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Posts posted by Lakitel

  1. Kinda. 


    If you've ever played something like Firefall they put in the item, put a suggested price(the DEs do) and the people that are selling can place their price. 


    Like an auction house yes but not an auction. The people who are selling have to set it for a set price. And of course like, how warframe does already, have a tax to discourage lowering the price to low as the seller would be losing plat/creds at a certian point. 


     Honestly, if it was a choice, I would prefer an auction house than doing what you suggest. For one, I don't think that DE should set the prices based on what they think is right. Secondly, it actually takes away a lot of player created content (the trading economy).


     I actually think a better solution to either auction house or item pricing is for DE to create an API/site that shows how many of X item has been dropped over Y amount of time. That way we don't know exactly how much is out there (after all, not all items that are dropped will be traded) and we get a general idea of the supply.


     A lot of people are against an auction house, and while I do somewhat agree on that topic, I've personally felt that an auction house or some kind of posting mechanism would encourage more players to use the trading system. As it is right now, going into trading as somebody who is new to it, is knowing that you're probably going to be ripped off.


     What I'm trying to say is that the current system benefits the people who there at the start in detriment to new people who want to join in.


    As to the original topic: So far I haven't had many problems trading. That being said, I don't trade that much and I've been having connectivity issues lately, so it might become an issue at some point. The bandaid solution isn't that bad, given that you could still go to a dojo if you want.

  2.  I wonder, is there any more information on the background of this poll? Once this poll closes, how likely are we to see the effects? Will we know what is going to be added or worked on before hand? More importantly, is this a poll just to have the information on hand or is it because there is some actual work being done with Dojo's that we might see soon and DE wants our input?

  3. I think that the thought of cross play has been largely if not completely abandoned. I think that it would be far too much work for DE to keep the 3 systems on the same update and somehow allow PS4 and XB1 players to play together and with PC users. 


     I think his point isn't that consoles and PC should have the same update level, but there should be a second "instance" of a specific update as it were, that consoles and PCs could revert to for cross play.

  4. -snip-


     I think the concept of consequences on failure is pretty interesting, especially since it isn't done much. I guess most devs don't want to spend time on an ending/consequence that might not be used. Which is fair enough. That being said though, it would add a bit more variety and interest.


     As for the nodes, they would only be removed temporarily until they've been unlocked. Plus it makes people explore nodes they wouldn't normally explore. If you think about it, a lot of the later planets are dead most of the time, so having some incentive to visit them would be nice.


     I don't really see it as a quest though, because quests are personal, where as this is global and inclusive of all regions. Unless you make the quest apply globally, in which case, I'd rather use my terminology :P

  5. You could always post it in the Fan Zone section. For example, I had a story about a series of glimpses in the universe of Warframe, posted there: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/227123-the-martyr-updated-0904/


    Granted, I forgot about it, but the Fan Zone section does seem to fit your needs.


     Thats a good point, I'll have to think about if it belongs there or here. Its in a bit of a grey area.


    As long as it's done well, and you don't mind the occasional moron or confused newbie dropping a post in the middle of it, here's as good a place as any. You'd probably get a few readers.


     Nah I don't mind so much, i guess I could tag it as a closed RP journal. Ultimately, i think I'll go with a forum entry and a blogpost, in case I ever want to expand the character/story later.


    Thanks for the info guys :)

  6.  I hate to plug my own work here, but I do ask that once you have taken your decision on what category you will work on, that you would draw inspiration from the suggestions that have been made in these boards. There are a lot of amazing creative people here who have had some really unique and valid ideas.


     Let me say that I do understand that the DE creative types have some brilliant ideas and their concepts of where they want to go with this, but I think it would be a great homage and service to your fans to include their concepts in your game.


