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Posts posted by Lourtz

  1. I finally Spend 10 mutagen samples to make this sword and i found out that the cosmetics and holsters styles are not working properly on it.

    I tried to change the skin and nothing happened.6URy9w1.jpg

    Also i tried to change the holster style to the dual blades hip, it should look like this


    but after you left the holster menu it changes to the default



    Finally i also noticed that the hilt of the sword doesnt fit in the hands correctlyTITZGOl.png

    That is all i have found on this i hope a fix can come soon.

  2. I'm not jealous of being able to shoot lasers from my hand or flying!!
    Here is some proof jaja

    This is a picture taken April 14.


    This picture was taken todayVgtNUPR.jpg

    hace 17 minutos, Mach25 dijo:

    Admit it, you're just jealous because they're too pretty for you. You need to:


      Revelar contenido oculto




  3. I found out today that when switch stances on khora with some melee weapons, the action creates a weird texture like you can see using war, the zenistar is not that bad but war is pretty bad. Khora was working perfectly fine before the last saryn update.

    Please help.


  4. After the last update i noticed that ember for another nerf and the ogris got torn apart (nerf), because of the recent event. The "fix" that ember got was explained on the notes fair enough, but the ogris got changes as well and they are not on the notes. When you shoot the ogris to Lephantis/Hemocyte the rockets go through him and if you are using the augment Nightwatch Napalm the napalm last for 2 seconds and not 6 as it says on the description of the mod. Please fix this and be honest about the changes that are made. I really love this game but some times $%&/()"·$%&/!!!!

  5. It would be nice to see a increase of the rivens slot capacity from 90 to 120 - 180, with the inclusion of the riven transmutations, because we need 4 rivens to graft a new one and we have like 300 weapons and i would love to get a riven for all. i'm a hoarder. :P

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