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Posts posted by CCCM89

  1. I notice a distinct lack of of sprint cooldown issues on this update.  am I to assume that DE doesn't want its playerbase to have fun jumping and flipping around like space ninjas?  Was I wrong in thinking we were space ninjas?  Are we really just another damned space marine game with a unique hook that is no longer implimented in game?

  2. a mantle is the thing you do when you jump towards a ledge. 

    no, a mantle is...the ledge you jump towards.  Might not be completely accurate, but this is moreso then what you said. :P

  3. Warframe2013-06-0818-22-36-21.png


    Guess my luck is stupidly overpowered if I'm the only one that's able to farm these frames without buying them-oh wait.

    you have more then 50 platinum.  that means you bought platinum.  which means you may or may not have paid real money for those frames.  thank you, and have a nice day.

  4. I have:


    Volt, Ember, Mag, Ash, Forst, Saryn, Vauban, and Nyx. All of them farmed. My starter frame was Excalibur. I didn't put a dime into crafting them; not even Rushing them, and it took from an hour (Saryn, no joke) to less than a week (Mag) for each frame's blueprints to drop for me, including Vauban. His BPs appeared within a week of each other when he was released.


    Your argument is moot.

    no, just means you're lucky.  in the two weeks it took me to farm blueprints for rhino, I got 6 helmets, 12 systems, and only one chassis at the very end.  So yeah, either you're just getting really lucky with the drop rates, or you're lying through your teeth.  eiter way, it means that most people need to take a while to get frames.

    That aside, I like the rhino, and I don't want to be told that a given frame is not viable for play.  if that happens, they might as well jsut take the damned thing out alltogether.

  5. How is that possible?  How can a slidedashing rhino keep up to a loki that is slide dashing literally twice as fast?

    This is my point.  Loki and Ash?  They can no longer slide dash just like we, in the slower frames can't. I main Saryn, and while not the slowest, she's still significantly slower than the ninja rushers. As such, I have to use her derpy-&#! looking hemlock helmet to keep up most of the time.


    The whole slidedash/wavedash/walljumpdash thing comes down to the Devs.  They have stated that they don't want the players to just be able to macro themselves through a level at ridiculous speeds ignoring enemies.  It's their game, after all.


    The whole "rushing" problem just comes down to the fact that no warframe should have different movement speeds than others at all to begin with. If you want to move fast, then you should have to invest in Marathon, Quick rest, and/or Rush mods to do so. Otherwise all those mods stand to do is allow us to un-cripple the slow frames where the fast frames get to invest actual useful mods into those slots.

    Slide dashing did catch my rhino up to a slide dashing loki, because the boost from sliding seems to be logrithmic.  the slower you sprint, to more noticable the boost from sliding is.  the faster frames didn't get as much of a boost.  still better then a rhino's, but not by much.  the slide dashing actually helped me keep up with them very, very easily.


    Macro?  no, I'm jsut using the default key bindings the game gives me.  the only thing I changed was making left alt toggle crouch in addition to left ctrl hold to crouch, and setting my mouse's thumb buttons to block and melee.  I'm not using any macros, I'm jsut pressing the keybindings the game gave me from the start.  how is that an exploit?


    exactly, all this change did was cripple any frame that doesn't have a 1.2 or higher sprint speed.  Everyone else is screwed.  adding the cooldown did not stop rushers at all, it only made them rush more effectively in relation to everyone else.

  6. Rhino is a tank make a lot of sense that you are last if everybody rush there. If it a easy boss i don't see why you would use a tank anyways.

    making frames is a pain in the &#! due to the drop rates, and i picked the Rhino because I like his skill set, and the armor, since i was already being left behind anyway and needed the extra survivability.  not eeryone has 20 bucks to shell out on buying a single new warframe every couple days.

  7. I've always done it in the "painful" manner you describe. Except i just use my pinky to press shift and control at the same time, all you have to do is flatten your finger.  It's still very much possible to execute a sprint >slide > frontflip melee smash attack to close distance and knock down a group of enemies to boot.  I've been cutting my way through grineer all morning with the brand new Hate I just built and have had no issues with the slide cooldown whatsoever.  By the time I'm done executing a melee combo from a slide maneuver, the slide has long since come off cooldown.  Now of course, you can't just infini helicopter slide with melee anymore, which is another thing that people are probably upset over, but not saying aloud because they can't come up with an excuse for that one being a valid complaint.


    Also I'm not mad at all over any of this.  I'm actually laughing at everyone whining about it because they considered repeating three keystrokes over and over some kind of "skill" or something...  I personally don't get it. Since I tend to actually fight everything the game throws at me so I can stock up on mods, resources and, XP, I wouldn't even have noticed the change if I hadn't read the patchnotes.  Especially considering the only real areas that you could even benefit from chaining of movement (as in more than just slidedashing) is in the corpus outpost levels.  Hell, just slide flipping in the grineer ships oftentimes ends up getting me stuck in the ceiling or falling off one of the dozens of out of bounds ledges planted all over those maps.


    Maybe people will start to realize now that the actual fastest method of travel is to wallrun > jump > wallrun since the angled wall jumps send you flying a good 30m a piece at max speed and have no loss in momentum whatsoever until you hit something.

    1. consider yourself lucky, then, because having to hold down shift the entire time was never an issue untill now, even if you let off it, you could still slide dash.  And if you're flattening your pinky finger, that means you have less desterity when manuevering the wasd keys.  It's still an awkward position that this change has just made more awkward.


