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Posts posted by Gordianknott

  1. I just attempted space mission twice got mission failed for no reason and punted back to the flotilla. then suddenly there are no more murex and I have to wait for another event to begin before I can play the game. Message received, guess I'll go play something else. 

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  2. I'm not certain exactly where to put this, or if it matters to anyone else, but it kind of annoys me that you can only go into the infested room with Nidus or a frame that has a cyst on it. It occurs to me, with my admittedly limited knowledge of virology, that if getting the cyst once grants you an immunity to getting it on that frame in the future. But, most of the time having an immunity means that you  have residual elements of that virus left inside you. It isn't enough to get you sick again or to transmit it to someone else (sometimes) but it's enough that your immune system can recognize it and defend from it in the future. That being the case there is a legit case to be made for frames that have had the cyst to be able to enter the room as the door could/should recognize the remnants of the infestation in the warframe and allow access. 

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  3. What if you made the effects of the tribute skill scale based off the rank of the enemy their used on? The higher the level, the more effective the ability is up to a certain cap. For instance they could cap at 75% or 80% slow once you hit like lvl 80 enemies. At this point tribute is too powerful to bother with for weaker enemies and not effective enough for high level enemies. Adjusting the effect against the rank of the target could fix that. 

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  4. Something needs to be done about the drop rates for the stuff Vox Solaris is handing out. I've been trying for 2 days worth of game play to farm 2 Atmo systems that I need to build Galvacord. I can't run it as part of a group because when I join a group, the mission is typically done by the time I get in and I get no reward at all which is kinda frustrating with all the bs I have to go through just to get that far. When I have run it solo, I've burned a couple hundred energy restores and farmed 55 Gyromag systems and a few other things but no Atmo systems have shown up at all. What's more I'm so good at running these missions that I'm usually back in the VS backroom before the dialogue finishes playing and I have to sit through all of it before I can start the mission again At some points I've already clicked to start the mission again so I'm stuck frozen in one spot waiting for the dialogue to stop.

    This is a common item to build a common weapon. There's only the one source for this item so if I want to get this item I have to grind this hundreds of times until I want to do anything except play play this game any more. Either make it something that drops from mobs or make it so there's actually a chance to get it in the mission because at this point there isn't.

  5. I understand why Gara's wall couldn't be left as it was on launch, not really but I accept it. However, since the initial nerf and subsequent attempt to balance her back a bit, there has been a couple of ongoing issues that really should be addressed with her.

    For starters, the enemies can walk through the wall like it isn't there. Don't be confused, I'm not saying that they knock it down to fast I'm saying they are able to either poke their gun through and shoot you through the wall while it's there at full health and in other cases they just pop through it like it isn't there. While the wall is in effect at full health there is no reason why anything should get through it, it should be a barrier for the enemies until they knock it down.

    Second, while I really appreciate the fact that with the most recent chances her wall was made a little more translucent, allowing for more choices of colors to be used, on maps like Hydron, it's still able to catch and reflect so much light that, regardless of color selection you can't see enemies through it. so you're in a fishbowl with no way of seeing outside.


  6. So, this afternoon I was out on the plains grinding through bounty after bounty, but not because I wanted to be. In fact, for me the plains lost their luster literally on the first day. The game play was tedious and unrewarding, and that’s not even accounting for the reward tables that never seem to drop what I came for, or the fact that the only thing that seems to break up the monotony is the glitches that send you back to Cetus empty handed. Two thirds of the time, the bounty glitches. I don’t dare to run cooperatively on the plains because it only increases the chances of coming home empty handed with the added effect of completing a mission or spending an hour fishing with friends only to be hit with a host migration that drops me on the plains solo and takes away any rewards I had previously earned. Don’t get me wrong, the plains are beautiful, arguably the most beautiful part of the game, and I’m not saying anyone else is wrong for enjoying the hell out of them. Heck, if it’s worth it to you to kill thirty grineer for a chance to get your 200th Redirection, then by all means, have at it. Granted, it drops from about 15 different individual targets around the star chart, not to mention orokin containers in the void, but if that’s your bliss run with it. I’m merely saying it’s not my thing, and that ties into the big problem I have with Warframe.

    To be sure, I love this game, I’ve played over 3000 hours in the past year, which my wife is quick to point out that is more than a full-time job. I’ve bought platinum too; slots and forma don’t buy themselves after all. I’ve recruited friends and family into the game because I love the community and the game play, and I’ve made good friends in game as well. Warframe is fun, I love it, and despite any problems I have, wouldn’t dream of dropping it as my go-to game.