     Anyway, you can find an abridged version of the ideas suggested by the players/Tenno here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/318734-dojo-feedbackideas-collection-of-topic-ideas-also-maybe-for-dojo-20/



    Edit: I just wanted to add, there are quite a few smaller Quality of Life issues listed in that thread that you guys could also work on and I'm sure would be greatly appreciate by everybody :)

  7. Blogs are the typical way, and provide good free advertisement.


     I don't care so much about the advertisement, I'm just wondering about the reaction to that sort of thing in the RP world here. But if blogs are the typical way, then I think I'd much rather go that way.


    You could very well make a closed thread here.


    Technically if the content is good, it's not spam, but it runs a fine line. This is one of those 'individual case' type of deals. If a thread gets four posts a day, one after another and is only a paragraph long, then we may need to shut it down.


    If you post it here, you will always run the risk of people replying. In a blog, you get to decide who posts. It's really down to you.


     You pretty much hit the head on the nail here. I don't want to spam up the board here, plus I feel the ones here are more tailored towards on-going RP rather than an RP story seen from the perspective of on character. I think one problem I can see in posting a blog would be generating some kind of interest. I would essentially post the link once on the forums, but after that it would go down to the later pages as it were.


     Maybe I could create a post here and a blog, and keep the blog for the majority of entries, and then have the one here for the major entries. As you said, I don't want to run the risk of other people reply, simply because, for now, its a one-character story. Although, I guess I could do a sort of hybrid where my posts are the entries, and then other people reply IC as a reaction to those entries.


    I mean, I'm not stingy or anything, I haven't RPed in years, and I want to test my chops first before I get involved in interplay between characters. Also, I love this game and creating narrative content for it, so I don't know how well that would work in a non DM setting like a blog.

  8.  Hey everybody, I hope I haven't posted this here in error, but I wanted to ask a question to you experienced Role Players. I was thinking of creating a sort of IC 'diary' of myself and my actions in warframe. As an example, as a warlord I can start a solar rail conflict and parallel that that conflict and the decisions leading up to it in a personal journal.


     The question I have is this: Would it be better for me to create a topic here and make each diary entry a new post, or create a blog or something like that where I would post each entry? Would creating a blog break the atmosphere too much or is it doable for the sake of the narrative style?


     I want to point out that this won't really be a story that other people participate in, but rather a monologue exploring my interpretation and journey through Warframe.

  9. I really want to see the dorms added to the barracks rooms. It's logical for players to not be able to access their equipment when they're away from their lisets because everything they own is in their ship. Adding dorms fixes that problem for the dojo and it isn't a problem anywhere else. +1 for reiterating this idea and for making my idea "the big one!"


    Haha, yeah your idea is quite ambitious I have to say :P. They would probably have to render the whole dojo from the outside.


    I like these ideas! Let's hope DE listens! Some NPC's to liven up the place would be nice. Guardsmen or stuff like that. And maybe even change some of the room walls to windows so we can look out of the skybox too? 


     Yeah I actually had an idea like that but I didn't post it up there. Something along the lines of creating windows and doors as placable decorations.

  10.   I’ve recently been playing some Game of Thrones Ascent, and I’ve they have a pretty interesting system of mult-stage world events that require community participation. I think it would be interesting to put some multi-stage world events that tie into the lore in DE. To give you an example of what I’m talking about, read below:


    Example 1: This is what this concept would look like with some upcoming content.


    “The Formarians”



    Stage 1: “The Formarian Assault”

    Blurb: “The Formarians are attacking the solar system it is once again up to the tenno to keep the balance of life and death”



    For the Players:


     Essentially, this first phase encompasses a defense style of gameplay. Clans and allianceswould put up nodes similar to the rails, which constitute a defense platfrom from which they defend against formation attacks. Clan/alliance members will start this new node and carry out missions very similar to what we already have (exterminate, survival, ect.). To allow people who aren’t in clans/alliances, the clans and alliances could offer battle pay similar to how DS works now.


