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Posts posted by (PSN)shadowsurfer6

  1. 2 hours ago, keikogi said:



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    3. Vine Armor / Grasping Roots

    Sap Cost: 20/s(channeling)


    Persephone channels her sap into the vines around her body. They vine grow around her body creating a powerful armor.  Taking damage will weaken this armor. Persephone can send a wave of root like vines towards her immobilizing them, doing this will sacrifice a huge part of her armor.

    Note: I will rework this skill for the sake of clarity.


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    Works like Inaros Scarab Armor but uses sap instead of health.

    Vine armor (holding 3, cost 20 sap/s)

    Holding 3 will channel sap into armor, this action prevents the player from firing weapons or casting other skills but does not prevent any form of movement.

    Each sap is converted into 1 vine armor stack

    Each stack of vine armor gives 0.50% (P, caps at 0.9%) damage reduction. At full stacks grants 50% (caps at 90%) damage reduction.

    The armor will stop losing Vine armor stacks for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 (D) seconds when it goes down to (90, 80 ,70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10).

    Can’t lose stacks while rolling

    Grasping roots (tapping 3, cost 25 vine armor stacks)

    Persephone will slam her feet into the ground. The vines around her body will sink into the ground a turn into roots. These roots will rush forwards dealing damage to all enemies caught and entangle them. For each enemy killed while entangled Persephone gains EnemyBaseHp/75 (rounded down, minimum of 1) sap. Each enemy caught gives 3 Vine Armor Stack. This sap gain does not stack with the exalted weapon sap gain.

    Entangled is a new type of CC. Entangled enemies can’t move and are disarmed. They can still use melee attacks and skills (but mobility skill is disabled). Enemies can attack the vines holding them. Persephone vines can withstand 2/4/6/8 (P) before breaking. After breaking the vines, the enemy may recover his weapon by reaching downwards and grabbing it.

    Can't cast the skill (Grasping roots part) until the duration runs out or all enemies caught by it are dead.


    Cone Shaped

    Initial with 2 meters

    Angle: 15

    Length: 10/13/17/20 (R)

    Has line of sight restrictions.

    Moves along the terrain like Nidus 1.


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    Did not quite get how the seeds work.


    First, thank you so kindly for all the notes and helpful info you dropped my way, helps me alot. Second, the seeds grow vines (with thorns) and they cause enemies caught to take damage while in them, only when fertilize is active do you gain the health regen, in said vines to be rooted for a short duration (figured five seconds would be plenty) and casting the scythe would "Reap" the enemies and the vines, increasing the weapons damage. Though when you turn on fertilize, and use reap, all you get is the damage increase, instead of the energy, plus the health Regen only works when you're vines are causing damage.

  2. Okay, I can see what you're going for here......and I like him. A fire demon with his main damage being heat, and his costs are his health, very risky, but incredibly rewarding. I may suggest bumping his max health though closer to 900-1000 would probably be better, considering the fact that he only has 200 armor, which I would also consider buffing. Plus, having him give fear as a status on top of head procs, only adds to the unique set he has. Archfiend isn't OP, but isn't UP either, a balance is in this kit.

  3. Recently saw a way with a more nature feel to her, and I liked her. Thought of maybe trying my hand at a tank support frame with my own twist on a nature theme.


    Armor- 550

    Health- 200 (600@ lvl 30)

    Shields- 50 (150@ lvl 30)

    Energy- 150 (225@ lvl 30)

    Sprint speed- 1.10

    Passive: Taking damage increases the power strength of Yüna's abilities up to 100%. If Yüna recieves fatal damage, she converts into a healing beacon, giving a 45 hps Regen to any teammate who resurrects her.

    Mechanic: Seeds, Yüna can plant seeds from some of her abilities to grow vines. These vines cause low cc, and enhance her Reap and Primordial Force abilities. Using Reap to cut the comes, consumes the seeds and gives 5% energy spent for each enemy inside the vines thorns. 2% of damage dealt to enemies from the vines converts to health for Yüna and her allies in range (15m radius) while using Fertilize, and forgoing the energy refund when casting Reap on them. Damage increase only increases by 100% (or max ten enemies, whichever happens first)

    1) Sow/Reap- Tap/hold to use these two abilities. Sow plants a cluster of seeds, growing ivy vines in a 5/6/8/10 meter radius of them. Enemies in the clusters are "Rooted" for 5 seconds, and have their damage cut in half. Reap Conjures a scythe, sweeping in an arc up to 10 meters in front of her, dealing X damage to all enemies in front of her. Reaps damage is amplified for each enemy caught in Sows vines. All vines are cut from Reap, consuming the seeds and refunding a small percentage of energy.

