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Posts posted by (PSN)StoneScorpion197

  1. Right now I hate having to go to do bounties on Cetus. I love Warframe, I think the idea of Cetus and it's beauty is great. I don't think it's good to force people there though because more often than not I leave there with a headache. The loading in and out of that dang door.. Running to try to catch up to everyone as they try to speed through bounties. No opportunities to stop and smell the roses, or scan a rock ;) Bounty and loading glitches, host migrations.. Anyone else feel a tension headache coming on?

    I think one way to greatly improve this area is to move Konzu outside the Cetus door. This way we can stay in an instance and continue choosing bounties. Players can come and go as they want. Require them to call an extraction if you want but that damn door in between little bounties makes me really aggrevated.  I honestly spend more time trying to load in and out than I usually do actually completely the bounty.

    I think another idea is only rarely require the next bounty stage to be more than 100m away.  You gain almost 0 credits from Cetus. You gain almost 0 affinity. All this stress and work isn't rewarding enough. Heck make the bounty stage rewards random per person and allow everyone to select their rewards like we do for relics. Something needs to counteract the work vs reward imbalance.

  2. I'm also highly frustrated by this. I was Soo looking forward to farming these relics with friends and now they're put into a very unstable area of the game.  I tried to run 5 bounties. 3 glitched out, 1 a new player ran ahead and failed and the last wouldn't even load to open the door.

    This area in my opinion is way too new and unstable to host something like this. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Phasedragon said:

    The sword was very reliable. It always slammed on the first attack, and the next attack within a couple seconds is a swing. If you give it a moment to reset you'll always get slams, but if you spam it you'll alternate between slams and swings.

    I did not have this experience. I could stand in place and occasionally hit the melee. Sometimes it would swing, sometimes the slam. Also, when engaging an enemy sometimes their first swing would be a slice, sometimes a slam. Sometimes you'd only take damage from directly under their slam, sometimes you'd be somehow cut with the beginning of the opponents slam while in the process of your slam. Sometimes the lunge for the slam was short, sometimes an opponent covered a huge distance with their slam. I really didn't like the forced distance slam that sometimes was a swing. 

    It just didn't make sense and didn't provide a reliable enough experience for good PvP in my opinion. For me to reach my highest level of PvP I need to know exactly what my controls are going to do when I press them and be able to rely on that to make decisions. This experience seemed to break down to equal parts luck and skill and that's kind of ok but extremely frustrating. I wondered if maybe that was intentional design so no one could be too dominant?

  4. I have been waiting for some time to get despair after having come to love the dread. The dread is such a powerful weapon. I figured that despair must also be great and I love throwing knives.

    Well someone got over on the stalker cause this thing is terrible. I've been saving a mr16 riven with such excitement for the despair blueprint to drop and now I'm confused. What happened? 

    It has slow throwing speed, almost no critical chance, almost no status chance and barely more base damage than the spira prime. I'm not sure how it's supposed to be a good weapon and if it's not than why does the stalker carry it?

  5. So I just finished getting my sculpture. It was pretty fun event. I won several matches and got my butt kicked in a few others. I played the Christmas event and to me this seemed like basically the same thing. I had some feedback to share.

    First thing is the Nikana mechanics. It drove me crazy that they weren't reliable. Sometimes you'd swing and sometimes you'd spin and slam but there didn't seem to be any way to control which would happen. So there was no way to consistently and reliably plan and attack. I was thinking maybe this was done on purpose to"level" the playing field in terms of skill? I'm not sure but I would have preferred the Nikana work just like the one ingame.

    Second, the ability to block to receive reduced damage. This could have made for much greater strategy and led to some epic battles with correctly timed blocks and then counters. Maybe consider automatic lock-on when you begin to block to help the block connect for targeted opponent? 

    Overall, it got me to play some PvP and get some mods but the unreliability of the sword mechanics would probably keep me from playing it. I like the sculpture though :)

  6. 17 hours ago, Xionyde134 said:

    Can you give us some examples as to which abilities fall off? If you're talking about Ember's WoF, ofc it'll do really well to weaker enemies, but as enemies gain more health and more ancient disrupters show up, its damage will fall off. Even CC abilities like Vauban's Bastille and Vortex would fall off. Disrupters reduce the effectiveness of Bastille, while ancient healers stop their allies from becoming ragdolled with Repelling Bastille and Vortex. Even parasitic eximi will cripple Vauban's ability to CC because he depends a lot on being able to spam his abilities.