    Furthermore, Dojo invasions could play a part in this as well. This could be an opt-in system where a clan can decide to place their Dojo in the boundaries of the solar system to help with the defense. Players can be alerted to an attack on their dojo like normal alerts. They would join and either carry out a defense mission, and exterminate mission or some kind of intercept mission. Also it could be possible to have a “stop the reactors from exploding” kind of mission.


    For the Devs:


     Here, the devs would have to keep track of how much damage is being done to the formarians. On their servers they can set them an overall health bar that the players can’t see. Once the stage is over, they would see how much damage has been done to the health bar and based on that damage, it would effect the next stage of the event.



    Important: Essentially so that this event doesn’t end too early, the formarians would have to have an incredibly large health bar. If the health bar is depleted, the DE programmers can set it to automatically increase the health bar by 50% or some such number.


    Bonus!: Once this stage is over, the devs could introduce a new “destroyed” tile set into the Dojo. This would constitute what a dojo would look like if its been subjected to attack. This tileset will replace some current tilesets, and once the rooms have been “repaired” these tilesets can be used again as some form of exclusive reward to those who participated in this stage.



    Stage 2: “The Solar Defense”

    Blurb: “The Formarians, while weakened, have pushed their advantage deeper into the solar system. You must do everything in your power to stop them tenno”



    For the Players:


     What this stage means for the players is that certain nodes become locked, those that are on planets in the outer edge of our solar system (For example, everything from Saturn to Pluto). To get these nodes back, players have to unlock them. Each node will have a defense bar, and every time a player runs an attack mission on them, this defesne bar is decreased until the node is unlocked again. Keep in mind, that this is not on a player-by-player basis, but rather a collective effort.


     In addition, the formarian units start to appear randomly in normal missions and will attack the tenno and the other factions equally. This will continue until this stage is over, which would be when all the nodes have been unlocked.


    For the Devs:


     Essentially, the devs would need to implement what was described above. They would have to create some form of RNG that dictates how often the formarians appear based on the location of the planet. Mercury would probably have the lowest chances (being the closest to the sun and furthest from the formarians) with it increasing as you approach the closest planet with a locked node.


    Rewards: Each player who participated in this event will get a special emblem.



    Stage 3: “The Final Action”

    Blurb: “The advance of the Formarians has finally been stopped, and they have been pushed back. We are close to removing the Formarians from our system. Are you up to the task Tenno?”



    For the Players:


    Essentially, this could be a quest that ends in a fight with a boss. Or in a better and more creative way: A squad could follow and complete a multi-node quest line for which they receive a token/key. This token/key can then be used to enter a multi-squad fight of a boss.


    This boss would essentially take the form of a formarian mothership, or something similar, with X amount of ships that need to be destroyed. Once all of those ships have been destroyed, the stage is and the event is over.


    For the Devs:


    Again, what the devs would need to do is implement what was described above. They would have to create a new boss ship or several boss ships (To add variety). They would also have to decide how many squads can take part (Essentially how many players). And finally they would have to decide how many ships to put in to make the event last a week or so.


    Finally, archwing can be intertwined into this by making the boss fight archwing based.


    Reward: Everybody who participates in this event and kills a boss gets an emblem.


    Bonus!: The emblems can be height mapped so that three emblems can be “combined” into one. There could be two BPs to craft this emblem. One BP to combine the second and third emblem and one BP to combine this emblem that was created to the first emblem.



    How it all ends. The lore would essentially allow for two interesting possibilities:


    1) The formarians are completely removed from the map or the more interesting:

    2) The formarians stay but in a small band/outpost and constitute a new “planet” with their own nodes as new content to the game.



    Example 2: This is what this concept would look like from content that isn’t necessarily upcoming, but is within the realms of the lore.


    “The Viral Plague”



    Stage 1: “The Outbreak”

    Blurb:  “The Grineer have stolen corpus technology on viral manipulation, in a bid to create a virus that would exterminate all other life. But something has gone wrong, they have no control of the virus. Tenno . . . do you feel well?”



