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Posts posted by Littlecowardgaming

  1. The PoE matchmaking is absolute cancer. 5 times in a row i've been forced to run back to the village because host migration when someone leaves/dc's. I lose the objective on the map and im forced to restart the bounty. This as I said has happened 5 times in a row now. Its absolutely cancer and its unplayable. People leave/dc all the time and host migration doesnt do S#&$ since it basically deletes the mission forcing you to pick it back up again. 

    Guess im forced to play solo. And yes, im sure ''it works fine for me'' comments will be coming, good for you! But im not alone about this as numerous of my contacts claims the servers/matchmaking is absolute S#&$ lately. Half of the time invites cant reach players and after a few times it works randomly. Sometimes people cant accept your invitation and sometimes they can.

    The game is fine solo-wise. But its near unplayable in public matches.

  2. Hey everyone, im currently trying to find out what the optimal build is for the teleport ash. The goal is to have a build that's capable/optimal in high end content. Which usually is 100+. I already followed a few videos on youtube and got the frame build started, what i'm lost at is what mods to use on my melee weapon and which weapon to use, I cant see the difference between karyst and Dark dagger, is gleaming blight important for dark dagger?

    Ash mods atm :

    1. Steel charge
    2. Power Drift
    3. Primed continuinty
    4. Transient fortitude
    5. Intensify
    6. Streamline
    7. Narrowminded
    8. Fleeting expertise
    9. Fatal teleport
    10. Strech

    Anything you'd switch out or like to add?

    Im pretty sure thats solid since i've followed a few (admittedly half a year old) videos. But mostly can someone explain to me the difference between karyst and dark dagger and which dagger suits best for this build? Give me your choice and if you got an example of a best dmg build, i'd be ever grateful!

  3. Hello everyone. I'm being driven mad atm trying to find out what skin this is : 

    https://imgur.com/a/q9ym2    (couldn't find how to post image here...) 

    The closest which im guessing is the one is the ash tsukuyomi skin. But it looks vastly different. The face is different, the shoulders are different, the legs are different. Everything is different. Help me locate this skin please! 

  4. Since its near impossible to find clans in-game, I need to find good clan with people willing to play together and aid questions of a returning player as I dont keep myself updated on the patch notes. I feel no need to make this post long so I'll simplify it for you :

    - I'm 22 years old and speak fluent english

    - I'd say im above averaged geared (3 reformed soma prime, volt prime with high end gear, capable of handling almost any high level mobs)

    - I got discord if needed.

    - I'd prefer if your clan has the archwing segment blueprint for the dojo installed as im looking to craft that without having to pay 175 platinum.

    - If you have any other questions simply post a reply below and i'll answer it as soon as I see it.

  5. First of all. This is not a review nor a professional opinion of the game. This is a first impression from a person who's played the game on and off for several years since the game was launched. Previous to trying the game I had been off the game for several months, so please do not treat this as a educated player with lots on knowledge about the patch and its functionality.

    I'm not a diehard fan of the game. I enjoy it from time to time but it has never gripped me for more than a few weeks due to the repetitive nature and somewhat boring instanced missions previous to this large ''dlc/update''. I will be posting my encounters and after my statements I will post what I'd consider should've/could've been done better.

    First of all I was naturally encountered by the ever existing lack of introduction when returning after several months off the game. With no clue where to even go to get to Plains of Eidolon I was forced to google to find a forum where people in similar positions as mine were forced to make forum posts to find it : 

    - Make a proper introduction to the new content with a possible pending quest for every returning players. And DONT hide it in but rather make it a pop up when logging in, introducing the patch and give them a proper direction on where to start? If there already exists an introduction questline to the patch then they have failed to properly announce it to me. 

