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Posts posted by STRATA-Vathar

  1. Still get him on high frames, but I tend to remember more vividly the painful encounter with freshly formaed gear.


    I'd blame perception bias on that one.


    If I remember correctly, this had even been datamined at some point, and showed that it was a flat percentage, unrelated to stuff.

  2. This thread sums up what's wrong with gaming today.


    "You play this and that, therefore you have to do that and this, otherwise you're doing it wrong. My way is the best way to play, because it's the only one. Please stick to your defined roles (defined by whom I ask? Answer: a crapload of scrubs) and only use things that I use/that you were meant to use (again, meant to use by whom? answer: scrubs)."


    This forum is a cesspool of dumb stuff.


    There is one thing to consider though. When you play with strangers, you don't really have time to learn what they're doing or how they build, so you have to expect the standard builds.


    It does not really matter in Warframe as content is very easy anyway, but let's say I go into T4D with strangers and build a team. If a frost volunteers to come and does not say otherwise, I will assume that he will snowglobe the cryopod and play the "usual" frost role. If he does not and mission goes pear shaped I'll be annoyed. On the other hand, if he tells me "I'm playing dps frost I don't have snowglobe equipped, I 'll build the team differently.

  3. Aside from the fact that void gives more credits, I go for another approach :


    Do I make more money running a DS than a regular mission?


    If I do, still worth it, don't mind of people take a reasonable cut.

    If I don't, or if I can find a better DS, or if tax is way out of line (like those 75-90%), then I go somewhere else.


    Case closed, no sleep lost :)


    The day I want to promote low taxes is the day I'll join an Alliance and fight for it. Until then, I take what comes.

  4. While I agree that popping LS at 97% is an issue, teammates loadout is not. These alerts are low level anyway and could probably be handled by Homer Simpson and a BB gun (trying to picture that WILL ruin your perception of warframes though, you have been warned!)


    Bows are fine for survival. I think I've used my dread is pretty much every possible mission. Tremendous single target damage ensures that big bad guys will be dealt with swiftly, punch through allows you to take down packs in a couple of arrows.

  5. I filed my ticket last week and they took a while to answer (guess they are pretty overwhelmed at the moment)Figured I may as well share the answer :

    Thank you for bringing this bug to our attention. The newest patch should fix this issue from occurring in the future and a script is going to be launched to give out the 4 mods that weren't added!Keep an eye out, if after this newest patch (should be released today or tomorrow) you are still missing the mods, please reopen this ticket! :)
    Error was fixed for me and I actually got double the mods. Wondering if it's worth reporting it to DE. On one hand I don't want to abuse a buggy script, on the other they may have bigger fish to fry!
  6. Every now and then, the infestation hits a "boss" node (assassination mission). The usual boss then gets replaced by Phorid (infested boss) and killing him grants Nyx parts blueprints.


    Just keep an eye for infestation alerts, they are common enough.


    Phorid himself is a very easy boss as he has no immunities or weak points that you have to target.

  7. Hello,


    3 days ago I launched the crafting of three frames (wanted to clean up tons of blueprints lying around). Figured I may as well level them up while I'm at it, but it turns that I did not receive power mods for two of them.


    Most of the powers I already have and I don't care that much about, but I'm missing Nyx's absorb, and the frame is pretty pointless without it!


    Did some basic googling but failed to come up with valuable advice.


    Is it a known bug?

    Can it be self fixed?

    Is it worth a support ticket?



  8. I'm fine with the entire "Tenno weapons can be made wraith" and with explanations provided in this thread.


    Only thing is that it's a bit sad to have weapons with 2 "elite" variants while so many don't even have one.


    Still, one more weapon is always good. Wish we had a weapon rack in the liset to showcase our armory.

  9. I did some inventory cleanup yesterday and sold non tradeable duplicate blueprints that I had in my inventory.


    I sold between 15 and 19 of each oberon part BP, and I just came back to the game a few weeks ago after stopping for a year or so.


    I remember a void t3 def where we looted a full oberon set. On average, I'd say that we drop 3 parts every 5 runs.