    For the Players:


    This virus doesn’t attack the warframe, like what the technoctye virus might do, but instead is aimed at your organics. What this means is that your powers are effected. This could take the shape of one or two things:


    1)  When you begin a new mission, one or more of your powers is temporarily Deranked by a certain percentage.

    2) When you begin a new mission, one or more of your powers is completely disabled (The more interesting choice I think)


    To counter act this, a new research module for the liset needs to be unlocked through a quest system. Then once a counter-viral research has been completed, you can craft and item that temporarily stops these effects from occurring, something that probably last for about 2 -3 hours of gameplay. Of course, you would have to collect items to craft this counter-viral.


    As for the system, clans/alliance will create a new research room where they start some research on an anti-viral. This is a global effort and is cumulative between all alliances. Solo players can participate by using the research modules on their lisets.


    I would also mention that the research goes in cycles, with contributions needed for every cycle. Each completed cycle contributes to the global effort.


    For the Devs:


     Again, the devs would essentially have to implement this system. They would have to create the research rooms and modules, and they would further have to create or assign the items that are used to carry out this research.


     They would also have to set the global research bar. This would need to be adjusted and balanced with the crafter items and cycle speed so that the event would last around a week or so.


    Rewards: Everybody who participates in research gets an emblem. The top 3 alliance/clan leaderboards and the top (lets say) 50 solo players on the leaderboards get a special emblem.



    Stage 2: “Delivering the Anti-Viral”

    Blurb: “We have researched the anti-viral. It is now time for you to deliver it Tenno”



    For the Players:

     The virus itself has gone everywhere (hence the term plague). This means that the best way to distribute the anti-virus is through water and air systems on bases. Similar to “The Fromarian Assault” all nodes will be affected, and players have to run the nodes a certain amount of times for the node to be “clean”, meaning that the random effects to your powers won’t happen on that map anymore.


     Once all nodes are clean, this stage of the event is over.


    For the Devs:


     The devs would have to create a new mission type for this (Although similar to an existing mission type) where the players have to enter a base and deliver the anti-virus to two system (water and air). In an interesting twist, the faction opposing the faction on the tileset will “infiltrate” the mission, meaning that they will appear and attempt to stop you from delivering the anti-virul, while at the same time trying to attack the faction of the tileset. Also, the faction of the tileset won’t attack you and will focus on attacking the opposing faction.


    I put this in because it doesn’t make much sense of the faction of the tileset attacks you while you’re trying to help them :P.


    Additionally, the devs will have to balance and set the amount of times a node has to be run before it is considered “clean”. In the same way, the anti-viral needs to be crafted in the research module in the liset, or the new research room in the Dojo. The drop chances of this would also have to be balanced.


    Reward: Same as above, each person who participates receives a special emblem.



    Stage 3: “Never to return”

    Blurb: “You have done a good job so far Tenno. Now it is time to attack it at the source”



    For the Players and Devs:


    This would actually be pretty similar to “The formarian assault”’s stage 3, with each squad carrying out a quest, where they receive a token to fight the main boss. The difference here is that the boss is a massive research vessel/station, and instead of each successful mission destroying the ship, each successful mission would instead cause a certain amount of damage to the research vessel. Once the research Vessel’s health bar goes to zero, the vessel is destroyed and the event is over.


    Rewards: Similar to the formarian front (And the same for all the ideas I’m suggesting actually :P). Each person participating in this event gets an emblem. Then there could be BPs that can craft those emblems into one emblem.



    Bonus SUPER – TWIST!: The research module in the liset and the research room in the dojo introduce the “focus” system that the devs talk about implementing one day :P. The liset research module would be where players research their focus skills, and the dojo room could be where focus based weapons/modules/ect. are researched.