    I think the thing that I like most about Warframe is the sense of ownership I have in it. Almost all the things in this game are customizable in almost any way that matters. You want a different skin you got it, you want different colors, you got it, you want to build for crit, or status, or just straight damage go for it, you can even customize it specifically to kill grineer because, ‘seriously, F*** those guys.’ The bottom line is that when I forma, mod, and fashion frame my equipment it’s no longer DE’s, it becomes mine. Broken or ultimate build, a classic western look or neon pink and blue, 2 forma or 6, my weapons, frames, and companions are tailor made for my play style and make no mistake, I don’t take DE’s stuff out in the field, the gear I take is my own. That’s the best part of this game, but I think that DE doesn’t get that.

    You see, the reason I was out on the plains today, spending the precious little video game time that a husband, father, full-time employee, and full-time student, gets is that I want Loki Prime. He’s the last Warframe that I need to complete my collection of all the warframes to date (unless DE ever unvaults Excal Prime). But in order to get Loki, I had to stop playing the game I want to play, and start grinding through tedious game play that I find unrewarding. It comes down to a question ‘do I want Loki more than I don’t want to play on the plains’ and when I can go 2 hours on the plains and come home with 1 or 2 relics to show for the painfully annoying grind, I can’t exactly be certain of the answer anymore. Some might suggest I buy Loki and just call it a day, but where is the fun in just buying the thing you want instead of going out an earning it, more importantly, why should I pay money for a game that I’m currently gaining no enjoyment from? Further more, this isn’t the only time DE strips away a player’s sense of franchise and forces them into a game system that may or may not be broken but certainly isn’t want they want to do.

    Nerfs are the easy target here, but at least sometimes they’re warranted, I’m looking at Resonating quake here. What I’m talking about is making it so that relics that are traditionally available around the map now require everyone to go to Cetus, or developing resources that can only be acquired at, and only work on the plains, or, my most significant complaint, I’m so sick and tired of being forced to use the operator. I want my operator to die in a fire. Between useless game play and inane statements that make him sound like he’s a little touched in the head I @(*()$ hate him. Yet any time a new story quest happens, and most times a new warframe is released, I take my biggest baddest warframe that I’ve modded with all my best mods and forma’d and love to play with, only to be told that my warframe is not permitted in an area for ‘reasons’ and that I have to go fight a living WMD using a 7 year old kid wearing the space age equivalent of a Barney and friends T-shirt. I don’t play Operator I play Warframe, and this dynamic forces me into state of mind where I @(*()$ hate everything that requires me to use the operator. I said earlier that I couldn’t see any reason I’d stop playing but if I were to theorize on the existence of a reason, it would probably have something to do with being told to use my operator one time too many. They just recently reworked the operator and stripped away the only utilities that this mode had that I found of any value. They had this intention to create a new idea of the operator as a warrior. I tried it out, and my amp works great on the plains, and doesn’t matter worth a damn anywhere else. I have no sense of franchise over the operator, everything that makes the warframes and the weapons special to me is absent in the operator. My operator is DE’s thing that they force on me, but to get to the things I want, I must use him, just like I must go to the plains, or people have to use archwing. If something doesn’t work the way DE likes it gets nerfed, a not at all subtle and completely world breaking move that reminds you who really owns the game and strips away all sense of franchise that we have in the things we have built. What’s more there isn’t even any thought about apologies or even reimbursement for the Forma we’ve already installed or the time we’ve invested in building this equipment the way we want it to be. More than that though is the mentality that plays into the debacle that was their intentions with Damage 3.0 at the end of last year. Making an attempt to adjust the less useful damage types was a good idea, however it wasn’t enough to dial up the things that weren’t working, they had to dial down the thing that was, rather than bringing Impact and puncture up to slash’s level, they had to make it so that slash was essentially worthless, not because it was broken, but because they knew they couldn’t force us to like the new damage type adjustments without taking away the classic standby.

  7. I just spent 40 minutes out of the 50 minute night cycle just trying to get grouped up and onto the plains to go after the eidelon, and this is par for the course. I'm constantly having issues getting out there to do anything day or night. 5-6 failed attempts to go out per success. 

  8. I was running a solo excavation mission on Despina, Neptune using Limbo when I started having problems using cataclysm. there were certain places on the map where i would get booted out of the rift. There was a Kuva event in progress at the time, but I was on the regular mission. I could be standing in the middle of Cataclysm and all the corpus around me were time stopped in the rift, but I was not in the rift nor could I dash into it. I was booted out. Also I would have powers that were supposed to last 30 seconds last less than 10 before stopping for no reason.

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