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Posts posted by razor_eye

  1. 30 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    if an Enemy is 50% resistant to a Damage Type natively, an Eximus that ends up increasing Resistances, will be immune to Radiation Damage.


    So if I hit an Ancient Disruptor, which has Fossilized with Radiation damage, it will adapt some of the damage. But if the ancient is an Eximus, which possesses more protections, it's completely invulnerable?

  2. So, what I want to discuss is about the problem of the Radiation damage.


    This happened last month. Maybe only to me or could somebody did too. I usually bring Excalibur with Radiation-damaged Exalted Blade and also a Lanka with Radiation damage too. Now, everytime I encounter any Eximus regardless in a Sortie mission or not, I can't damage them. Whenever I hit them with Radiation, it will always deal 0. I tested all my weapons in Simulacrum. Radiation can't do a thing on any Eximus.

    Is this natural or its a bug? Right now I can't show evidence because my laptop / PC broke. Neither I have a recorder.

  3. So this is a subject.

    Image result for primed chamber

    In first of all, this mod will never be obtained anymore after the Informant Event. For a replace, the Charged Chamber (-60% weaker than above) is created. It appears that Primed Chamber is way (way, way, way and way) too expensive than Charged Chamber because there's only like less than 10 people who owns it when I looked at the https://warframe.market/ . 

    Then, something crossed on my mind. Why didn't DE remove the Primed Chamber (R3), then replace it with Primed Charged Chamber (R10)? Way to get it? Maybe from Baro Salt'Teer or from the login milestone or a special event.

    (God, why am I posting this?)

  4. I know nobody will read this or care about this.

    But I just only has one wish, which is another rework for Ash's 4th ability (Blade Storm).


    Why? Only one reason. I miss the old one where you press 4 to win.

    I know that DE rework it to make it convenient by only marking as many enemies as you want to reduce energy cost. But at the same time, I want to press 4 only once when there's a crowd of enemies so I won't bother myself using 2nd then spinning my camera and then 4th again. So how about we remain the new one but combine it with the old one? The way the old one works is just holding 4 instead of pressing it.

    The reason I'm making this post because I think Ash is slowly dying. Like, he's not worth platinums for buying his whole set.


  5. This might be the most useless question in the universe because this has exact no point about the game performance.

    But is it only me or Lex Prime's unique reloading animation is removed?

    As I recognize, a year ago Lex Prime used to pull the chamber in the end. But after the Fortuna 1.0 update (I guess), it only rid out of the pistol's mag.


    Then :



    Now :


  6. At first, I checked the price of mod Primed Chamber and I see its really expensive around 50-100k plats. And I realized I had one. Yet I've never used it.

    Before the day I #*!%ed up, I posted the price of that mod in warframemarket.com but I put it 5k plats only (cause I don't believe someone got 100k that directly)

    And then the day I was trading with a guy interested with my mod, I found my Primed Chamber disappeared.

    Yeah, I believe this is some scam that I put the price too low.



    (But I think its useless for me to write this cause I don't think the devs would notice this)

  7. Back in the days, the Mars boss was Sergeant Nef Anyo but after the remodel of him, it doesn't seems to change anything to the boss node. The exact same Sniper crewman used as the Mars boss. Will DE rework The Sergeant?

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