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Posts posted by (XBOX)RoastCarpenter9

  1. It is not intentional and as I said it is not the fault of DE why they would do something like this if WF is F2P, it is microsoft that has it that way even so because they take it that we are playing with other people with ground teams and space teams connected in real time using OpLink (even the other types of missions we can not play with people if we do not have xbox live gold and we have to play everything in solo mode)

    so a case like this had already happened with the dojo that we could not enter even if you created it yourself but that was changed later with time before the dry dock it's was launch.


  2. The event scarlet spear is live in consoles now but now that I try to enter the relay to play the event this message comes out;

    so that it can be better understood what I mean is that I need xbox live gold to be able to enter the relay of scarlet spear, so I understand this event It is Co-op that I have already seen people playing this event but I also know that it can be completed in solo mode so I am literally having blocked content that I will not be able to get

    as well as any other relay that there is, this problem does not happen but just with the scarlet spear relay, but I know that it is not the fault of DE (microsoft) but they could change it pls


  3. mesa_the_cowgirl_by_roastcarpenter-dc6no

    The gunslinger

    she's going to deliver justice to the grineer and corpus to free the galaxy from its atrocities and deaths they have done.

  4. Hello everyone! first time posting something here,I create this poster in sfm and some editing.



    The gunslinger
    she's going to deliver justice to the grineer and corpus to free the galaxy from its atrocities and deaths that have made.




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