    2) Nature's Embrace- Coat Yüna in a layer of Ironwood armor, gaining 50/75/100/200% armor or up to 95% damage reduction. As she takes damage, the armor splinters and converts into seeds passively, causing vines to sprout from their drop locations. As the armor splinters, her damage reduction is reduced by 5% with each tick of damage. The number would go down gradually instead of by charges.(think nezha and rhino or inaros with his 4 augment, as opposed to revenant)

    3) Fertilize- Double all seeds growth range for 5/10/15/20 seconds, at the cost of the energy refund from Reap. The vines then drain 2% of enemies health per second, pulsing outwards and granting it to Allies as well as Yüna.

    4) Primordial Force- Draw in all planted seeds, and scatter them all around Yüna. Casting this ability resets all seeds duration and grants a damage bonus to affected enemies. Casting Reap during this abilities duration causes all seeds to be consumed, granting a radial burst of Power efficiency to all Allies, but not Yüna, for the remaining duration. This does not stack.

    Granted alot of this seems redundant, but I wanted to try something different. Enjoy!

    Edit: thanks to some constructive criticism from the original inspirer of Yüna, I corrected some elements, and clarified the seed mechanic. Still open to more edits, her main deal is a Tank/ support with a single reliable damage ability at short range.

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  4. Let me make sure I'm understanding correctly. Her passive is like a small version of shield-gating right? Yeah, I can see this being pretty good as a concept. The only criticism I have is with her 3, it may just be better if you made it just an exalted ability, with wide enough range for her and her team to benefit from the buffs. However, I've always wanted to see spear/Lance and shield type weapons in the game, and this would showcase it in. Overall, 9/10 as a tank, 8/10 as potential damage or cc, and 5/10 as support (even though that isn't her spiel). DE should consider Arc.

    Joan of Arc btw, nice.

  5. I definitely like the concept of a "Technomancer" added to this game. Your drones all feel pretty good as a whole, but I could see these being spamable (If I'm wrong, it's because I glossed over the descriptions of each) but I could see the drones being good for support and cc In the field. The passive reminds me of Oberons old passive, but I have an idea if you're open to it. 

    Drones health and armor scale with enemies near Teshar (30m)

  6. 41 minutes ago, keikogi said:

    I feel like Revenant is a bit of a lost cause. Why ?

    You can't rework a frame and change his core. Because if you do so, it is not really a rework it is just the deletion of a character coupled with the release of a new one. 

    The Problem with revenant , for some#*!%ed up reason someone though his theme was vampire. So his core abilities thrall and reave are vampire related ( hypinoeses and turning into mist ). Due to his core gameplay being related to the mind control ability his kit is unsalvageble. 

    Like sentients don't really use mind control ( they can hack the S#&$ out of cephalons and machines but they can't really do that on organic stuff ). The 2 known instances of sentients controling organic stuff was manipulations not mind control.

    Natha just showed her huge sentient tits to ballas and he could not control his duck. 

    Stalker wasn't really controled by hunhow because he in the end he was like do I really want to do this ? And he didn't do it. It was more of hunhow just manipulanting stalker self hatred.


    The sad thing is, revenant is all over the place with his kit. His 4 is his best ability and that sucks because it's something of a norm with alot of frames (Example Volt, frost, saryn, etc)

    He needs a total rework from what I can see, I've run him time and time again. All I ever run is Mesmer skin, then just shoot things to death or slash away 

  7. I'm still working put the major details but this is what I have going this far.

    A soldier asthetic, sporting the equivalent of a hazmat mask and several glowing lights (Eyes) around his head. He has a look like a cyber soldier with clips and grenades on his chest. 

    Granted it almost sounds like a mix of mesa and vauban prime...... But who really cares lol.

    Passive: picking up spare ammo or excess energy gives him up to five "Charges" each charge increases his armor by 50 and are consumed with certain abilities.

    1) Grenade belt- switch between three types of grenades to achieve various effects.

             A) Flash- Blind enemies within X Meters, opening them to finishers.

             B) Molotov- Set an X meter radius on fire, causing armored targets to lose X% of their armor and become prone to more damage 

              C) Plastique- Toss a charge and let it explode dealing Blast dmg on all enemies nearby and a chance to disarm them.

    2) Ammo belt-  consume a charge and toggle different bullets to reload your magazine with X% of four types of ammo. (Does not affect Status or crit)

               A) Acid Rounds- Adds corrosive damage to your primary weapon or converts X% of damage into corrosive.

