot at the right time. And, the ace of the Tonkor, you wont kill yourself, almost no self damage.

    Either dial Tonkor stats back in some way, or bring up other weapons to fill their roles better than Tonkor can. I wouldn't suggest an on paper nerf, like a direct damage reduction, but a utility nerf. Increased self damage is one path, or possibly a reduced effect of missed shots. Any TF2 player knows the loch n load, a powerful grenade launcher with 2 shots and a slow reload, scoring massive crits that caused outrage. The drawback over other explosives is that missed shots fizzle upon contact with any surface. Making the Tonkor not have effective missed shots would punish spraying pills everywhere, cause the Penta and others to keep their role, and keep its brutal role as being the hardest hitting truck in game.


    Tl;dr: Keep the thing hitting like a truck, but punish spraying by making missed shots do nothing.

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