    Example 3: This is how the concept would look like for a special event like new years/Christmas, ect. . For my example, I’m going to use Halloween (Of course :D)


    “The Tenno Ideal”



    Stage 1: “It Begins”

    Blurb: “Tenno, the Grineer have been a blight on life and the solar system for long enough. It is time to wipe them out”



    For the Players and Devs:


    This is pure Grineer killing fun. For a set amount of time, players have to go out and kill as many grineer as they can. They get points for every kill, depending on the level of Grineer, the points are tallied at the end of the mission and added to the player score total.


    Rewards: The top 10 alliances/clans and the top 50 (or 100) in the leaderboards receive special emblems.



    Stage 2: “They Relent” /  “ The System Nightmare”

    Blurp: “Tenno, they have Primed themselves. This is a blasphemy”



    For the Players:


    The diabolic grineer made a pact with the corpus to provide them with full orokin research and technology. This means that all Grineer enemies are primed. More damage, more health/shields, and even maybe some warframe – like powers. They have also managed to take control of the derelict somehow, and are using it to boost their powers.


    This will be similar to the previous stage but on a whole new level of difficulty. The Grineer Primed Bosses now appear in the derelict, in a similar fashion of being marked and the stalker/g3/ect. Appearing.


    For the Devs:


    This is quite possible the hardest to implement for the devs, since they would need to create new graphical assets for all the grineer and make them prime. They would also have to come up with the new health/damage values (maybe as a modifier) of the primes, in addition to possibly adding their powers.


    They would also have to balance and implement the RNG for the primed bosses to appear.


    Bonus: Same as above ( I can’t keep typing this ><)



    Stage 3: “It Ends”

    Blurp: “We have tolerated them long enough, now is the time of retribution”                 



    For the Players:


     Essentially this would be like stage 2 of “The Viral Plague”. Players now have to attack all grineer nodes to destroy the bases there. The mission would revolve around entering the base, destroying the reactor(s) or something similar and as important, then getting out as quickly as possible. Each mission run would constitute a point towards damagint the base, and when the health bar of that node goes to zero, the node gets locked and players can’t access it (more on that later).


    For the Devs:


     Essentially, they would have to balance and implement the health bar of each node, and create this new mission type. They would also have to make it so nodes get locked when the mission type finishes.


    Rewards: Same as always.



    Once all the nodes have been locked, the event ends:


    Twist - Ending 1: Obviously, we can’t wipe out a whole faction in the game without massively altering the lore and the gamepley. So, the twist here is that was all a Lotus simulation, to teach the tenno balance, and what would occur if we over-stepped on our mandate and destroyed a whole faction. The locking of the nodes would signify this over-stepping in having a smaller amount of content to play.


    Twist – Ending 2: Or can’t we? This would actually be a pretty cool way to introduce a new faction into the game, replacing the grineer either entirely or mostly. The grineer could still exist but in a smaller capacity with their own space station like planet, and the previously locked nodes are now taken over by this new faction.



    The ending of the event is in the stage 3 spoiler. I'm not showing it, because it would spoil it (who would have thought? :P)



    Example 4: This is what this concept would look like if we created a temporary but MASSIVE resource sink. (to clarify, not involving plat).


     Actually, now that I think about it more, this would be a cool way to both create a resource sink and introduce/expand the upcoming space hubs. I would also add, this one would probably require a massive amount of work done towards adding this within the game.


    “The Frontier”



    Stage 1: “We must expand”

    Blurb: “The time has come Tenno, we must expand our influence. Balance demands it”



    For the Player:


     Essentially this stage requires a massive global contribution of resources and credits towards the crafting/creating of a “Space Construction System” or SCS. This takes the shape of supply ships, contruction ships and defense ships, as well as the supplies and materials they will use.


     Clans create a new “SCS” room in their Dojos. Here they first research bps and then build these ships (similar to the rails). Once a ship is built, it is sent to the SCS flotilla and effects the latter stages of the event.


    For the Devs:


    The Devs must create the new room in the Dojos. Additionally, they have to create the ships, and the resource requirements for building each ship. They could also decide to have upgrades to the ship that modify their function. Finally, they would have to keep a running tally of the Flotilla.


