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Posts posted by AdeptJR

  1. Interesting idea ... could even be used to place more Lore in the game


    Question:  What sort of game mechanics would be used for interrogation? 

    Would it be a button/keystroke timed sequence? 

    Dialogue boxes?


    And what sort of "interrogation" would be allowed?  Asking nicely?  Good cop - bad cop with a Kubrow licking its chops?  A comfy chair?

    I can already see where this is going.


    LOKI: We can do this the easy way. Or, we could do this Rhino's way.

    [RHINO pulls a Fragor out from seemingly nowhere.]

  2. As much as I love the idea and think it's pretty funny, I personally want to see more serious characters put into the game. I feel as though Warframe has fairly solid tone going for it and this wouldn't be aiding it.


    I'm absolutely for new random encounters and even the idea of a bosses son (or daughter) taking up arms to seek personal revenge as it is a pretty notable idea but the level of comedic relief in Derf is too much for my taste, at least in Warframe.


    Pushing your basic idea further, I think it would pretty cool to have a 4 person squad of Boss's children (Both Grineer and Corpus) working together to either avenge them, or kill you to gain family respect.

    A little comic relief can go a long way. you never know how serious you are until you start laughing



    Digital Extremes

    abbreviated to "DE"

    R is the first letter in Rebecca's name


    First mission in last event came out on Friday, which starts with an 'f"




    Don't do that dude! that's the same reason half life three isn't coming out. We started that stupid joke/meme.

  3. I figured it out go to the codex, click on quests, and then click on howl of the kubrow and then

    begin... that should fix it :D

    Problem: 'Howl of the Kubrow' doesn't exist.


    EDIT: Is there a way to skip the quest entirely? That would be appreciated.

  4. Name: Ogre


    Behavior: Think 'Ancient'. In a nutshell, that's what it does. However, its size(2x-3x that of Anceint) makes it hard to move in tight spots.



    Slam: Swings a mighty 'fist', tumbling any poor sap in its path.

    Grab/Throw: picks something up(Ally, Enemy, Storage Container) and throws it.

    Shout: Rallies 'his' allies, making them hit harder.


    Enviroment Restrictions: His massive size is his downfall in tight spaces.


    Weakness: A Tenno can climb on from behind, Permitting a Brutal hit. Weak to Radiation, Puncture.


    Appearence: Two to three times an Ancient. Bulkier. Skull-like Head?

  5. Frankly, I agree. I agree to the point where i question the actual definition of 'RNG'. Right now, 'RNG' seems to mean 'Zero Probability Matrix'. In a fit of infuriated humor, whilst I was watching The Simpsons, I assumed the blasted things aquired Malevolent Sentience. It doesn't stop at mods, unfortunately. Survival, Void, Derelict. They're all one, and the same. In the latter two cases, The closer you get to completing a Prime, the Lower the odds of getting the part you need. Flatlining a dead zero at the last part. I've lost track of how many attempts I've taken to aquire just the one part I need, In many Primes cases. DE claims to have taken action, and fixed the issue that made players scream:"Holy Ruk, I still haven't found the <prime weapon part>". All they've done is worsen he problem to the point where individual players are left helpless, Singled out for cruel insults and degrade in the midst of his kin. If DE thinks this is funny, Then they've a cruel, sadistic, trolling sense of humor

  6. I might not be able to shoot you a message in-game, but I'm interested in joining.


    Recently returning to the game after playing other games, mastery rank 8. I'm rather bent on aquiring rare weapons, but can put unintended gains to good use. Using a wide variety of weapons and frames, i'm capable of both organized mayhem and all sorts of random mischief. I also have a sense of where all the good loot is.

  7. I know Alad has an account on these forums. Not if the Stalker does, though. Regardless, The following must be said: Alad? If your Zanuka is so capable in the field, Why haven't you sent it after me yet? As for the Stalker, How many pages are on my death warrant? 30? 40? 55? If its at least 30 pages... Oh, you know the rest of the question.


    My point being, these two worthy adversaries have the power to select the time, place, and audience. But, they don't use it. These two are challenging fights to us as Tenno. Both of these figures can(and do) pose a significant threat. Truely, worthy opponents, these two are the most dangerous enemies this system has to offer. You'd think they're afraid, wouldn't you? I do. Anyone else think so?

  8. But seriously, I can see where you're coming from.


    I have a Djinn, and although it may not be close to comparison to Dethcube; it still does it's job.


    Do you feel that if we lowered the cost people would be more inclined to make it?


    I've heard good and bad things about Djinn so I'm wondering what your thoughts are.

    I don't have Djinn. But I do have Intel on him. It's a Mixed bag and its all bad. Too expensive, Not durable enough, 'Fatal attraction' is literal, Weapon couldn't hit the broadside of a Grineer Galleon. From what I'm seeing, Djinn is perhaps the worst in-game investment. Wether I own one or not, the setinel is practically dead the instant it's blueprint is purchased. This is, yes, a bad juxtaposition, and it needs to be fixed.(on a positive note, Its range is phenominal. all we need now is a slow-firing, sniper-like weapon for him)

  9. Whilst I don't want the moa as a pet...

    What would you say to a dojo room, sort of like a warframe zoo?

    You collect parts of certain enemies (skayes/moas/ospreys/runners etc) and you can put them back together in your dojo zoo.

    Once created they can be kept behind forcefields etc for studying?

    Or you could create placid versions of the replicated enemy to walk around the dojo freely?

    I think it would be quite funny to be inthe dojo and just see a couple of moa practising ninja kicks.

    Also this could upon up the door to moa racing (mario kart style) and charger fighting (bet credits on two chargers fighting in a pit).

