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  1. average P2W complainer: "oh no somebody help my teammates have too many archon shards he bought" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. i never said that, if you dont want to pay and support a game, then maybe you should find another game? if that way makes you happy then im okay with trading too, then everyone will get mad and say there will be too many bots though, id rather support warframe YESSSSS i forgot to add but incarnons should be buyable as well some of us value our time, if you want to waste your time go watch the grass grow
  3. well wellwell look whos here to share their profound wisdom. if you never understood the concept of saving time andavoiding tedious tasks to enjoy the actual gameplay then perhaps the intricacies of convenience are lost on you. but hey we all have our own pace right? if you enjoy grinding through long, monotonous quests, good for you, not everyone shares your enthusiasm for wasting hours on end. And hey, if you dont like the idea of skipping quests, guess what? you dont have to... some people already know how to left click to shoot a new weapon and dont need a 3 hour tutorial for it. 🤷‍♀️ ah yes the purist, if you enjoy the mind numbing repitition of spending hours on quests just to unlock basic game features more power to you. but lets not pretend that offering buyable archon shards in the market is the same as pay to win. its called choice, something you seem to struggle with. and hey if you dont like it you can always stick to your good ol' grind.
  4. they are buyable but i said from market, but i will be even more specific and say for plat! i like playing missions with OP warframes, what do you like about it?
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