    Rewards: As per usual.



    Stage 2: “We are one”

    Blurb: “Now that we can build, we must build. Tenno, it is your duty to make sure that our goals are met”



    For the Player:


    This one is essentially defense/interception missions, built around new mission types and tilesets. The flotilla is sent to build the first space station hub and is on a timer. Defending the flotilla, keeps the timer going, where as the more damage the grineer/corpus to do it, the longer the timer takes. Each successful defense/interception mission adds a certain amount of points towards a global health/shield. Once the shield is depleted, the timer stops. It can only continue of the Flotilla has health/shield.


    (Aside: I just want to mention that the reason there is a timer, is because if the flotilla is destroyed, it would effectively end the event and the new content. So its bet not to create a mechanic that would allow that.)


    For the Devs:


     This involves the creation of the maps and mission types for these missions. They would also have to decide and balance how much each successful run contributes to the health/shield.  They also would have to decide how longer this timer is.


    Rewards: same as always.



    Important!: This is a two stage event, rather than a three stage event. This is just to describe how the amount of stages can be altered and still work well.


    Ending: Space hubs are now implemented in the game.

    Twist – Ending: Now alliances can build alliance Dojo or “Alliance Stations”. I won’t expand on what these stations can do, since this isn’t within the scope of what I’m describing.



    So yeah, those are my thoughts, I'm sure this system could be expanded and changed to fit whatever DE wants. Let me know what you think :).

  11. I don't see why we can't have "elite squads" if performance is the issue, I mean we have the G3... not sure how SMART they are... but they're elite.  A squadron of anout 5 rather intelligent units with better gear would be a fun addition- and I think DE's already working on it with a possible Eximus revamp.


     You missed my point. They don't have the programming capacity to add anything to the current AI. Of course, maybe they are working on that, but so far, the main reason is the capacity.

  12. *sigh*


    people just kept yelling, and not realizing that 'drop rates' for things would still be the same even if you removed all of the Warframe Abilities. (because Chances are normalized and because Digital Extremes isn't stupid and isn't going to give away every Mod you wanted).



    so all this does is make it more of a pain to get extra Warframe Abilities.



    in other words, everybody loses.


     What this guy said. Plus, I think its a bad idea that we have to craft a frame to get a mod. A VERY bad idea.

  13.  Essentially guys, this is an argument between Vertical Expansion and Horizontal Expansion.


     - Archwing, thats supposed to be Horizontal expansion. Essentially, this is the progression you are talking about.


     - Focus is Vertical Expansion. The using of progress as you mentioned.


     Now, I agree with you that warframe has a bit too much Horizontal expansion, they should work on vertical expansion. That being said though, I don't want them to stop horizontal expansion for vertical expansion. I understand that people are frustrated, I do, but the matter of the fact is, they don't have a clear idea or concept on what vertical expansion would look like for them, and until then, we're going to have too much horizontal expansion.


     There's also the fact that horizontal expansion brings people in, where as vertical expansion keeps them there. So, they are probably going to stick with bringing more people and increasing the money pool before they've had enough and decide to do vertical expansion. On top of all this, you have to keep in mind this is a F2P game, meaning that there isn't a massive budget to back the team. The more stuff you guys want them to add, the more people they need to add to keep up with this new content.


     To clarify though, I'm not disagreeing with you, and I'm not making excuses for DE, I'm just analyzing the situation.

  14.  I think the devs said before that there are too many AI on the maps to make them smarter. I think its more a hardware issue than a software/programming issue.


     That being said, I do agree, it would be nice if they also had better AI, but if the choice is "Lots of dumb(ish) AI" or "A few Smart AI", I would probably chose the first one.

  15.  The update will probably not come until November or December. They'll probably wait until the current PA finishes before releasing archwing with its own PA.


     Either way though, its not going to be "next week" until they release a teaser website. So stop asking "Is it next week?" people!

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