               B) Bleeder rounds- Same for slash.

               C) Bio Rounds- Same for either toxic or viral

               D) Nuke rounds- Same for radiation.

    3) Medic!- smack his chest and give him X health Regen over time. Consumes a charge and the Regen is higher based on how low his health is on cast.

    4) Riot!- Reload your magazine and increase fire rate and damage by X% Taking damage reduces the duration, and dealing damage keeps the timer going, with diminishing returns.

    The general play style is for gun play and utility mixed with some survivability and good damage potential. I certainly don't think my idea will draw that much attention, but hey, like Wayne Gretzky said.....

    Edit: Idea to add for Platoons 3, able to see enemies through obstacles up to X meters away, making medic easier to use during cover, adding some more situational awareness. Criticism always welcome.

  8. I'm still working put the major details but this is what I have going this far.

    A soldier asthetic, sporting the equivalent of a hazmat mask and several glowing lights (Eyes) around his head. He has a look like a cyber soldier with clips and grenades on his chest. 

    Granted it almost sounds like a mix of mesa and vauban prime...... But who really cares lol.

    Passive: picking up spare ammo or excess energy gives him up to five "Charges" each charge increases his armor by 50 and are consumed with certain abilities.

    1) Grenade belt- switch between three types of grenades to achieve various effects.

             A) Flash- Blind enemies within X Meters, opening them to finishers.

             B) Molotov- Set an X meter radius on fire, causing armored targets to lose X% of their armor and become prone to more damage 

              C) Plastique- Toss a charge and let it explode dealing Blast dmg on all enemies nearby and a chance to disarm them.

    2) Ammo belt-  consume a charge and toggle different bullets to reload your magazine with X% of four types of ammo. (Does not affect Status or crit)

               A) Acid Rounds- Adds corrosive damage to your primary weapon or converts X% of damage into corrosive.

               B) Bleeder rounds- Same for slash.

               C) Bio Rounds- Same for either toxic or viral

               D) Nuke rounds- Same for radiation.

    3) Medic!- smack his chest and give him X health Regen over time. Consumes a charge and the Regen is higher based on how low his health is on cast.

    4) Riot!- Reload your magazine and increase fire rate and damage by X% Taking damage reduces the duration, and dealing damage keeps the timer going, with diminishing returns.

    The general play style is for gun play and utility mixed with some survivability and good damage potential. I certainly don't think my idea will draw that much attention, but hey, like Wayne Gretzky said.....

  9. 23 minutes ago, keikogi said:

    Probably would like your “lazy” kit more than what I his current kit.

    I love the concept of presenting what could be referred to as the shinier turd. Though thanks for this, also for the correction.

    The sad thing is he has synergy, don't misunderstand, by they don't really help him or anyone else. The phantom laser would be great, having innat (Non-stacking) damage reduction would also be great. Though he just needs to be brought back to the drawing board and made again, there are many reasons he is only used with max 3 builds. Also GHS made the only build that I use currently. I dust him off, play a couple rounds, get bored and play as mirage or Garuda.

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  10. 56 minutes ago, keikogi said:


    your rework is not a rework at all. It is a new frame using the old assets. 

    Fair point. But the general idea is to use moves based on the eidolon asthetic/Sentinel abilities which I've seen. Okay it isn't quite a rework, and it may be a little lazy on my part. But, I do want to see revenant become better.

    He lacks alot of synergy, his one just reinforces the concept that using enemies on enemies doesn't do anything. His Mesmer skin is.......fine I guess? But reave and danse macabre are also in need of changes, imho.

  11. Revenant,

    He needs love eventually, like many frames, though not in a hurry. 

    Here's the Idea

    1) Vomvolyst- Summon small sentients that hover near Rev, granting him Damage reduction up to 90% depending on the amount of them. (Similar to Nova 1) Augment: activate again to consume remaining sentients summoned, restoring lost head for rev and his team.

    2) Heavy Step- Mash your foot on the ground, causing enemies to be pushed back and knocked down. Deals minor impact dmg.

    3) Shift- Teleport up to X meters away become immune to damage during tele. Augment: Remove all damage procs and add absorbed damage to next attack.

    4) The Disco thing- Form an energy ball over Revs head and cause him to rapidly spin, reflecting bullets and damaging enemies nearby. 

    The four is kinda dumb and we can keep the current, but it's something.

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  12. Clever idea, though it doesn't help when you have niche weapons that benefit from nav. I think there was a YouTube video from someone a couple years back about weapons that benefit most from navigator. Throwables like the kunai, despair, Castanas, etc all benefit greatly. But I get your point, she already has two other channeling abilities, why bother with another right?