    After having found the map I was sent into what gave me the impression of a relay station. I ran around a bit to get a proper feel of the new village and I have to say that I was loving it thus far (except the previous issue of lacking an introduction which will be a continuous problem along this post). After checking out the somewhat few but non the less interesting vendors I managed to miss the ''bounty'' NPC and was heading out of the village with no clue of what to expect, except from what I had seen in the trailers. I was immediately grouped up with a bunch of strangers and without any sense of direction or objective I decided to follow the 2 players I had joined. After 10 minutes of running around watching them mine rocks/ore and lack of response from trying to communicate with them I decided to leave the squad and try my luck by playing solo. 

    I ended up running around the baffling large map with a momentary jaw dropping impression of the scale but shortly was overtaken by a sense of missing context and direction on what to do. Once again this ties back to the lack of introduction mentioned in my previous problem.

    I decided that I'd really like to try flying around like they had done in the trailer, but found absolutely no information about how or where I can manage to do that. And thus I was forced to leave the planet to ask the ''region'' chat for aid and managed to find out that unsurprisingly the archwing segment had been placed by a typical paywall or a 3 day waiting time for those with a dojo. 

    Being a player who goes on and off, I had no clan and asking the recruit chat for a clan yielded close to no results. Considering making a post on the forum but a sense of laziness made me postpone that decision. 

    So if you're going to add a gigantic new DLC/update and advertise its new mechanics like something anyone can do (which yes, im aware is not entirely false), hiding it behind a paywall isn't the entire issue although a bit frustrating. Limiting players who might not play the game regularly and thus not participating in clans from getting this new content is absurd to me :

    - I understand the need for ''paywalls'' to fund a free to play game. But once again there was absolutely no introduction or aid to figure out how you can enjoy this new mechanic without enforcing the COMMUNITY to help you out rather than the developers. And further more, forcing people who might prefer to play alone or with friends to join clans solely to enjoy this new mechanic is absurd to me. Atleast add a way for solo players to get this segment aswell!


    With a strong first impression of the new map one was left wandering for far too long without any sense of direction or goal. With a lack of introduction for new/returning players, just finding the new map can be a ''struggle'' (exaggerated). I know a lot of todays games seem to take a liking to throwing a player into a new world without telling them what to do (dark souls). Not everyone is going to agree with me on my feedback here, but almost every ''issue'' or frustration experienced for me could've been avoided with a simple quest-line. What this quest-line could introduce the player to could be among these : 

    • Where's the new map? 
    • What can you do in this new map
    • Archwing which as been advertised, where can you get one?
    • Mining, how do you get started on that? (introduce player to the NPC and possibly task them to buy the mining gun)
    • Fishing, how do you get started on that? (see point above)
    • Most of all, give a short example of what one can do with the ores/fish you gather in the wild! What can you use them for?


    This has been my first impression as a returning player. I know some of you who are a lot more experienced than me with the game will rant at me or that im asking to be ''hand held'' throughout the game. As I mentioned before. Some people appreciate being thrown into a new world without any clue as to what is going on, some do not. How much ''hand holding'' the introductory quest should/could be would be up to the developers. But I -do- believe that helping new players with the questions above would give people a better first impression with the game and add to its already astounding quality for a free to play game!



  6. Hey Ambiroa.

    I'd love to join the clan. I've been playing Warframe since the release on and off. I recently got back again and I find that the game lacks in playing solo. I need a clan to talk to and be social with aswell as ask for advice and help others. I'd love to have a clan that is filled with friendly and helpful people. If you have any more questions, I'd love to answer them in-game. 

    In-game name : ''Littlecowardgaming'' (lol I wish I could change)


  7. This build allowed me to kill 12 - lvl.105 Bombards in 1 cast of Bladestorm.

    I'm just saying that 185% Power STR was enough to murder them in the simulacrum.

    I won't discuss the use of his other skills Taiiat already did.


    Ignore the Lightning Dash, my Ash was polarized before the drift mods ever came into existence.

    I would probably replace it with Power Drift or Sure Footed.



    Do take note that you can't expect it to work "that" well in the void.

