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Posts posted by (PSN)Kargesh-579

  1. Hello, my problem is that many of my mods are not showing up in the mods machine and as such I am unable to upgrade them. They do show up in the arsenal section when I'm equipping them or swapping them out but I can't upgrade them or find them in the mods section. To list a few, these include, Tempo Royale, Primed Point Blank and Rubedo Lined Barrel. So far I'm aware of this glitch affecting all of my heavy weapon stance mods, almost all of my archwing mods and more than half of my primed mods (I have almost every primed mod on the PS4 version of the game). Could you please fix this problem as soon as possible as it is incredibly frustrating and defeats the purpose of mods being in the game and the game itself, after all what's the point in investing time and money for these items if you can't use them to their full potential. Please get back to me as soon as possible,


    Update 30/12/16: Looks like half of my entire mod collection is suffering from this glitch and it's not limited to just the mods I've acquired previously, new mods that I have gotten such as a recently purchased Primed Cryo Rounds, suffer from the same glitch as soon as I have them. Please look into this problem DE and make sure it is resolved, I'm sure that I'm not the only Tenno with this problem.

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