    The example I had noticed, which I'm pretty certain of, was as enemy levels got much higher Excalibur's blind was no longer 100% effective. Sometimes I'd cast it and some enemies wouldn't be blinded.  

  7. I had a good time playing the pacifism event but it made me think about something.. Several Warframe have abilities that start to become less than 100% successful as enemy level ramps up.. but some can push into level 300-500 enemies and still work 100%.

    What I noticed was that this event turned into simply avoiding event mechanics and enemies to try to keep up with others scores. I personally didn't find that satisfying. It wasn't about how I modded up, which weapons I chose and how we fought the enemy to reach success but how we could avoid doing that.

    This in itself isn't that bad to happen occasionally but then it involved having to choose the same playstyle, with pretty much the same Warframe to compete.

    This led me to consider if this is a good thing or not? The amount of different frames in this game is awesome and everyone seems to have their favorites. Why didn't we all have equal chance to play, enjoy and possibly succeed with our Warframe of choice? Should some Warframe have their abilities start to not work while others always work regardless of enemy level? Food for thought.

  8. On 3/3/2017 at 8:47 AM, Krhymez said:

    This is a horrible design.

    It should have been... acquire "x amount" by the end of the event. Not this "personal best" totals.


    I also agree. I think there should have been two scores for Victory tier, one for clans personal bests (good for people with limited time and full clans) and another much higher score that was cumulative for the week.(good for people with lots of time and then clans that aren't completely full or active have an option)

    I liked the event. It's one of my firsts. My friend and I have our own clan because it's fun to develop the dojo and we managed to get scores around 530. We had time to grind but we would have needed to get 500 people out at once to get the free weapon.

    I feel it would have been nice to see who got the most people out of the ships total. I mean it's nice to get a lot out at once but I imagine the kavors might have appreciated a dedicated team that helped save more of them. :) 

  9. 6 hours ago, Inarticulate said:

    it makes sense that any item implemented after this that uses Nitain Extract will require a greater amount of Nitain Extract to craft. This is because if the developers didn't increase the costs, players would easily be able to obtain large stockpiles, and crafting would be turned into a trivial matter. This is detrimental to player engagement because players no longer have to put in an investment of anything and is ultimately detrimental to game longevity.

    Why not have Nitain Extract degrade over time like argon crystals then?  This way it can not be stockpiled and therefore can't over-run the market? Possibly much slower than argon crystals though.. maybe lose one every 3-4 days if some of the above mentioned alternative avenues for procurement were implemented.

  10. I can relate to what the original poster was saying.  It would be nice to have other reliable methods for attaining things like Nitain, Orokin Reactors and Orokin Catalysts.  I suggested creating a quest to acquire these recipes and then have it require scouring planets for semi-rare plants and resources to craft.  Then allow it to be tradable.  This would give players a reason to further explore planets and collect all the cool plants, give an alternative way to play a character (rare item collector and trader) and give people another possible avenue for procuring something.  


    As long as the amount of work required to craft these items were not too easy.. say about the difficulty of crafting a health restore or so then it would simply be an alternative method and not necessarily an easier one.

  11. Currently these are very difficult to come by unless you spend platinum on them but I noticed that there are a lot of planets that have fauna on them that you can scan and get but seem to have no use for.  I was thinking that it would be nice to give people other options to play in the warframe universe.  For example, say someone wants to focus mostly on searching out and collecting large quantities of rare plants and materials from different planets to be a trader to other players.  Maybe they could go on a quest to get the Nitain recipe or for the Orokin Catalysts or Reactors and then have a fairly difficult time collecting the required ingredients to craft them.  This would give players more options for attaining these things, since they could then be traded and I think as long as they aren't too easy to craft so that most people don't go this route it would give some players a reason to go exploring the planets regularly.

  12. First off I'd like to say I'm really enjoying playing this game.  I was a little uncertain when I first looked at it a couple years ago but it's a blast to play now.  There are however a couple area's that don't quite feel real fun.  The first one is invasions. 


    While the idea of invasions is awesome and it can really add some life to the warframe universe by creating dynamic situations.. the way you currently pick one side and simply replay the same mission three times seems tedious.  I'm not sure if this has always been this way or if other idea's have been tried but I was thinking it might be more enjoyable to go on tours of duty with individual factions.  Simply choose a faction and the length of time/missions you're willing to dedicate to their cause and then have certain end mission rewards along with rewards for the whole tour.  Then the missions could be random or based off of certain planets or territory. Some certain rewards could be faction specific and and some random but there could be small cut-scenes or possible changes that happen based on how many people chose to help certain factions.

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