    Just 1 Corrupted Ancient Healer will mess up your damage unless maybe* you were able to build-up enough combo multiplier.

    That is rather amazing actually... Mind I ask what type of melee weapon you use (does it matter?). Or does bladestorm not take into account what melee weapon you're using at all? Only the speed mods? If so, I guess my undermodded nikana can still be useful on him.

  8. You are correct, you're doing something wrong. Bladestorm ignores armour so that means it scales far better than most attacks in the game, it will tear apart lvl 40 mobs with ease. A lot of it comes down to what mods you use and the damage for Bladestorm is affected by your melee weapon as well. I'm going to assume that you simply don't have the mods and weaponry to make him into a deadly assassin yet. What are you using? Normal Ash will require a few forma to make a good build, Prime doesn't require it.

    I did try and breefly look into the blade storm on the wiki, I failed to see that it shares damage with your melee weapon.... 

    That -might- be part of the reason its failing for me. Im using a nikana with these mods : 

    truesteel, organ shatter, fury, shocking touch, north wind, spoiled strike, berserker, pressure point.

    Not sure what else I could check.


  9. I keep clicking on your freaking post to offer insight lol. i've had enough of you. 


    but seriously keep em coming. while i don't agree with all of your points, I do see a need for threads from many players about frames. the more ideas and builds we get for frames the better it will be for the community. 

    Its a forum mate. If you cant handle it. Dont go to it. Perhaps not to the players helping player section either, lol. First of all, as the post says, I am aware that what I believe of the frame is most likely wrong, and thus asking for more experienced players to point out what the strenghts of the class is. 

    But hey, you're just making yourself look stupid if you come into a helping section of a forum going : ''had enough of you''. Guess what mate. Perhaps you're not good at helping people? Have a good day

  10. Hello again.. I'll keep tagging my titles as [newb] as thats what they are.. Idiotic questions for a scrub/idiot. Please excuse the clickbait of a title.


    I know most of the people in this game will say : ''Then dont play him, play someone else'' if you complain at a frame being bad. But I just know that cannot be the case.... Im currently using Ash prime, and I feel like im forcing myself to play him because I dont want to believe I made a bad investment in the game, yes sorry... I paid to get him, im sorry. 

    First of all, what's my problem with him? Mostly its his useless skills.. Yes, I know they have their uses, but they are just so far outweighted by other frames abilities... Even with a full power strength build. Bladestorm is unable to kill any 30-40 mobs and overall maybe kills 1-2 mobs. I must be doing something wrong. 

    Shuriken is 100% useless, unless I manage to get the armor lowering mod, but even then thats its only use. Smoke screen is a joke compared to other frames and even while trying to maintain a good balanced power duration, It lasts around 5-8 seconds (sorry for not having an exact number). His teleport I havent used very much, since I keep being teleported infront of them, and thus he just does a regular melee attack instead of a finisher. And the bladestorm I've already covered, unable to kill anything in lvl 30-40 range even with alot of strength mods. 

    I love his looks, but his skills just feels completely bland to me, and I was HOPING, you people could shed some light on what im doing wrong. 

    My biggest problem is that while im playing ash now, im heavily reliant on my soma prime, which though does alot of damage, often gets ammo hungry. While if I play my equally geared excalibur (honestly havent spent much time on him) with a rather not upgraded exalted blade build. I can run almost any mission, even t4 survival and one shot almost anything. 

    Maybe excalibur is just overpowered? But I dont want to leave ash because im an idiot who probably is doing something terribly wrong.... What is good about ash? His skills seems so EXTREMELY weak, but I dont want to abandon him! 

    Please help me out here... Im running a rather simple build like :


    Continuity, streamline, flow, vitality. intensify. fleeting expertise, steel charge (cant remember name) and another random one or two.

    Please give me some help on what I can do to make this frame seem better.

