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Posts posted by Noacrates

  1. What are my fellow Tennos' favorite loadouts and why? Not the one that does the most damage but one that brings the most enjoyment to you.

    My personal favorite is:

    -Mag Prime with a duration and range build, so i can see all the numbers with my Polarize :)

    -Ferrox with a corrosive/crit build for destroying grineer

    -Zakti for the good synergy with magnetize and Ferrox secondary fire

    -Destreza, for the fashion of course. Mandatory. :^)

  2. On 8/12/2017 at 3:45 PM, Sajochi said:

     Should I mention the super secret combo? 

    no, fool, it's way too powerful and they won't care. 

    Doin it anyways! 

    1. Cast Polarize

    2. Immediately cast pull

    3. Watch enemies fly into your wave in a cluster, because polarize makes them explode for the damage dealt, for both armor and shields. 

    Basically, if you have 1000 damage polarize, that enemy releases an explosion of 1000 damage to nearby enemies. 10 enemies means 10,000 damage being dished out in the explosion range. Pull just happens to bring them in fast enough to cluster them 

    Then you got the fracturing crush + Polarize full armor strip since it caps out at 80% armor reduction, allowing for polarize to remove the rest. Forever.

    But please, more energy. My mag needs a huge pool so i can do the full rotation special with 4 bubbles instead of 1.

    Also, if you have lots of range, you can pull them near Magnetize, and then use Crush to get them CC and floating towards the middle. Right after that, just cast Polarize, and BOOM, You just cleared a room. You don't even need 200% power strength to 'make it do something' since her polarize 'technically' infinitely scales

    It's one of my personal favorite combos and I just couldn't help think of it once I saw your post. It makes me want to play mag :D

    People complain about her not being able to insta-clear rooms with one button and say 'her rework is bad' but in reality, she's actually pretty viable for end game content.


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