  13. Triburos put it best when The fae queen got her "Rework" at the same time as nyx as far as how the lady has her own special set of problems. Some of the issues come from the factor of evasion vs Reduction during higher level content. She has Cc that's supposed to allow her to increase her survivability in most situations, I should know, I've owned her for three years since I started. Granted you can put in aviator "Now" and adaptation as well as i think one of the drift mods to further do this. Her 4 is fine, her 1 could use the old hallowed ground treatment, her lantern could use an aggro priority increase from enemies, and her tribute needs a big ole rework from Pablo at this point.

  14. 4 hours ago, Zebiko said:

    An orbital lightning strike? I like where this is going. 

    In all seriousness, all his abilities, except for his 1 and passive, are very good and useful. His augments is another story though, most are so bad they are not worth switching out a mod.

    I can agree to this. The main thought is to capitalize on his lightning theme, make him deal decent damage, while having survivability without the finicky use of "Evasion". His ones augment is Handy ftmp, but the ability is meh on its own. His shield is fine except I have an issue with the size not being affected by range. And his four is okay for what it's meant to do, but maybe conjure a lightning storm or something to that effect. Anything that doesn't make him "Game breaking" while still able to work nearly seamless through content a bit better.

  15. Hi,

    First forum post for me, and i do hope it's received with the intention I had in mind.

    I started with volt as my first frame, and volt prime eventually as my first built prime variant. So I do have a soft spot for the lightning boy, and want to see him updated in the future.

    First, with the changes to heat status, I feel some changes to shock procs would benefit quite broadly I this respect. Something like vulnerable to finishers or causing robots to "short" and have to reboot wouldn't be bad options. Though I'm quite open minded to ideas here.

    V= Duration in seconds

    X= range in meters

    Y= equals number of enemies effected

    Z= damage

    Passive(Current): movement on the ground causes buildup of a charge (Seen on the upper right) up to one thousand, and Increases damage based on that amount.

    Passive(Remade): Similar, but increasing power strength up to 100% bonus str. Would be useful for his 1,2,&4, as well as add some extra damage potential to his augment [Shock Trooper] to gain more shock dmg. Though I feel this could become op, let me know your thoughts.

    Passive(Alternative Idea): Conduction. Dealing damage to enemies with shock damage grants volt overshields and regens his health over time. Enemies killed with shock procs add extra armor to volt (Up to 1500 as that seems to be the magic number).

    Shock(Current 1): Let loose a bolt of lightning, shocking a target up to X meters away, and spreading to Y enemies within X, dealing Z damage. (Scales with efficiency, str, range, augment scales with duration also)

    Lightning Rod(Rework 1): Call a lightning strike on volts current location on the ground, Dealing Z damage in X range against enemies within X aoe for V seconds. (Keep augment as is.)

    Edit: seeing as my 1 and 4 ideas are redundant, I'm open to ideas instead that allow the augment to remain unaltered.

    Speed(Current 2): Increase the speed of volt and his Allies within X for V. Increases movement, reload, and attack speed. (Effected by range, duration, strength, and efficiency)

    Capacitor(New 2 concept): Volt becomes invulnerable to damage for a short Duration, building up an electrical charge as he does so. Once let loose, Volt gains a quick burst of speed, as well as an armor bonus based on Z absorbed during the short window (Think nezha or rhino). He also gains extra reload speed and fire rate.

    Electric shield(Current 3): Place a shield in front of volt, lasts for V seconds. You can carry it while firing your secondary. It blocks all incoming fire from enemies who shoot at the front. Using shock on the shield adds additional shock damage. Also firing through the shield adds extra critical damage.

    (I have no real ideas for this, as his 3 is pretty solid as far as function. Though I wish it were affected by range mods to make it wider like angularly. Example, allow it to be around a Max of 270 degree angle and minimum of 90 degree.)

    Discharge (Current 4): Unleash a wide burst of electricity, stunning all enemies caught/Walking in the aoe. Deals up to Z over time, X range, and for V seconds. (Augment adds 3% damage from the ability to volt and allies as overshields. At max rank)

    (Again, not much to change, just remove the damage cap.)

    Volt is a good frame to use, and doesn't need a total makeover. If anything, these chamges alone should not only keep him in the competition, by make him even more useful for any situation he is brought in. 

    Survivability should be added to his kit, and while Gauss did NOT make volt irrelevant, he did show me that speed isn't really that useful as an ability these days.