  11. If you dont want to read a wall of text, look down to the ''TL;DR'' section.

    Hey people, im sorry if the title ended up misleading. But to put this short. I just came back from a 6 month pause from the game and thus, I am once again a bit misguided and confused on where and what to do. Though the mechanics are still there. This topic however is something that havent probably changed, but is just occuring to me now. 

    At the moment im playing a Ash Prime with a Paris Prime. Both of which I like, but dont really see the need for. What I mean by this is that I feel like no matter how good these weapons are, I feel like there are weapons that can produce much better results (kills/dmg etc). Im a big rookie at the moment, so im most likely wrong here. First of all, I do not have a fully modded Paris prime yet, so I am aware that its severly underpowered until I get all the mods. But even then, I dont see the purpose of the bow except looking cool or for people who really love that sort of playstyle. I always end up being the type who works towards EFFICIENCY. I go for the builds which is most efficient and the weapons which are currently the best in end-game. 

    To put this shortly, I feel like by the time I have shot two arrows, another weapon could've killed more than 10-15 monsters (if they're stacked up). The weapons that have caught my eye is rapid firing laser weapons, flamethrowers and channeling weapons. I cannot get the names since im really not that sure what they are, only seen other people using them. 

    I do like bows for solo missions as the offer alot of dmg and long range. But in a team fight, I just dont feel like i can keep up with their rapid fire. Even though it takes me 1 shot to kill almost any mob, by the time i've fired 2 shots (maybe even got 4-5 kills lined up), the other person has with their channeling laser/flame weapon killed 10-15 people all infront of them. 


    I'd like to hear YOUR opinions on what weapons have most potential for late game. Number a few and please, give a short comment of WHY you like this weapon and WHAT puts it above the other weapons. And if its a rare weapons, any extra how to get it would be appreciated!


    The bow feels slow and unable to keep up with the kills performed by other weapons. Im most likely wrong, because im a noob and a scrub or perhaps the playstyle is no longer for me. What weapon do you recommend for end-game that is efficient in doing dmg and clearing mobs quickly? Are channeling weapons good? List a few weapons you like and a reason why you think they're so good!

  12. From what I have seen, Draco groups are mainly intended for leveling weapons (when playing a support frame) or getting focus once you have everything leveled (something relating to the second dream quest which I assume you've not done at this point).


    The recruiting system is definitely in need of work, hopefully something is planned by DE (I'm intending to post some suggestions for it as well once I get half an hour to mock up some UIs) ...


    So to get back to the question, there are two methods I use - depending on who is on.  If there is no-one on that I know would boost me, then I do it solo.


    For solo, I would recommend doing one of the earlier dark sector defenses with an aoe weapon (I use the tonkor) - just doing the 5 waves, applying possible mods, and doing it again.  This should get you back up to level 10 quite quickly, at which point Ash's ultimate will allow you to kill more things faster.  I find that most of the time I can get to 10 with 2 or 3 runs, and then I can start doing alerts (which therefore have other people).  I normally then pay attention to the level I'm going into, but ignore that I'm leveling a frame other than that.


    If there are other people around, then something like Pluto dark sector defense (or ODD) tends to be quicker - and gives you a chance to talk to people while you're watching the hordes of infested get killed :)


    Don't know what region you play in, but I'm in Oceania and I boost random people through a couple of missions most 'evenings' (GMT+13) - happy to give you a hand if we're on at the same time :)  - Rauxon in game too.

    I'd love to play with you sometime.. I'll be active today and tomorrow... During 18th-22nd i'll be playing the black desert beta. Then i'll be on alot during 22nd-1st march. Im from sweden which I believe is GMT+1. But Im up late, so it depends on when you're on!

  13. Hey people. I recently got my ash prime and im considering what weapons to fit with the playstyle.... Im considering using my hek, but to get it effective I need to polarize it and level it back to 30 a few times.... But my current method is boringly slow since..... I dont really have a method.. I just came back from a 6 month break, and I feel like a inexperienced noob once again. I really just wish I had a supportive clan or friends to help me out with tips like this when I play the game. 