    Drop rate may be different according on mob level (I don't know how that part works), but it DEFINITELY drops from Eximi 

  10. Summary : 


    Introducing conclave limitations : GOOD - a step towards variety. In the future, we may see "pistol only events" or "melee only" alerts


    Having to grind 200 $£%$£"% Hyenas : BAD - Repetititve Grindfests make me a sad panda.



    Too easy? Not sure events should be ridiculously hard anyway. Most time limited content should be geared towards the majority. End Game content should be found somewhere else (and yes, it is somewhat lacking at the moment)

  11. Don't forget to factor in the range of weapons in your system. If we have to compare to the range of actual firearms, the effective range of Tenno weaponry is a joke, plus, the fact that if you increase the Tenno's speed and you have to rebalance the effective range of weapons or risk having short range weapons OP.




    You can accept the current feel of the game, consider that it matters more than the actual range on the objective indicator and the codex, forget that discussing realistic speeds when we routinely visit planets and ships that all have the same gravity, kill enemies using ragdoll effects that would make physicists cringe and play the game.


    In all fairness, I'm not really thrilled about seeing uber fast tennos as it makes aiming ridiculous. I'd rather have the current speed and retain the option to do stylish kills at a reasonable speed rather than super fast spray and pray gameplay.

  12. Exactly my point. YOU know it works for you, not because someone told you. That's real knowledge, that is Mastery.


    Actually trying weapons and using them to level up IS mastery, ranking up secondary weapons just for the added MR is MR grinding and does not indicate a player's skills.


    I have some melee weapons in my armory that are lvl. 30 and that I barely ever unsheathed. I normally don't use affinity boosters but since we got one last week, I levelled up a pangolin sword and I barely used it. I actually killed one mob with it (!) and it's lvl.30. In a way it's sad because levelling this weapon did not increase my skill in any way. 


    Now levelling a new frame, discovering new strategies, experimenting with new DIFFERENT weapons, that is cool, but levelling amost identical items (a weapon and its prime counterpart for example) does not really make you that much better!

  13. You'll find jerks in all frames, at all ranks and masteries, and wearing every kind of gear known to mankind (or is it Tennokind?)


    I have to admit that when I run survivals in my Loki (yeah, love the frame, don't care about its bad rep), my team does not see me much as I do quite a lot of pulling.


    I leave 2 guys + a Nekros defending a good spot, then run around, pull packs of mobs, disarm them and try to group them as much as possible for our Nekros,

    then lead them back to the slaughterpoint.


    During later stages, it also has the stealth and mobility to go and get LS which is too far away when enemies get tougher. Is it the best way to get far in survival? Probably not. Does it work ok for us? Yeah. Are my mates happy with this? Yep they are.


    I'm not overly fond of decoy as it gets instagibbed in later stages. I earlier stages, you don't really need it, and when you would be glad to be able to use it to get some breathing room, it gets a little too weak. It has its uses though, if only to force disarmed enemis to take a detour and whack it, not counting switch tp trick.

  14. "Beta" for free to play games has become mostly meaningless these days anyway. Business model for games has evolved anyway as some start to monetize from Alpha or even before (look at eternal crusade) and I'm not even counting crowdfounding.


    Many companies do this, leave the game endlessly in beta while it's mostly up and running and use it as an umbrella when S#&$storms mass above their heads due to bugs and, to be fair, DE isn't doing too badly compared to others, so I'm not complaining.

  15. Well, i actually have impact boost on sobek when im farming for gallium or something. Slash damage on flux so i can cut things and use a nekros. Puncture...not so much. But these are just "fun and satisfaction" mods, not "min-max" serious business ones, which is a shame.


    Whatever floats your boat :)


    "fun and satisfaction" seldom mis with "min-max" I'm afraid. I'm ok if a game requires some amount of min-maxing to reach real tough end game content, as long as intermediate offers reasonably fun stuff and possible variations.


    I haven't played Diablo lately, but Blizzard always tried to make it possible to use more than one cookie cutter build even at higher difficulties (they didn't always succeed though). warframe has 20-ish frames, dozens of weapons with really different mechanics and build options via mods to deal with. Balancing all this is easier said than done.