    I'll I need to do now is make a cowboy hat for Rhino. Maybe I'll make one for Valkyr, too.

  10. Are these enough, or do you have more suggestions I should put in?

    Suggestions on the Dojo? Of course! Two Words: 'Shooting Range'. You can practice your recoil management, for example. Or, perhaps, you could see how steady your hand is with your new Vectis. Perhaps your gunslinging needs a little work. Or you could simply show off. Either way, it'll be a fine addition to this already impressive Idea. I'll be back, though. I'll come up with yet another addition. At some point...

  11. Well it wouldn't really fit for some of the warframe. Vakyr is the only one that I can think of were it fits due to here crying out in rage. (maybe even Nekros chanting)

    loki laughing hysterically  

    I see what you mean but again, like Valkyr, not every power would have this feature.

    Loki could quietly laugh as he goes invisible: "Hm, hm, hm!"

    Ash could yell as he assassinates enemes during Bladestorm: "Rahhh!!"

    Rhino could grunt as he deploys Iron Skin: "Hrm!"

    Nyx would giggle lightly as she unleaches Chaos: "He he hee!"

    Just some rough examples to explain what I meant. I don't want everone pulling a Link and going "Hiyaah!" every time their muscles moved.

    I wasn't against your idea but some frames yould be a lot more expressive while other(vauban) yould remain sillent and appear dull.

    also rhino does grunt a bit but its just really silent "stomache grunt" if you may. they should really rework/boost his grunts. also forgot to +1

    edit: ash and nyx sounds dont sound good in my head

    I Can easily Imagine Ash Yelling as he rips his daggers from the neck of his target, Nekros chanting in ancient language as he raises the dead, Loki snickering as he disappears. As well as Trinity singing angelically as she blesses her allies, Rhino grunting as he puts his foot down. 


    However, I can also see where this might(I said might, didn't say 'it will') go. Eventually, We'll hear Vauban call a Grineer Lancer, recently zapped by a trap, a Smeghead...

    Actually, now that I think about it, the would be pretty funny. I say: "DE make it happen!"

  12. I hate to be the bearer of bad news(it's inevitable, there's always bad news), but I've seen many stories about Warframe being called 'Warfarm' and 'Grindframe'. This is linked to the RNG's behind rewards for Defense, Survival, Void, and Derelict missions. I was just concerned if there are plans to fix this(I don't doubt you. I'm just concerned about the matter, considering the fact that i'm part of said crowd.).

  13. What he said ^

    And there is no endgame despite there being advanced missions (where you need to farm these triple grind keys) which you can not get to in the first place because every time you get some good advanced gear from an event the jealous kids start screaming "mommy mommy unfair - OP OP OP - nerf nerf nerf" - and bamm it is gone!


    Again you are absolutely correct.

    With the current broken system - there are plenty of people totally fed up with the whole thing.

    As to his alleged logic - perhaps you missed it early on in the posts - It is the "Cool Factor" and the "I got something you don't have nya nya nya" that is inspiring this whole train of thought.  { " It makes it less cool"     and     "Dude you are so lucky that is like a 11% drop "  } 

    There is no logic.

    But having something that others do not have does stroke the egos of some individuals.

    Meanwhile the tokens do not eliminate work effort and ultimately should add more flexibility for DE as they develop the game.


    100% support to you in your efforts to Bring The Tokens to WarFarm Now.

    Good luck with it

    Now Back to my Plow.

    Admittedly, it does seem that a Token system would put an end to the Random Troll Generators. Unfair as it may seem, the tokens will provide a new form of market for trading posts. But I also agree to a major problem within the token system. The thrill of new releases will be worn out in days(if not hours). I see a fix to this problem: Though it pains me, it seems RTG's will still have some form of use. The new Releases will be recieved through the same way we have now(cruddy as it is), along side these tokens. Thus new releases still have the thrill weeks(if not a couple months).

  14. I know I've posted here once already but I couldn't help but notice this...

    New stalkers <----- massive development... Most complicated AI behaviour in game. The existing stalker is hugely problematic.


    Who says DE needs another Stalker? I've been hearing of the towers packing a unique form of AI capable of mass mind control as a form of defense. This Device is called 'The Neural Sentry,' I happen to wonder what it would look like. More Importantly, how to fight it directly. Based off Lephantis (I think that's how you spell it), The NS is a stationary target. Think 'Brain in a Jar', complete with mounted guns, access to reinforcements(Its the Neural Sentry, remember), traps, and, of course, its own set of Telepathically Transmitted Taunts. I can just now think of it saying "I will not allow you to leave with the Orokin's Secrets.", or "Trust me when I tell you: You don't want to do this." or, for a laugh, maybe "Oh, get out of here and leave me be!" or, "Go on, Clear off!" or perhaps "I'm only doing my job here." What do you guys think?

  15. um... not to punch a hole in the works, but this wouldn't work.... why? Because the Towers are not on planets. They are ships in the void, an inhospitable area of space that is supposed to be hidden.

    There would be no way to survive on a planet based object in the void, as the void is different from normal space in the way it behaves. Think of it almost like a black hole perhaps.

    Well, then don't have it on a planet. Instead, try making a tower with a landing pad connected to it via bridge.

  16. You're definitely not alone in this one.


    No one is alone on this matter. Every time I play a survival for the REAL rewards, I walk away with useless mods, weak Fusion cores, And little bundles of credits that hardly make a difference. I'm sick of it. Straight up sick of it. REAL prizes are Blueprints. REAL prizes are Prime Weapon Parts. What they aren't is what i'm getting. The Drop tables say '1/7'. They mean '1/700'.

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