    Any tips on how to effectively level my frame/weapons? I read alot of guides, and thus I see the whole ''draco'' things going on, but I dont really get how it works since people only really want you if you play a trinity, frost etc frames... Non of which im currently leveling. 

    Recruitment in the game is useless, so I was hoping to get some advice here on the forum of some friendly clan who'd take me in.... 

    Appreciate any advice or help, just looking to have some fun with people.

  14. Ah... Greater range.. That makes sense... Still, they definitly need to add this. People shouldn't have to google or make a post on the forum to find out what upgrading a mod gives them... Afterall it takes alot of farm to get good fusion cores to upgrade with!

  15. Hey, i recently made a post but well i found another thing i dont understand and i wish to know fast ^^ I believe i asked this on the other post but i dont recall getting an answer on that specific question. 


    The mod called ''REVENGE'' for the sentinel SHADE makes your sentinel attack enemies attacking you... So what possibly do you get from upgrading mods like these? They really need to add specific details on most of the mods so we can see what gets upgraded... I know some has details, but most doesnt... So what would i get from lvling this mod to its full potential?

  16. @Littlecowardgaming


    Serration is an uncommon mod which boosts your rifles damage by 15% per level. You wont find a common or rare version of Serration. And currently DE has only talked about released more rarity levels for extra hard to find mods that will have bigger effects to go along with their rarity.

    I'm glad I was able to help and clear things up for you.


    Yes you were alot of help!! Keep up the good work and i hope you keep enlighten people like me! Great work Tsukinoki!


    Thank you

  17. @Littlecowardgaming

    You will never find a mod that has two rarities. If Sound Quake is a rare mod you will never find a common or uncommon version of it.

    Just like you will never find a common or uncommon Flow, it is only rare.

    All mods have set rarities that never change and will never exist in the other rarities unless DE changes that mods rarity on purpose.


    OOOOOOOOHHHHHH... Damn that sets it!! So for example there is ONLY a common increased rifle damaged mod? There's no Uncommon/rare increased damaged mod?..... Well that makes sense i guess

  18. @Littlecowardgaming

    Rare mods are the hard ones to level up, common mods are easy to level up as they require far less fusion XP to rank up.

    And *generally*, but not always, rare mods have more powerful effects, such as Flow being rare and increasing your maximum warframe energy compared to a common Thiefs Wit, which causes breakable containers to show up on your minimap.

    Right... But just... Whats the difference on lvling a rare ''SOUND QUAKE'' and a common sound quake? Does the rare one have more damage?? Or what is the point in using a rare sound quake if its harder to lvl and its not better than a common/uncommon one??

  19. The Paris has a base crit chance of 10% uncharged and 20% for a charged shot.

    The crit mod works off of your base crit chance, meaning that with 125% you would have a crit chance of 22.5% uncharged and 45% charged.

    The rarity of the mod only reflects on:

    A) How often it drops (supposedly)

    B) How much XP it takes to level up

    C) How much XP it grants to a mod when fused into it.

    Rare mods take more fusion XP to get to the next rank than common mods, and they provide more when used in a mod.

    Thats the reason when you are leveling up a rare mod you can fuse a common into it and only see a small amount of fusion XP granted, where if you fuse a rare into it you'll see a much bigger amount of fusion xp granted.


    Also mods only come in a single rarity.

    Revenge will also be common while M-Prime will always be rare


    So basically a full lvled COMMON mod is actually as good as a full lvled rare mod? Common mods is just harder to lvl up? 

  20. Hey... Just wondering... Im using PARIS and im using a mod with 125% crit chance. Yet im pretty sure im not critting every shot like a 100% crit chance should? So what is the idéa behind crit chance? And after answering that question...


    Whats the difference between a rare and a common? For example.... The sentinel shade and mode revenge. It says the sentinel shoots when someone shoots the owner. Soooo.... Whats the difference if this mod is RARE or COMMON? Will it do more dmg? -.- 

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