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Posts posted by Syigma

  1. After using Titania's 4 in Captura, the 'c' button to access camera controls no longer functions. I was test Captura and after entering the mini-archwing form, the 'c' button no longer worked while in the form or for the rest of the mission.

  2. I just got banshee after hearing about sonar's massive damage potential and was disappointed when I could not see the areas to shoot. I went into a solo game to see if I was doing something wrong and all of a sudden it showed up.

    Basically, Banshee's Sonar is only visible when the Banshee player is the host. If the Banshee player is not the host then the weak-points will still be created, but invisible.

  3. The Bloodied Many is a new alliance started by The Bloodied Few. We cureently stand at two clans. We already have a rail built, but not deployed. All clans are welcome, but it would be preffered if you have built an orokin lab, and are able to contribute to research and construction of defences. All clans must have members willing to fight rail conflicts.


    Our goal is to hold one or two dark sectors and maintain fair credit tax, but no rescource tax. 


    If you and your clan wants to join our alliance, simply reply with the name of your clan and the number of members.
  4.                                                                           The Bloodied Few




    The Bloodied Few is a 55 person Storm Clan looking for new members. We are open to all levels of skill and experience. You don't have to be super active, just online once in a while. The one thing that we do ask is that everyone tries to donate a little to the dojo. 

    We all are in this clan for the reason that we love to play this game. Not to be the best, or to hold the most sectors or to make a profit, we play to have fun. We help out new players get the mods they need, without always asking for equal trade or debt. 
    We do everything from T3 voids to helping new players get through difficult missions. Once we get a few more experienced players we may start doing some high level T3 survivals. We also have all but a few non-oxium clan tech items complete. We are part of a small alliance, currently with but researching progress. If you are interested in joining the alliance, you may also post here.
    If you'd like to join, post your in game name and I'll throw you an invite. Just make sure you aren't in a clan, or have any other pending invites, as it messes up the system. 
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