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Posts posted by zomB99

  1. This is near impossible to implement. Most abilities do an instant, 1 time damage, so either the damage-part of both frames abilities have to proc at the exact same time for this to work (which is obviously practically impossible to pull off) or there has to be some kind of delay built in to the damage aspect to wait and see if another frame is gonna cast an abiltiy that might interact with the just cast ability, surely making abilties feel incredibly clunky.

    The abilities don't have to be activated at the same time. If a saryn is near a volt the saryn acts as sort of a substitute for a poison damage mod on volts abilities. So if volt casts one of his offensive abilities it does corrosive damage because saryn's presence near volt has an effect on his electrical damage. Hope this isn't too confusing.

  2. What if there was a way that warframes with elemental abilities could combine to create status effects and procs? One idea that I had was that if there was a warframe within range of another they would have an effect on each others abilities. For instance, if a saryn was within range of a volt and the volt casted overload, the overload would do corrosive damage. What do you guys think about this?

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