    2. people are whining because slide dashing was one of the few things that let them keep up with ash and loki frames when they decided to rush.  I'm in a Rhino, the slowest frame, and every time I've run fossa, I've been left behind to fight my way up to the boss solo, since the majority of frames I see are rushing.  Kind of funny now that they have to wait for me to get the boss fight started, but imagine doing any other assassination mission?  you'ld have lokis and ashes rushing to the boss, killing them, grabbing the rewards, and rushing to extraction while you're still working your way to the boss.  9 times out of 10, 2 or more of them hit extraction and start the minute countdown, so you miss out on any boss rewards.  this change is only hurting the slower frames who DON'T try to rush.


    3. that, sir, is an exploit and will be patched out, just like slide dashing, if what all these people saying slide dashing was an exploit are to believed.  so enjoy your wall boosting now, because if things keep going the way they are?  it will be removed and probably have a wallrunning cooldown added.  give it a year and we'll be downgraded from space ninjas to cover based space marines.

  8. You kept seeing them after picking them up? For me they always disappeared after picking them up o.O 

    he meant the blue lines around them.  those would stay untill everyone picked up the mod.

  9. Butthurt rushers ITT.


    The change affects everyone. There is no actual excuse to be mad at this change except that if you were the A****** that just slide dashed through the whole level ignoring everything except the boss/objective and extraction, leaving anyone else behind.  The devs have openly stated in livestream and probably here on the forums that they look down on that gameplay style and want to weed it out. If you don't like it, go play super mario Bros. or Sonic the hedgehog, they're PvE games and you can speedrun all you want in them.  Otherwise, shut up and play instead of whining like a child because of a small change that doesn't affect normal gameplay.


    I can use all of the same flipping and sliding tactics I could before, all they did was add about a 3 second cooldown to sliding momentum. So don't try to use "Oh i can't flip or do ninja stuff now!" as an attempt at an excuse...

    actually, now if you want to slide dash, you have to, if you have the default keybindings, shold down shift and W, press crtl with the base of your palm while still holding shift, likely with your pinkey finger, hitting space while holding both ctrl and shift, let go and ctrl in the air and hold it again.

    This is very painful on the hand.  and besides that, only every other slide gives the boost, which kind of defeates the purpose of executing an awesome ninja move  to close distance.  now i just have to run head long into their bullets if I want to use my melee weapon.

  10. To all the people crying out the Slide Dashing was an exploit, you're wrong.  Exploits are more commonly considered things that give one player an unfairadvantage over another and/or over the overall content of a game. Slide dashing is easy enough to do though, and is far from unfair.  You see, slide dashing limits you to a straight line.  After the first slide and jump, you can aim the camera and your Frame will try to slide in that general direction, though it never lets you turn very far, and after that, you can only go straight.  The Tradeoff for the faster movement speed was a decrease in manuverability, I think that's fair.

    Just remember this, when the player base uses the controls and mechanics given to them in a new and unieque way that the developers hadn't thought of, it's not an exploit; it's metagaming.

  11. Well people asked for void keys to be easier to get... but now they are WAY to easy to get. 

    void keys are nice, but I'd much rather have more consistant drop rates for warframe blueprints.  seriously, two weeks of farming and Iget 12 systems, 6 helmets, and only one chassis for rhino?  there is now why that is normal...

  12. I havn't played, but I find it hard to understand how making characters slower, or less maneuverable is in the better interest of the game. DE, do you think that this game is somehow not about slick mechanics and slick gunplay? I dunno about most people but the only reason I even come back to this game is the fun you can have from wall-running, jumping, and shooting with all the different guns...which leads me to believe that taking away from the tennos ability to move well is a poor decision.

    Right, the slide dashing gave tenno a fun feel.  it made them feel like they are space ninjas.  now they're jsut lightly armored space marines.  As if we needed more of those...

  13. The slide cooldown has made playing rhino completely unplayable for me in anything but defense missions. Impossible to keep up with anything unless your whole team is rhino/frost/saryn. Being left behind is not fun.

    get use to it or play a squishy.  I doubt DE is ever going to revert this change.  best thing you can do is jsut load up a rush mod.  sucks that they made some frames unplayable without specific mods, but hey, it's their customer base.  they're the ones that have to deal with the constant complaint tickets and the overall loss of money.

  14. game is now unplayable for me.  it is failing to join any sessions.  I suppose I could play it offline, but I kind of like being able to play with other players.  I hope this gets fixed.

  15. Heeey DE erm....how come i can't slide flip slide anymore? did ur slide cool down now make that impossible or what?



    if not are u guys planning to fix this any time soon?

    that is exactly what it did.  and no, they think they are fixing the game like this.  Really, they just took out one of the most fun things in the game.  I suggested a way they can reasonably limit the use of slidedashing while still having it in game, but I highly doubt they'll ever look at it.  I say just keep complaining about it.  if enough people whine, they'll have to put up with listening, if only to shut us up.  Hate to resort to this, but I feel it's the only way if we want our mobility back.

  16. All in all, I like the changes.  What I don't like, however, is taking out the metagame for slide dashing.  The cooldown prevents the slide>jump>slide combo, which not only lets players move at a decently fast speed, but also is really, really fun.  Your slide cooldown has taken out some of the fun in this game.  I hope I'm not alone in saying that the game feels somehow...less without the metagaming potention for sliding into a wallrun, meleeing to adjecent wal, flipping backwards and slidding.  I will truly miss being able to do that...

    Honestly, if you want to limit player's mobility, just make sliding take a bit of stamina, or make it halt/slow stamina regen.  allows players to keep slide dashing(which, again, is FUN), but will introduce a limit to it do keep people from abusing it too much.  I doubt anyone will actually pay attention to this, but it's worth trying to get this particular change reverted.

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