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Posts posted by Zephon

  1. Draining - restores mp for hp, is cancelled by movement.

    Temptation - pulls multiple targets closer, slowing them down

    Vampire - for a short period of time, every attack restores HP

    Mad blood - contaginates all close targets, causing them to run away in terror, exploding and contaginating those near them.


    Thank you :) I liked the design but i was curious about the powers :P Next time guys please don't write in russian , i wanna understand too :(

  2. whats the deal with this skill? i actually love it now cause the damage is pretty good and its stunning far off targets lowering my incoming damage but it seems to have this invisible radius of "that must burn now". does it just need a better indicator of how big this field actually is?



    An indicator that shows how far AOE skills actually go would be a wonderful idea... either with graphics... maybe even on the map, as it's being casted.



    1)aaaaaaand yes!

    Same here, can't really tell what's the range of the skill. In addition to what both of you said, i find that sometimes the skill burns far away enemies and leaves untouched some of the nearest ones... that's another mystery to me.

  3. 93Ou5O03.jpg


    Заметил что многие тут придумывают способности для варфреймоф, решил тоже пофантазировать=)


    It would be great if i could understand what's written there ._.

  4. Is it just me or is Dual Viper more accurate than Furis (not afuris?. Haven't got Afuris or Viper to compare.

    ^ this. That's what made me choose Twin Vipers over Afuris. In addition i have the feel that the recoil on the Furis abd Afuris is much higher than on the Viper series.

  5. happy to hear haha, all in good fun, seems tho alot of people cant take a joke ;p


    Well it's a joke when, after you do that, you wait for them once you're out of the elevator, not so much when you rush to the end making them lose their reward.

  6. I would like to see it reworked as a shield leech/transfer: same cost , same animation , but when used it creates a link between Mag and her target(something graphically resembling the shield osprey's effect), leeching or transferring shield depending it's an enemy or an ally.Increasing skill level increases its duration and the quantity leeched/transfered. I think it would be more supportive for the group, and useful against enemies this way, without being broken. Obviously it should be limited if used against enemies shielded by the ospreys.

  7. I love this idea, i also think the pose while kicking should be a bit different, right now it's just seems like sliding in air (even though i noticed it was changed a bit since the initial one, to resemble more a kick). I think that what ruins it,apart from the legs position but that's minor, is the fact that the Frame is still pointing his guns/rifle/whatever, it should point them only if aiming during the kick IMO.

  8. For what I can recall, the Vandal also got the highest crit chance of the 3 Bratons. In addittion to that and the highest amage, it sounds great XD Anyway i got mine with a 30% fire rate and a 60% multishot, and a bunch of different kinds of damage mods, and it shred enemies to pieces even on Ceres(keeping in mind that's only lv 16 and mods aren't properly leveled).

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