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Posts posted by LaznAzn

  1. The accidental release of Primed Point Blank is an ant hill compared to this mountain of a mistake. People are selling Tonkor and Soma mods on the market for 500-1500 plat, any nerfs are going to cause an uproar and my hopes for Damage 3.0 are quickly fading when I see this stuff. :facepalm:

  2. Dual Paris.

    All we need is a 4-armed Warframe and we're set. And you know what? We need dual Fang while we're at it.

  3. well if you get enemys with 99% armor you hek will tickle them while the boltor still ripps trought them


    Hm, well to each their own. Personally never had any problem using any weapon without an innate armor pierce or ignore, they seemed to function just as well for anything up to wave 40 for me. I guess it gets more noticeable past 40?

  4. Boltor, without a doubt. Not only do Bolt weapons get a similar 200% damage bonus on hitting the head, the Armor Ignore means you always do full normal damage and get a decent chunk of elemental damage. Off course, at end game, only Armor Piercing and Normal Damage will be worth anything with -any- weapons, and even Normal Damage is resisted if it's not Armor Ignore

    For Proof, check this:




    So you're telling me elemental damage is worthless in the end game? e_e

    I mean my HEK doesn't have innate armor pierce but it seems to do just fine against a  level 100+ enemy. I don't think INNATE armor ignore/pierce is a MUST. That's just from my experience though.

  5. Anyone else find that running at high speeds with something right up in the camera makes you feel dizzy? I haven't been able to use sentinels at all, they just hurt my eyes every time I have one equipped unless I walk nice and slow. Perhaps it has something to do with DOF or motion blur, not sure... =(


    Could be just me I suppose. I'd love to use them but it just makes my eyes hurt and gives me a headache.



  6. I think we need more ammo types to be honest or at least proper scaling depending on the weapon equipped. This has already been said dozens of times but I think that's where we should be taking ammo if we're talking ammo at all.


    Cut it down to primary or secondary ammo drops and then have those drops scale depending on what you have equipped. Dual Vipers get more ammo than something like a Lex or a Bronco, for example. 


    That might be overly simplistic though, but the ammo scaling to weapons needs to be implemented. 

  7. So you want to increase the overkill dmg? The better suggestion would be to lower the reload time or to increase the clip size, then sniper rifles would be fine.


    I think the role sniper rifles should fill are hard-hitting burst damage weapons. Something you use when you want to offload a HUGE amount of damage in a short amount of time in a very few number of shots. Like something you want to use against a level 90 ancient that kills it in less than half a clip. Sure it will do poorly against hordes but I think diversity is good and a weapon that can 1 or 2 shot a level 100 heavy has its place along side weapons that focus on sustained dps or crowd control. 

  8. I dont find the Lotus ugly at all, her intelligence is what is question.


    "Multiple bio signatures ahead...     ITS THE GRINEER!" :O




    There are some missions where you have two races on the same vessel fighting one another... But I agree that on the vast majority of them it's a single race mission. They've emphasized that the Lotus' dialogue will be a focus for future updates on the livestreams so here's hoping they get better! 

  9. Blowgun that shoots shock darts that ignite on impact and liquefy the target with a powerful acid before imploding them into the space the size of a thimble and then exploding outwards with the force of an atomic bomb eliminating surrounding enemies in the blast wave. Yeah. 

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