    Again, mostly my opinions, but let me know stuff. 


    Nico "Shadowsurfer6"

    PS/Edit 2: sorry for the text wall.

  16. Nice considerations, the main idea is that using speed as a replacement of armor unfortunately works on paper, but not in practice. Though good catch as far as my 1 and 4 ideas. Plus, the passive works no different than garudas, though it's less risk/reward, and mpre about being proactive and moving. A mobile tank with some cc and damage, as opposed to a mobile cc with some damage and utility.


  17. Hi,

    First forum post for me, and i do hope it's received with the intention I had in mind.

    I started with volt as my first frame, and volt prime eventually as my first built prime variant. So I do have a soft spot for the lightning boy, and want to see him updated in the future.

    First, with the changes to heat status, I feel some changes to shock procs would benefit quite broadly I this respect. Something like vulnerable to finishers or causing robots to "short" and have to reboot wouldn't be bad options. Though I'm quite open minded to ideas here.

    V= Duration in seconds

    X= range in meters

    Y= equals number of enemies effected

    Z= damage

    Passive(Current): movement on the ground causes buildup of a charge (Seen on the upper right) up to one thousand, and Increases damage based on that amount.

    Passive(Remade): Similar, but increasing power strength up to 100% bonus str. Would be useful for his 1,2,&4, as well as add some extra damage potential to his augment [Shock Trooper] to gain more shock dmg. Though I feel this could become op, let me know your thoughts.

    Passive(Alternative Idea): Conduction. Dealing damage to enemies with shock damage grants volt overshields and regens his health over time. Enemies killed with shock procs add extra armor to volt (Up to 1500 as that seems to be the magic number).

    Shock(Current 1): Let loose a bolt of lightning, shocking a target up to X meters away, and spreading to Y enemies within X, dealing Z damage. (Scales with efficiency, str, range, augment scales with duration also)

    Lightning Rod(Rework 1): Call a lightning strike on volts current location on the ground, Dealing Z damage in X range against enemies within X aoe for V seconds. (Keep augment as is.)

    Speed(Current 2): Increase the speed of volt and his Allies within X for V. Increases movement, reload, and attack speed. (Effected by range, duration, strength, and efficiency)

    Capacitor(New 2 concept): Volt becomes invulnerable to damage for a short Duration, building up an electrical charge as he does so. Once let loose, Volt gains a quick burst of speed, as well as an armor bonus based on Z absorbed during the short window (Think nezha or rhino). He also gains extra reload speed and fire rate.

    Electric shield(Current 3): Place a shield in front of volt, lasts for V seconds. You can carry it while firing your secondary. It blocks all incoming fire from enemies who shoot at the front. Using shock on the shield adds additional shock damage. Also firing through the shield adds extra critical damage.

    (I have no real ideas for this, as his 3 is pretty solid as far as function. Though I wish it were affected by range mods to make it wider like angularly. Example, allow it to be around a Max of 270 degree angle and minimum of 90 degree.)

    Discharge (Current 4): Unleash a wide burst of electricity, stunning all enemies caught/Walking in the aoe. Deals up to Z over time, X range, and for V seconds. (Augment adds 3% damage from the ability to volt and allies as overshields. At max rank)

    (Again, not much to change, just remove the damage cap.)

    Volt is a good frame to use, and doesn't need a total makeover. If anything, these chamges alone should not only keep him in the competition, by make him even more useful for any situation he is brought in. 

    Survivability should be added to his kit, and while Gauss did NOT make volt irrelevant, he did show me that speed isn't really that useful as an ability these days.

    Again, mostly my opinions, but let me know stuff. 


    Nico "Shadowsurfer6"

  18. Here's the thing about the clan system, I do agree that the only reason for them is to gain access to the specific weapons and resources available only to clans. This is the sad and S#&$ty truth. While at one time, before armistice was continuously locking down the clan war features, it was a decent system of setting up specters and doing like dark zones and stuff. I would like to experience this at some point in time, but just set a cap on it. That helps keep the folks that have allot of time on their hands, from over using the system and completely making it one sided. 

    As far as pvp is concerned, and I'm holding back a chuckle at this, 1. Make lunaro actually fun and less complicated. 2. Re-establish the damage system for pvp, as if you have a high enough piercing weapon you will most likely dominate unless you have the glass shotty (forgot the name) 3. I agree with the rewards system rework, even if it's just something as small as a skin or as big as a rare mod.

    Over all I love this game and would love a pvp addition that is actually fun. Not just run a frame with knockdown and finish with the primary... Ick

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