  16. 1. You want the damage increases to stay, and also add build options through way of making the increases innate to weapon level. I personally see this as reinforcing the number race that players participate in when building weapons.

    2. I want the mod to be scaled back so that players have an actual choice when trying to decide between Serration and Hush, or Serration and Ammo Drum such that damage-per-round and damage-per-second aren't outweighed by other, more 'utility-based' stats.


    Neither approaches are 'wrong' or 'right', and we probably will never agree on which course of action to take, but hopefully having that distinction makes it clear for anyone reading.


    For the record, I'm a fairly adaptable fellow and as long as I have fun, everything goes. just posting here during a slow day :)


    Mod scaled down to a level where other mods become competitive with it and slotting it is no longer a no-brainer would actually be a great choice, but THEN the community would really go up in flames as it would effectively nerf a mod that takes ages to max.

  17. That's interesting. I can understand the "cool" factor of punch through mods, silencer mods, even zoom enhancers and other cool features that affect gameplay, but I have to admit that I'm missing the point when it comes to "lesser" damage mods.


    I could understand if you were telling me "I wanted to go for a sneaky sniper run with hush, zoom an punch through and had to sacrifice damage to do this build", since you would trade damage for gameplay features.




    I can't really picture someone saying "I wanted to do more impact damage, so I gimped my build and replaced a damage mod with a lesser one" as I couldn't really see how this would be more fun for someone (to each his own though, mod your gun as you see fit) to trade damage for ... less damage.

  18. So that's like saying crimson dervish needs to be removed because every dakra prime player wants it/after it.


    Stances are different, not all weapons have two, and they have different rarity. I could accept that a rare mod performs better than an uncommon one to fulfill a similar purpose (within reason).


    Think about one stance weapons... they are also false choices in the sense that you either have the mod and use it or not, but DE can always release additional stances (kudos to the animators by the way, they are by large a category of artists neglected by the community, but they can make or break a game of this kind).

  19. Well, "clogging" is part of the challenge when building a frame, which is why NOT putting redirection/vitality is a valid choice. Baiscally, you ask yourself "Is it worth it to sacrifice pure EHP to put more ability base cards or other gimmicks". The beauty of it is that the answer CAN be yes or no. Which means putting vitality or not is still a real choice.


    On the other hand, ask yourself "is it worth to sacrifice 100-160% base damage to put something else?" and you realize that opting out of using serration is not really an option.

  20. +165% damage based on a single mod card, or the fact that different mods like Fast Hands or Hush are presented as false choices. I would like to see a scaling back of such clearly gameplay-breaking numbers.


    Go ahead, attack what I say, not who I am.


    False choice is the issue here. In exactly the same way some totally underpowered mods are seen once in a Blue moon, serration is also a false choice, as you don't really run a weapon without equipping it, unless it's freshly formaed or you're gimping your setup on purpose to go play with young Tenno that you just recruited.


    Basically, a False choice occurs when no one uses the mod OR when everybody uses it.


    Most other mods affect a specific aspect of your weapon and may not be desirable on every build, possibly because the weapon has a poor secondary and it is hardly worth buffing it, and these are real choices, but i don't see many situations where it is not worth to apply a 100%+ buff to base damage ...


    For the record, I don't MIND having it here, I just slot it as soon as possible and don't lose sleep over it. But if it were to be shifted to a built-in weapon stat, I wouldn't shed a tear either.

  21. Being able to put new stuff on it just by "gaining more experience with it" and even resetting that experience with a Forma isn't exactly immersive either if you go that way, but I'm fine with it.


    Simple justification : As your affinity with the weapon increases, so does the damage as you simply get better with it, same as being able to fit more abstract stuff like mods, just without going the mandatory step of actually putting serration/multishot


    By the way, there is a simple way to tweak multishot : make it actually spend more ammo. Would make the mod desirable for burst damage, but debatable for sustained dps. I'm pretty sure they would be caveats and that it's already been considered and suggested though.

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